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"The Highwayman." A classic poem.

"The wind was a torrent of darkness among the gusty trees.
The moon was a ghostly galleon tossed upon cloudy seas." Such imagery!!!
never been into poetry.
but il never forget this one.
or why a teacher would share it with a class of primary school kids 😀

The Bastard from the Bush

As the night was falling slowly over city, town and bush,
From a house in Hogan’s Alley came the Captain of the Push,
And his whistle loud and piercing woke the echoes of the Rocks,
And a dozen ghouls came slouching round the corners of the docks,

Then the Captain jerked a finger at a stranger on the kerb,
Whom he qualified politely with an adjective and verb.
Then he made the introduction, “Here’s a covey from the bush,
F**k me blind, he wants to join us, be a member of the Push!”

Then the stranger made this answer to the Captain of the Push,
“F**k me dead, I’m Foreskin Fred, the Bastard from the Bush!
I’ve been to every two-up school from Darwin to the ’Loo,
I’ve ridden colts and black gins, what more can a Bastard do?”

“Are you game to smash a window?” asked the Captain of the Push;
“I’d knock a f**king house down,” said the Bastard from the Bush.
“Would you take a maiden’s baby? asked the Captain of the Push;
“I’d take a baby’s maiden,” said the Bastard from the Bush.

“Would you bash a bloody copper, if you caught the c**t alone,
Would you stoush a swell or chinky, split his garret with a stone,
Would you make your wife a harlot, and swear off work for good?”
Again that bastard’s voice rang out, “My f**king oath, I would!”

“Do you help the girls pick gum leaves?” asked the Captain of the Push;
“No, I hit ’em with the branches!” said the Bastard from the Bush.
“Would you knock me down and rob me?” asked the Captain of the Push;
“I’d knock you down and f**k you!” said the Bastard from the Bush.

“Would you like a cigarette?” asked the Captain of the Push;
“I’ll take the bloody packet,” said the Bastard from the Bush.
Then the Pushites all took counsel, saying “F**k me, but he’s game.
Let’s make him our star basher, and he’ll live up to his name.”

So they took him to their hide-out, that Bastard from the Bush,
And they gave him all the privileges belonging to the Push;
But soon they found his little ways were more than they could stand,
And finally the Captain thus addressed his little band:

“Now listen here you buggers, we’ve caught a f**king tartar;
At every kind of bludgin’ that bastard’s got the starter,
At poker and at two-up he shook our f**king rules,
He swipes our f**king liquor and he robs our f**king girls.”

So down in Hogan’s Alley, all the members of the Push
Laid a dark and dirty ambush for the Bastard from the Bush,
And against the wall of Riley’s pub, the Bastard made a stand,
A nasty grin upon his dial, a bike chain in his hand.

They sprang upon him in a bunch, but one by one they fell,
With crack of bone, unearthly groan and agonizing yell,
Till the sorely battered Captain, spitting teeth and coughing blood,
Held an ear all torn and bleeding in a hand bedaubed with mud.

“You low polluted bastard,” snarled the Captain of the Push,
“Get back to where you come from, that’s somewhere in the bush,
And I hope that vile misfortune may tumble down on you,
May some lousy harlot dose you, till your bollocks turn sky blue.

May the pangs of windy spasms through your aching bowels dart,
May you shit your bloody trousers, every time you try to fart,
May you take a swig of gin’s piss, mistaking it for beer,
May the Push you next impose on, toss you out on your bloody ear.

May the itching piles torment you, may corns grow on your feet,
May crabs as big as spiders attack your balls a treat.
Then, when you’re down and out, and a hopeless bloody wreck,
May you slip back through your arsehole, and break your bloody neck.”
"So let me go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky,
And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by."
ProfessorPlum77 · 70-79, MVIP
@SethGreene531 A timeless classic.
@ProfessorPlum77 Yes, absolutely 😌

You may also like:

"Let my lamp at midnight hour,
Be seen in some high, lonely tower."

-- John Milton


Says the Cap'n to the Crew,
We have slipped the Revenue,
I can see the cliffs of Dover on the lee:
Tip the signal to the Swan,
And anchor broadside on,
And out with the kegs of Eau-de-Vie,
Says the Cap'n:
Out with the kegs of Eau-de-Vie.

Says the Lander to his men,
Get your grummets on the pin,
There's a blue light burning out at sea.
The windward anchors creep,
And the Gauger's fast asleep,
And the kegs are bobbing one, two, three,
Says the Lander:
The kegs are bobbing one, two, three.

But the bold Preventive man
Primes the powder in his pan
And cries to the Posse, Follow me.
We will take this smuggling gang,
And those that fight shall hang
Dingle dangle from the execution tree,
Says the Gauger:
Dingle dangle with the weary moon to see.

ProfessorPlum77 · 70-79, MVIP
@SethGreene531 Thank you. I will check out the one by Milton, for sure.
Petra321 · 22-25, F
Plaiting a dark red love-knot into her long black hair.
ProfessorPlum77 · 70-79, MVIP
@Petra321 I love the line you referenced! Here is another one I like:

"But the landlord's black-eyed daughter,
Bess, the landlord's daughter."

AmmieBell · 18-21, F
I had to memorize that poem last year for school, and definitely cheated by just listening to this song every night to go to sleep. It has almost all of the stanzas lol. [media=https://youtu.be/YGFo0xn4JeY]
ProfessorPlum77 · 70-79, MVIP
@AmmieBell Wow! What in-depth analysis!
Tim's feelings for Bess make him the third member of the love triangle. The point you make about him causing two people to lose their lives is very insightful.
I don't know if I ever considered that maybe she could redirect the muzzle away from her and warn the Highwayman without committing suicide.
You get an "A*."

AmmieBell · 18-21, F
@ProfessorPlum77 I'm a bit of a nerd when it comes to literature and definitely overanalyze😂 But thank you for the A
ProfessorPlum77 · 70-79, MVIP
@AmmieBell Poetry cannot be overanalyzed. 👨‍💼
MasterLee · 56-60, M
One of the best
candycane · 31-35, F
Heres a poem i wrote


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