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Wow 😮 what do your u think?

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TexChik · F
At least he will never be accused of inappropriate conduct with a woman. 😂😂😂
JT123 · M
@TexChik I just wonder who they rented the kids from?
TexChik · F
@JT123 I read that last year. The parents made bank !
496sbc · 36-40, M
Its true. I seen this before
496sbc · 36-40, M
@NoGamesTolerated who knows all inknow it was mike and now its a michelle. With a dingus. Lol
496sbc · 36-40, M
@NoGamesTolerated yep. All a scam
You’d think they’d cough up a pregnant moochelle pic… to stop the speculation….
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout I read that they had never addressed it. They should at least go public and laugh about it if innocent.
They have two daughters- not adopted.
@SW-User well aware they have 2 daughters but so does Michael Jackson have 3 children and none of them biological.
PatKirby · M

Exactly. That's why DNA stands for do not ask😆
@PatKirby Got it! 😆
Oh ffs not this conspiracy theory again 😂
@NoGamesTolerated You don't believe it.......
@BritishFailedAesthetic I assume nothing and I mean nothing! Especially where government is concerned… To tell you the truth, I’ve never thought about MO much at all nor her husband. Never watched him as president and don’t want to remember him. He sunk us low and is still sinking us! And you know what?

I knew he’d do it when he was first voted in his first term. I saw the writing on the wall. I was screaming and kicking when all the peeps were being deceived by his gift of gab.
JT123 · M
It pretty obvious Michelle is a guy. She has bigger muscles than most men. Another democrat hoax.
@JT123 She does look much firmer than him.
JT123 · M
@NoGamesTolerated She has a man's body. I always wondered why liberal's think she's beautiful. She's a beast
@JT123 hahaha 🤭
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout Thats the man that claimed the sugar in Obama’s blood? 😬
PatKirby · M

Don't forget his middle name - Mountain Dew. It's got electrolytes!
PatKirby · M
Didn't he mention in his book how he repeatedly fantasized about having gay sex?
@PatKirby I’ve been reading about all this lately. And there’s a man claiming things too… ya know?
PatKirby · M

They must get all those warm and fuzzy feelings.

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