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He want it to become more difficult for Trump to manage the situation. As Trump promised he will end the war when he becomes President.
It's simple, you want your opponent to fail in his promises, and also land him in more worse scenario, be it funds or war. To hell with the world, humanity or America.
It's simple, you want your opponent to fail in his promises, and also land him in more worse scenario, be it funds or war. To hell with the world, humanity or America.
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he's been a puppet for a long while, i just wonder who's puppet.
4meAndyou · F
@YourMomsSecretCrush He is working for Ukraine, bought and paid for...and also working for China. He has accepted money from the Russians, also...and is in the pocket of Iran. Basically, he will sell out to ANYONE who will pay him.
Gibbon · 70-79, M
They call Trump Hitler and Nazi yet deny what a vindictive angry SOB Biden has always been.
BigGuy2 · 31-35, M
If we don't stop that kind of thing from happening, the people we'll be going after {the Globalists} ... WILL have their finger on the 'button' AND press it before we can break down the door to get at them
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