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First Trump - Biden Debate June 27th.

The DNC is smart having this Early Debate,
Gives them time to switch horses if need be.

Trump is kicking Joe’s ass back to Rehobeth Beach
In the Polls.

Biden can’t debate or campaign on his record
To date.

This Biden DOJ Trump Kangaroo court lawfare
Witch hunt isn’t working.

The DNC had better get someone in the bullpen
Warming up.
Y'all are helping Biden by setting the bar so low. The Right keeps telling us that Biden can barely talk, he doesn't know where he is, can't remember his name. Then when he gives a speech and does well, he ends up looking amazing compared to the expectations. That's what happened with the State of the Union speech.
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Dino11 · M
@BohemianBoo 61% are living paycheck to paycheck,
With $1000 in the bank with maxed out credit cards.

Home loans have went up 50% and people can’t
Afford to buy a new
Car. That’s Bidenomics

Which is why 60% want Trump back in the WH,
51% of the under 35 group want Trump back
With 3% more blacks and Hispanics
Which is why Trump is leading in all the polls
@Dino11 That's nice, but it's all beside the point. Things aren't great, but they're better under Biden than under Trump, and you know this.
The rules of the debates are that your mic goes dead at the end of your allotted time, and your mic goes dead when it's the other guy's turn.

You know and I know that Trump only "debate" tactic is to interrupt and shout people down. The rules Trump agreed to deprive him of his only tactic. Trump is toast.

sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
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Agreed...which is why I think the Ashley Biden diary is under the spotlight. It gives dems a reason to pull the rug out from under Joe.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
You really are delusional. You know that?
Dino11 · M
@LordShadowfire I just follow the polls and
Watch the News (CNN, NYT, Fox)
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@Dino11 I really don't think so. I think you follow the news stories you want to follow.
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@Viper And you'd have to build up a candidate to have more name-recognition than Biden, which there isn't enough time to do. Newsom isn't going to gain so much popularity in the next few months that he'll be more well-known than the current president.

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