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Do you support Biden if so justify this!

If you support Biden and you support his policies have you figured out how much your support has cost you? Well let’s take fuel my truck has a 35 gallon tank I fill it up twice a week. Fuel is 2 dollars more per gallon because of the Executive order reversing Trump policies on oil and gas. That means I I buy about 60 gallons a week so that is $120.00 extra a week this is $6240.00 a year. If this goes for three years that is $18,720.00 in three years. This does not take into account food electric and rents going up also.

Now if he is re-elected you mite as well look at 40,000.00 down the drain. This could have been used to pay down college loans. A purchase of a house or an electric car.
reflectingmonkey · 51-55, M
I'm not American but I know that here in my country and pretty much everywhere on earth prices for gas have gone up, the fact that you think that its because of Biden is kind of funny. so you think if Trump gets reelected the price of gas all over the world will sudenly go down ? 🤭
BlueVeins · 22-25
@dale74 That's not how it works. We can't efficiently refine most of the oil that we produce because most of our oil is light, sweet oil, whereas our refineries are built for the heavy, sour oil. Oil prices notably spiked in 2019 after the Houthis attacked Saudi oil production facilities, albeit much less since it was a much smaller event. The US was never insulated from international oil shocks. It's definitely theoretically possible to do, but it'd be a huge financial investment anyway. So if we're shelling out a shit ton of money, we might as well just switch to transportation systems that don't give children asthma.
dale74 · M
@BlueVeins you're wrong again how many times can you do this in one day we have oil refineries that are sitting idle because they don't have enough oil to refine and yes we import oil to refine it because we have more refinery capacity than anywhere else on Earth.
BlueVeins · 22-25
we have oil refineries that are sitting idle because they don't have enough oil to refine

We do have oil refineries shut down, but that's not the reason why. The refineries got hit hard by the demand shock during the pandemic, and the firms that owned them got financially wrecked.

yes we import oil to refine it because we have more refinery capacity than anywhere else on Earth.

We also have the world's biggest oil consumption and production, so that doesn't really explain it babe. The real explanation is this --

Conversely, the United States has exported crude oil to more destinations because of growing demand for light-sweet crude oil abroad. Several infrastructure changes have allowed the United States to export this crude oil. New, expanded, or reversed pipelines have been delivering crude oil from production centers to export terminals. Export terminals have been expanded to accommodate greater crude oil tanker traffic, larger crude oil tankers, and larger cargo sizes.

More stringent national and international regulations limiting the sulfur content of transportation fuels are also affecting demand for light-sweet crude oil. Many of the less complex refineries outside of the United States cannot process and remove sulfur from heavy-sour crude oils and are better suited to process light-sweet crude oil into transportation fuels with lower sulfur content.

Thanks for citing the EIA by the way, so now you can't credibly deny the fact that it's a good source.
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
They don't care. As long orange man is out of Office and no more mean tweets. That's all it matters for them. Like they care if this Country go up in flames? This is SW.....where the caves are at and they are hungry to bash Trump supporters no matter what the situation is.
BlueVeins · 22-25
Are we still doing this thing where we pretend the president has an oil price dial under his desk? Whatever, I don't know why I expected conservatives to learn about supply and demand over the course of the past 2 years or whatever. Oil prices have always been highly volatile, all the way through to the early 1900s. Someone takes a shit on the other side of the earth and suddenly, huge oil shock and we all get screwed at the oil pump. If we had adopted alternative electricity & efficient transport methods like biden wanted, the oil prices would barely even matter to regular people.

I don't even like Biden, but this is such a hacky argument that I really can't help but shoot it down.
dale74 · M
@BlueVeins you're obviously uneducated about how natural gas works in oil production in the United States yes there is a definite impact from the Middle East. But before Biden took office and when he took office the United States was oil independent we did not import any oil. With him shutting down pipelines permits for new pipelines and permits for replacing old outdated pipelines this has caused the DraStic skyrocketing of fuel prices. Natural gas has never been imported to the United States and is now at close to $11. The highest natural gas it ever been before this president was $3.25 now this is how much it cost based on the British of measurement that gas is measured at. He also is going to cause major environmental impacts because some of those executive orders for oil and gas cease the replacement of older gas pipelines these gas pipelines leak quite a bit the newer ones would not leak as much. I work for an environmental company that actually goes out and inspects our inspections get turned over to the EPA. Go out and research what you're talking about before you speak.
BlueVeins · 22-25
But before Biden took office and when he took office the United States was oil independent we did not import any oil.

Wrong already in the second sentence of your explanation. At this point, conservatives are so divorced from the objective reality of our economic landscape that I don't expect much better. Debunking all of the objectively false things you believe over and over again is such a fucking chore. Hell I had this image saved already from the other 1,000 republicans who've made this same bogus argument to me before you.
look. whats most important is that the big guy gets his 10%
and the crackhead stays off the DOJs target list..
Just go electric, fella, like the rest of us. Go ahead and blame Biden all you like, but fuel prices are sky high everywhere for a multitude of reasons, NONE of which are to do with Biden personally. If you think they're coming down any time soon then good luck :)
dale74 · M
@SW-User to make a lithium ion battery pack for an electric car cost more than the cost of the fuel a small car of comparable size would ever burn it's just being used in another country because we don't have lithium mines in the United States that can produce enough lithium for car batteries. Why don't you look up how many gallons of oil go into a windmill and what the average life expectancy of a windmill is and how often that oil needs to be changed also look at the energy production of that windmill. Then solar panels they only have a 15 to 30 year life average life expectancy is 20 years. Windmills and solar panels don't work very well when the wind's not blowing and the sun's not shining. Why don't you look at where the majority of your electricity comes from. Dirty Little secret you are electricity comes from cole most likely. Now I have no problem with us cleaning up the environment and making cheap affordable energy but that same progressive mentality back in the '80s made them cancel nuclear power nuclear power is the cleanest most efficient less byproduct energy producer ever created and until they can come out with cold fusion it will remain The top energy producer.
to make a lithium ion battery pack for an electric car cost more than the cost of the fuel a small car of comparable size would ever burn
No longer true. Most batteries now currently cost around $3000 and are guaranteed for at least 8 years. By then most people have probably changed their regular cars. Also, if you think fuel prices are going down any time soon, think again. Nowadays you will spend FAR more than that fuelling a regular car and prices will only go higher. EV batteries by contrast, are only going one way in price...⏬

Why don't you look up how many gallons of oil go into a windmill and what the average life expectancy of a windmill is and how often that oil needs to be changed also look at the energy production of that windmill
Lots of things need oil to keep them going including wind turbines. That won't change for a while. However, you're conveniently forgetting one crucial fact: oil may be extracted to make windmills, but it will not be burned...

Windmills and solar panels don't work very well when the wind's not blowing and the sun's not shining.
That's what batteries are there for, just like gas reserves, etc. And battery storage is getting cheaper all the time.

Dirty Little secret you are electricity comes from cole most likely.
My electricity supplier is 100% renewable.

nuclear power is the cleanest most efficient less byproduct energy producer ever created and until they can come out with cold fusion it will remain The top energy producer.
Nope. Nuclear power is the only source of energy that has actually become more expensive over the last few years. Nuclear power stations cost BILLIONS to build, and years, sometimes even a decade or more, before they come online. Also, they are not "clean". They produce nuclear waste.

Unfortunately, cold fusion is probably impossible, or decades away at best.

Right now, renewables such as onshore wind and solar power are cheaper per kWh than any fossil fuel in most countries, and offshore wind is rapidly catching up. The trouble is, governments are in thrall to the fossil fuel companies and are paying handsome subsidies to keep their businesses going. Once governments withdraw subsidies to fossil fuel companies they are done. Renewable energy doesn't need handouts.

They're also ignoring the fact that thousands of onshore wind turbines and PV panels can be built quickly and cheaply .They are ignoring this because a few people in their political heartlands don't want them in their backyards.

I'm sorry but the internal combustion engine is done for. Increasing numbers of countries, including the US, have now passed the 5% per year mark in EV sales where extremely rapid uptake becomes inevitable, rather like the smartphone. The classic S-shaped curve.

Within 10 years, EVs will be in the majority in most countries. Embrace it :)
People are dumbasses if they think that canceling oil production in a country doesn't raise the cost of oil in that country.
You have raised up the foreigners now.
You have to be young if you don’t remember the bush 43 fuel prices without a war. You also forget that the national deficit was started by Reagan and bush 41 who start up the kitty with $6 trillion for guess what, to break up the Soviet Union and now you are triggered because you have to pay more for fuel.
At least you don’t have to put your life on the line.
Still smiling because of the blue wave!
dale74 · M
@SomeLikeItHot so what are you going to do when waves do as waves do and that blue wave goes back out the sea and the Red Wave comes in...... Keep smiling it's just the will of the people.
You must be smoking some good stuff.
TrumpIsFinallyGone · 41-45, M
I feel much better about that than the $30 million dollars in damage the Republicans caused during their January 6th attack which the taxpayers now have to compensate for.
@dale74 Ukraine is a democracy.
Russia attacked unprovoked.
We spent 6 trillion of our deficit breaking them up in the 80s. It doesn’t make sense to sit idly by while putin attacks them.
dale74 · M
@SomeLikeItHot we didn't spend $6 trillion dollars just breaking up Russia don't know where you heard that but it just didn't sell a lot of that money went to form the VA medical center reform helping our injured troops receive better medical Care a lot of it also went to build six nuclear aircraft carriers giving us world supremacy in military. He also increased our GDP from two trillion a year to roughly 8 trillion a year that's like going from a job that pays you $20,000 a year to a job that pays you $80,000 a year because GDP is all the money that's earned by US citizens and corporations there's also increase the standard of living in the United States second to none at the time.
@dale74 Reagan and the trickle down theorists had us borrow money we didn’t have. They tried to spend $1 trillion on space junk but good Democrats stopped the Republican runaway spending. How old were you in 1980? You have very poor recall!
Theyitis · 36-40, M
Let’s say for argument’s sake that Biden’s executive order did in fact cause the rise in gas prices, which is not a point I’m willing to concede. Can you put a price tag on clean air, clean water, healthy environment? Pollution makes people sick and live shorter lives.
dale74 · M
@Theyitis most of his executive orders defeat that. I work for an environmental company who inspect oil and gas companies. Some of the thing he did that skyrocketing prices was; under Trump many pipelines were required to be upgraded and we're being upgraded but then he cancels the pipeline and the permits for upgrading this also means some of those old pipelines are still being used. Some of these natural gas pipelines have leaks the newer pipelines would have been stronger more environmentally friendly with modern connections greatly reducing the leakage rate. He also stopped pipelines that were going to new well systems where the oil comes from without a pipeline that oil or gas would have to be trucked out this defeats the purpose of saving money when you have to load it on a truck to transport it it triples the price because you now have to pay for the truck and the driver. It's simple things like these that have skyrocketed price.
Zonuss · 46-50, M
Gas prices are going down
Biden has nothing to do with this.
It's been this way for over 50 years.
It's not gonna change.
dale74 · M
@Zonuss wake me when they get back to $1.89
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I’m retired military.
I EARNED my pension!

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