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Crooked Hillary Compares Testifying About Dead Americans She Failed to Protect in Benghazi to President Trump Not Testifying in NYC About His Taxes

Yesterday Hillary Clinton bragged about testifying on four dead Americans in Benghazi under her watch while criticizing President Trump for not testifying about his taxes in NYC.

Hillary Clinton’s hypocrisy is astounding.

Clinton’s State Department failed to protect Christopher Stevens, an Ambassador to Libya, and Sean Smith, a diplomat and information management officer in Benghazi, Libya, resulting in their deaths.

We also lost two retired Navy SEALs, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty on the night of September 11, 2012, because of Hillary Clinton’s refusal to send help.

When the survivors of that nights attack eventually made it to Germany, Obama and Hillary fired them and they had to make their way back home. [Maybe THAT is where Biden learned about abandoning citizens and allies.]

During her testimony in front of the Senate about the lives lost in Benghazi, Hillary famously responded to Senator Ron Johnson from Wisconsin: What difference at this point does it make?
AbbeyRhode · F
When you've murdered as many people as that demonic hag has, human life means nothing.
PatKirby · M
Heartlander · 80-89, M
The decision to not rescue Americans in Benghazi was made long before the attack. But admitting so wouldn't serve her or the Obama administration politically.

When the fire department gets a call with but with incomplete details, they don't sit at the fire station awaiting more information, They jump in their fire truck and head to the fire, and gather more information along the way.

With Benghazi there was no decision to launch a rescue effort. They were told to stand down. The people at Benghazi were intentionally sacrificed in the interest of not risking an escalation.

After the incident they tried to cover their tracks with a story about a video.
Heartlander · 80-89, M
@Oster1 Oh yes, that was the brief version.

In that part of the world, the idea that there aren't emergency rescue personnel, on alert 24/7, would itself be incomprehensible.
PatKirby · M

I took this shot of a sign posted on a cotton trailer between rural towns about a month before Hillary's loss to Trump in 2020.

These folks are evil and should be incarcerated for their treasonous crimes against people and country.
Oster1 · M
@PatKirby Absolutely! Please read my other comment to Heartlander. I need to reply back, to him. I missed his comment, to me.
[image/video deleted]
graphite · 61-69, M
@stratosranger Accuracy.
IM5688 · 61-69, M
Hillary is a true democrat...rules for thee, not for me.
Hillary is pure evil and only cares about prestige, money, power and of course, being the first woman potus. She will stop at nothing to get what she wants and will dispose of anyone that gets in her way.
Of course, Pelosi is of the same evil mold. She is just as evil as Hillary, and wants all the same things as Hillary, but Pelosi evil has accomplished evil while Hillary's evil has accomplished nothing.
Notice that Hillary is also a political career failure just as Biden/Harris are.
I guess the democrats have nothing or no one better to offer.
Heartlander · 80-89, M
I'm still stuck on the Mena, Arkansas, episode.

Will we ever know what happened there with Barry Seal, the CIA, Bush, Clinton? Seal's assignation? Hosenfus, Southern Air Transport, etc.?

Still to this day it sounds like the creepiest episode in American politics. Like the marriage of politicians from both parties with the drug cartels and Latin American dictators. That the media ignored all that makes it even creepier.
Heartlander · 80-89, M
@Oster1 Thanks for that reminder. Even today, Hot Springs' tourist attraction is based on its gangster and hoodlum history.
Oster1 · M
@Heartlander Oh yes, Hot Springs, too! I wanted to say that, earlier! 🙂
Heartlander · 80-89, M
@Oster1 We spent a long weekend at nearby Lake Hamilton a few years ago. A few of the old bath houses in Hot Springs are still open, all to provide an interesting peek back into the 1930s.
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
I'm not at all concerned about the tax returns of a billionaire who became president, I'm more concerned about the tax returns of broke democrats that became politicians then became millionaires...
graphite · 61-69, M
@wildbill83 Don't worry - they launder it through family members and the like, to keep it out of their tax returns. When Biden, asked how much money he and Hunter made in Ukraine, says, "I released my tax returns!" he knows these ill-gotten gains don't have to be reported on his taxes.
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
@graphite a list of democrats (and their family's) campaign supporters, political donations, etc. would be far more interesting than tax returns...
Most especially where that money is coming from @wildbill83
graphite · 61-69, M
Nobody gives a sh** about Trump's taxes except the crooked Democrats and their crooked media who want to see them to get dirt.
SlaveEt · 36-40, F
I hate that witch and her rotten husband. They are selfish, arrogant, stupid and evil.
Slade · 56-60, M
@SlaveEt x 1000+
Oster1 · M
Shameful. So many could care less what happened, and worse, would defend it. 😔
Oster1 · M
@Heartlander Oh I understood. Your EMS analogy was great! I certainly did not mean to come across, in a condenscending manner. You are absolutely right.

The big picture was the total destruction of Gaddafi and Libya.

Libya was the most literate, per capita, in the ME.
They had a high quality of life, per capita
Libya had the highest quality of 'sweet' crude oil, much higher than SA.
Much like Lincoln and Kennedy, Gaddafi wanted to get away from the
Central Banks and US World Reserve Currency.

Every oil trading, had to be in US Dollars, the only thing, keeping our economy afloat. That deal was made when Nixon, took us off the Gold
Sandard. Now others are getting away from USWRC. This is what BRICS, is
all about. Gaddafi had accumulated his own, massive Gold reserve, to start
his own, independent Libyan economy. Central Bankers and the US, were not going to let that happen.

The fire fight battle at the Embassy, in Benghazi was acually a coverup to hide a massive illegal arms sale, to Al-Queda/ISIS, and to have Amb. Stevens, taken out, along with Gaddafi, in plausible denial. Libyan gold was looted. Libya was desroyed. They for now, got away with it.

On that night, the Military was ordered to stand down. Retired SF, were pinned on a roof, pleading for help and taking casualies (your 'EMS'), US fighter jets were on a tarmac in Italy, just minutes away. To this day, many regret, obeying that order.

Please read all you care to, about Kris 'Tanto' Paronto, and the movie/doc.
"13 Hours"

I could write so much more, but wanted to write a brief summary.
There is so much more.
Heartlander · 80-89, M

Oh, I appreciate your contribution and enlightenment.

My own history there dates back 40+ years ago as a sort of casual in and out visitor when I was serving as a USAF pilot. My memory of the crisp voices of Tripoli Approach Control and the tower sounded more like we were joining British Airways than approaching North Africa. I also sensed a highly disciplined order and devotion as they brought everything to a quiet standstill at prayer hour. I only had the opportunity to venture into Tripoli proper a couple of times, and at Benghazi I don't believe I ever ventured beyond the airport. Though things have likely changed over the years, I have or had a pretty good sense of US/NATO resources scattered nearby.

Also as I recall, Libya at the time (40 years ago) was also the location of the NATO live firing range for practice and training during the cold war, and there was a constant stream of NATO pilots and attack aircraft practicing active warfare there. And that, along with the WW2 history of being used and trampled by Alied and Axis troops would have been annoying to some of the Libya people who justifiably may have felt infringed on with lingering aftertaste until today.

Another consideration is the general distrust that modern leftist US politicians have for the military, and more specifically the Clintons; that they would be reluctant to surrender oversight and control to an onsite rescue team commander or team. We saw evidence of this at Mogadishu as well as the Maersk Alabama (Captain Phillip) incident. Modern in contrast to Johnson, Truman and Roosevelt.

I'll read your references. Thanks.
Oster1 · M
@Heartlander Thank you, for your insightful reply. I loved reading it, several times and enjoyed your first person portrayal. I bet that was really something, to see, then. Please tell me, what aircraft, you were flying. I'm an Aviation enthusiast.

Yes, I'm very well aware of the historic nature of the situations and conflicts, you address, and could not possibly, agree more! It's ironic how the left, has an affinity for war, but still disdain, for the military, now.

I truly enjoy interacting with you and learning, from your experiences.

Thank you, for your add, and I look forward, to many more interactions.

I also want to thank you, for your service, to our great country.

I also feel, you must be disappointed at times, as well.

Just know, my door is alwa's open to you, and with much respect for you, Sir.

Please have a wonderful weekend.😊
@wildbill83 Oooh what next? I am rubber, you are glue? 🤣
DavidT8899 · 22-25, M
@wildbill83 Do me a favor?Explain to me exactly how that card works with the white West Virginian coal miners directly compared to,lets say,BEYONCÉ.Then Ill take what you are saying seriously.
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
Someone should tell her: This isn’t 2016 and that she is irrelevant.
As Secretary of State she failed, her boss Obama failed, our military was made to fail regarding rnghazi.She fell on the sword for Obama over Benghazi. IMO they let this happen and we’re given a pass.
The difference between her testimony and Trump’s not testifying; either way, no four lives were lost under Trump’s circumstances , including an American ambassador.
And no one could blame Trump for a contrived video, the way Obama’s administration decided to spin this tragedy.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
She’s mouthing off a lot for someone who was very lucky. Just like that Kyle Rittenhouse kid .
@Slade HDS 😂
PatKirby · M
How dare you, that would be an insult to the toilet!
Slade · 56-60, M
@PatKirby indeed!
graphite · 61-69, M

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