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hippyjoe1955 · 70-79, M
I was firmly in the camp of contrails not chem trails until I looked at the sky and noticed the 'contrails were in a neat grid pattern and there were 14 of them visible at once. I lived in an area that has very low air traffic volume so when I saw this pattern day after day after day the idea that those were contrails kind of faded. Well that and the years I spent observing contrails and noticing how much time it took between generation and dissipation and then seeing how these new trails lasted for much much longer..... Yeah they are chemtrails. They are into weather modification. They don't even hide it anymore and you will sometimes see in the notams a caution to pilots of weather modification in progress.
Castenmas · M
@hippyjoe1955 Irrelevant to the post…but that’s nice you think that.
hippyjoe1955 · 70-79, M
@Castenmas You were the one that brought up chemtrails. I was simply pointing out that there is good reason to think that chemtrails are not just a conspiracy theory. As for the picture you posted I have no proof that it isn't AI generated. As it is SpaceX uses liquid methane as its rocket fuel. Methane is natural gas and as such it quickly breaks down and becomes carbon dioxide. If not the world would explode from farts.

SeekingConnection · 61-69, M
Very interesting. I've never seen such a thing before.
Morvoren · F
I heard about it in the radio while I was getting ready for work.
gol979 · 41-45, M
Where did you get that photo.....looks fake as.

And for the record chemtrails are called stratospheric aerosol injection/cloud seeding/geo engineering
gol979 · 41-45, M
@SeekingConnection just to clarify, you think stratospheric aerosol injection/geo engineering/c!oud seeding is twaddle?
SeekingConnection · 61-69, M
@gol979 That it has been done experimentally, decades ago, I have no doubt. It doesn't follow that the condensation trails produced by every aircraft in every country on the planet are part of some insane conspiracy of the global elite to...do what, exactly?
gol979 · 41-45, M
@SeekingConnection i didnt say every aircraft.....thats a misrepresentation. I said the correct names for chemtrails.

Again for clarification, you think that geo engineering was tried decades ago but it doesnt happen now?
I would have assumed that the sky was buffering 🤔

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