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How come Trump doesn't talk about building his wall anymore?

When Trump was running in 2016 he promised to build a big beautiful 30 foot high brick wall across the entire US border.
But that brick wall turned out to be fence that Trump claimed was un penetrability.
But it turned out that that fence could be cut threw with a $10 hacksaw or pried apart with a 5 foot long pry bar. And the fence was only a couple of hundred feet long.
I figure if Trump used all the money he spent on the wall to hire more border patrol it would have been more effective. Cheers and happy weekend!
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Speaking of tariffs he wants to place on other countries we get medications from other countries I guess the cost of medications will rise up? A bottle of Mucinex is made guess where? Mexico any smartphones, computers etc will cost you, now correct me if I'm wrong and I will accept it.
JollyRoger · 70-79, M
And.... speaking about Border Patrol: Where does tRump get off telling Canada that we have to protect his northern border?? If he wants it protected, he just as well might want to build another wall. That way, it protects both sides of the border.
Actually, tRump is very good at building walls where the rest of the western world tries to build consensus.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
Because now he's talking about lowering grocery prices. He "discovered" the word "groceries," you know. No one used that word until he came along. On a side note... he has also suddenly "discovered" lowering prices is complicated and not really all that important anyway. Besides, he's busy building a wall of incompetence to surround him.
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TheShanachie · 61-69, M
Tromp actually has far more lucrative opportunities to line both his and his associates pockets with than that wall fraud thing, but don’t worry I’m sure they’ll get back to that one eventually.
Fa8393 · 41-45, M
Anyone that supports trump should know what he is plannig to do .
DocSavage · M
Biden put the parts up for sale.
JollyRoger · 70-79, M
@DocSavage I like that! Better than letting it go to rot.
Mr. tRump (no respect) should think before speaking. And the people who listen to him should think before acting.
TrashCat · M
@DocSavage We're gonna use the parts to build concentration camps for CEO concen... Protection facilities
DonaldTrumpet · 70-79, M
tHEz uFOz wiLLz captURES the MexicaNz andZ taKeZ em BcaKz to TacO landZ
eli1601 · 70-79, M
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JollyRoger · 70-79, M
@jshm2 I agree
Those crossing the border are genuine asylum seekers in the most part.
. The problem with the US borders (south and north) seems to be the lack of the USA Border Patrol /Immigration system to process the people who come up against it in a fair and timely manner.
For example (and I'm not saying that it's working perfectly): Canada too screens the people who apply for refugee status. They are permitted to be in Canada while that screening process is being done. IF/WHEN they are found to be criminals or linked to terrorism then they are deported to the country from which they applied for refuge - in other words, they lied on their application forms and are refused entry. Yes, some do hide; yes, some do sneak into the USA but most (and that is the liars) get deported.
Now, tRump is saying that the number coming to the USA from Canada is very high.... yet he has no numbers! AND, The process is reciprocal too: refugees in the USA do come to Canada and they may be criminals who know the USA will deport them so that's why they sneak up to us. We each have the same problem. ONLY: tRump is using examples rather than numerical statistics to say that the problem is caused by Canada. And: Despite all the rhetoric that tRump is spouting, both enforcement agencies on each side of the US/Canada border work in close cooperation - even alerting each other when either one sees a pending illegal entry about to occur. Whether the other agency can react quickly enough to apprehend the illegals is another question. And Canada is working on our end of that problem.... IS the USA working to bolster the effectiveness of it's border agency along our Canadian border to apprehend the illegals we warn them about?
PS: I did this type of work during my career!
PPS: It is NOT Canada's responsibility to apprehend people trying to enter the USA from our border - that is the responsibility of US enforcement agencies.
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