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It seems like I’ve read some articles about why it makes sense for the working class to support Trump

And the only thing that really stuck with me is that the Left are a bunch of insufferable knowitalls. Did I miss anything?
Ynotisay · M
You didn't miss if you read those things on manipulative, lying, right wing propaganda "media" sites. Which I'm sure you did. It's what ignorant people are fed and what they believe.
How else do you get people to kiss the hand that beats them?
ESPECIALLY given the hard facts and data that shows that what you read to be the exact opposite of the truth.
Some allow themselves to be manipulated. I guess they like it. Maybe it's easier for them. If they don't have self-respect, and need to live with enemies to blame for their own shit, it makes sense they wouldn't take the extra step to get to the truth. Kind of sad and pitiful but what are you gonna' do?
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
The working class doesn't all support Trump. A section of them do. Similar to Brexit in the UK.

Though this is a thing and a bad thing for the left.

The right (and this happens internationally) has been successful at re-framing class in cultural terms: as opposed to economic terms.

I see class in economic terms and will fight on that ground all day long but this guy is on to something in terms of perceptions:

Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@sree251 I'm on the left. I am kind of from a working-class background (crossed with lower-middle). I am considered culturally middle-class because of my education. Neither proud nor ashamed of any of the above.

I am also fascinated by what other people think and why. Including people who are not like me.
Theyitis · 36-40, M
@Burnley123 I watched the video. It just reinforces my perception that there’s no way for a middle class left winger like me to win. No matter what the working class is going to think you hate them and look down on them.
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Vin53 · M
@Nimbus So you want to see violent crime sky rocket, the stock market crash, unemployment spike and the price of bread drop 12¢, got it.
Bumbles · 51-55, M
The pull of Trump to non-college white men is powerful indeed. In a recent poll, 60% of Teamsters support Trump. That matches non-college white men nationwide. Being in a union doesn't seem to matter. Trump will appoint anti-union men to the NLRB -- also, no matter. Biden stood on a picket line with the UAW. Didn't change anything.

Trump makes uneducated white men feel good. That's all that matters.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
Point of order. No such article exists...😷
Elessar · 26-30, M
There isn't a single entity you can properly define left. Only a conglomerate of disappointed single issue voters that are at each other's throats and won't work together while the two rightwings prosper.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
There isn't a single entity you can properly define left.

You can!

Though it would take all day to thrash out and nobody would completely agree. 🤣

You can talk about the left in broad terms though.
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Onasander · 41-45, M
The left hates the working class.
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Theyitis · 36-40, M
@Onasander Marx and Stalin were very different people. I admire Marx in some ways but not Stalin.
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The Left became too woke, so I changed all my opinions about everything.
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