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Will Trump whine about his probation officer?

Moments after his verdict, a court clerk gave Trump a Court Order for Investigation and Report. The form directs Trump to report immediately to the department of probation. Conducted by a city probation officer these brief interviews are then memorialized in a "pre-sentencing report that both sides and the judge see shortly before the sentencing. Pre-sentencing reports include input from prosecutors and make a recommendation to the judge for what punishment including jail, probation, fines, and community service would be appropriate. He'd also be asked if he has any health, substance abuse, or domestic violence issues and whether he owns a firearm. During the rest of the interview, Trump would be offered the chance to speak about his conviction and make a plea for leniency. It's perfectly fine to say the matter is on appeal, and I maintain my innocence. What's not fine is to say the judge is corrupt and the jury is corrupt or anything about the witnesses. If he does submit to a pre-sentencing interview in the next month or so Trump would not have an attorney with him as he sits face-to-face with a probation officer. Cheers!
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
I can't believe Trump and the speaker of the house can get away with the slander they have spoken. If I was the judge, I would sue him for defamation.
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bookerdana · M
@JimboSaturn [media=]

the lonnng version
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@JimboSaturn I don't know American law and Court procedure in detail but although I doubt a judge can sue a defendant - or indeed any witness - for defamation; I gather the charge of Contempt of Court can be used.

In this case the defendant did seem determined to have been his own worst enemy by being so openly disrespectful of the entire proceedings. Usually, defendants are keen for their own advantage to follow the rules and respect the Court, especially when trying to bolster a plea of innocence, or at least in hoped-for mitigation.
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
And I'm sure Trump will make them sign an NDA.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Is a pig's аss pork?
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