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Unfounded Rumor from the Rumor Mill: Is Trump backing AOC's Senate race in New York?

A friend of mine said he "heard" it somewhere. I don't trust what he reads or hears...and can't find any corroboration on the internet.

As I told my friend, it would be a Machiavellian move if true. Not sure if AOC's supporters would abandon her in horror, or if this move would make her MORE popular in her district among those whose minds are as twisty as mine.

Is this just total BS from the BS factory?
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Let’s ask her…
[image/video deleted]
…looks like she’s confused!!
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
I dont know how she ever got where she is🤦‍♂️
ron122 · 41-45, M
Trump having some fun messing with AOC.
@ron122 I hope he does it (while not donating enough to have an effect). It will give the impression he owns her. LOLOLOLOLOLOL
checkoutanytime · 41-45, M
The the Democrates need a dingy, so if True makes sense.
checkoutanytime · 41-45, M
@4meAndyou i wish i were joking, the know nothings was a real thing. With AOC in the Senate, is proof history repeats.
ItsSteve · 46-50, M
@checkoutanytime They were a party, but not very much like AOC. They were really strict anti-immigration, anti-Catholic nativists.
@4meAndyou dingbat is right. That numbskull is my rep
Funny to think about a Trump psyop to torpedo AOC.
It would be great as a mere FU to that shitstain Schumer and his talentless Miss Piggy niece
@4meAndyou His district has been changed
4meAndyou · F
@SW-User Yay for progress!
@SW-User I’ve heard that she’s been eyeing up his seat like a leg of lamb. Given what she did defeating a 10 year incumbent, don’t put anything past her.

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