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Sweet. Won't be enough though. Biden needs to galvanise the Democrats who stayed at home last time. They were what lost Hillary the election, not Trump's base.
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
@SW-User Trump himself said that recently, that Sanders is far more liked by the democratic base than Biden is. Personally I think Sanders lost the primary because people gave in too much to this concept of "electability" and chose the candidate they thought everyone else was gonna choose. Kinda like that thing in middle school when everyone wore a stupid looking fashion trend not cos they liked it but cos they thought everyone else was wearing it so they had to as well or else they wouldn't fit in. And then everyone is wearing the same thing but nobody actually likes it.
cuppatea · 31-35, F
@BlueMetalChick I think a better analogy would be kids following the big fat mindless bully because they are too afraid to stand up and say ... NO. Why are you listening to anything Trump has to say? LOL
bijouxbroussard · F
@RedFlower Unfortunately, few knew him.
bijouxbroussard · F
I love this, and it’s different from any previous campaign. It’s like I was explaining to a friend offline, this is huge, and these people for the most part are still conservatives, still Republicans—that’s their platform.
They just don’t want Trump representing them. And they are willing to vote Democrat this year to get rid of him.
Gregory Cheadle, the man Trump referred to as “my African American” finally woke up and not only said he was no longer supporting Trump but announced he was leaving the GOP to go back to being an Independent “because under Trump the Republicans seem focused on a ‘whites-only’ agenda” (No sh*t, Sherlock 🙄)
And then, of course, there’s the Lincoln Project, which is giving a lot of people the courage to speak out. But as others have said, it's still too close for Dems to take anything for granted, especially in the swing states. Anyone who abstains this election, is a defacto Trump supporter. And they cannot claim otherwise.
They just don’t want Trump representing them. And they are willing to vote Democrat this year to get rid of him.
Gregory Cheadle, the man Trump referred to as “my African American” finally woke up and not only said he was no longer supporting Trump but announced he was leaving the GOP to go back to being an Independent “because under Trump the Republicans seem focused on a ‘whites-only’ agenda” (No sh*t, Sherlock 🙄)
And then, of course, there’s the Lincoln Project, which is giving a lot of people the courage to speak out. But as others have said, it's still too close for Dems to take anything for granted, especially in the swing states. Anyone who abstains this election, is a defacto Trump supporter. And they cannot claim otherwise.
cuppatea · 31-35, F
@bijouxbroussard Well said ❤️
@BlueMetalChick Well, I'm not sure we trust what Trump thinks, now do we? 😉. However, I don't think Bernie's support was as great as people thought.
Seeing that Biden started snowballing support after he won South Carolina, I think that Bernie's support in 2016 was so great was because people wanted an alternative to Hillary because they just didn't like her.
People FAR prefer Biden to Hillary, which is why I think Bernie's support largely fell away.
Seeing that Biden started snowballing support after he won South Carolina, I think that Bernie's support in 2016 was so great was because people wanted an alternative to Hillary because they just didn't like her.
People FAR prefer Biden to Hillary, which is why I think Bernie's support largely fell away.
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
I always like to see someone not voting for Trump but at the same time, most of the republicans who have abandoned Trump have done so for the wrong reasons.
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
So you are against free speech? Grow up.
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
@MrBrownstone Well, Trump does support the AAA which violates freedom of speech not only in principle but even in legality. It assigns a legal penalty to the action of boycotting Israel's government. That's a legal violation of First Amendment protections of freedom of speech.
JovialPlutonian · 36-40, M
Yeh but there’s about a hundred sheep to every one woke lol