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I Hate Donald Trump

Donald J. Trump
....Actually, throughout my life, my two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart. Crooked Hillary Clinton also played these cards very hard and, as everyone knows, went down in flames. I went from VERY successful businessman, to top T.V. Star.....
12:27 PM - Jan 6, 2018

Donald J. Trump
✔@realDonaldTrump President of the United States (on my first try). I think that would qualify as not smart, but genius....and a very stable genius at that!
12:30 PM - Jan 6, 2018

Mate, you appeared on Apprentice for little more than ten minutes per episode and a number of your businesses failed spectacularly. You are “like, really smart” as much as a sewer rat is like a cuddly toy. The thing is, sewer rats can display a basic level of intelligence…………a cuddly toy…………not so much.

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smmartydude · 41-45, M
And yet he's the leader of the free world, and you are?
Wiiiiiiiiii · 51-55, M
@bijouxbroussard yes because she and Germany are doing so well.
@Wiiiiiiiiii WE have the 21st century's equivalent of Hitler, though.
room101 · 51-55, M
@smmartydude You don't know who Angela Merkel is and yet you feel qualified to call yourself a smart dude and to comment on politically themed posts. Yeah right.

@Wiiiiiiiiii Pray tell why Germany is not doing well. They have the fourth highest GDP in the world, the second ranked being the EU of which Germany has the highest. And, they have a person at the helm who actually knows what she's talking about on any given topic. Meanwhile you have a moron who can barely put together a coherent sentence.
katielass · F
lmfao... glad he still makes you jealous.
room101 · 51-55, M
@katielass it is funny. what's even funnier is that you still buy into his crap. poor deluded fool that you are.
DanielChristensen · 46-50, M
Lol Apprentice and Celebrity Apprentice were his true election campaign. He sits in a high back chair, looking imperious, making decisions.
He uses good words!!
room101 · 51-55, M
@SW-User yeah, he has the BEST words in the entire history of words 😒
Scribbles · 36-40, F
Are these some of Trump's tweets? Be careful you don't risk permanent brain damage from reading too many of those, you know. 😏
Scribbles · 36-40, F
@room101 😂👍
Scribbles · 36-40, F
@room101 Maybe you should give that health warning about Trump to jackjackson and katielass (what crawled up their butts about your story post?). But I'm guessing you'll say it's too late for them.
room101 · 51-55, M
@Scribbles Neither of them can handle being challenged about their obsession with the great orange nutjob that they voted for. It's all rather sad to be honest.
katielass · F
obamacare covers mental health for those delusions you're having.
smmartydude · 41-45, M
@room101 I would...but when do you think we will EVER get someone in office who cares about ALL Americans and is also honest and forthcoming about everything?
katielass · F
@smmartydude He doesn't like the truth and can't comprehend common sense. He can, however, see when he's out of his league and that's when he gets all prissy.
room101 · 51-55, M
@katielass Wrong yet again. Don't you get tired of being wrong over and over and over again.

I get "all prissy" whenever I lose patience and interest with the ramblings of idiots who are too dumb to know the truth when it slaps them in the face.

@smmartydude If you're looking for absolutes, you'll never find such a politician. If your country continues to put profit above social conscience, you'll never find such a politician. However, if you wake up to what the rest of the developed world has been waking up to for decades, you'll be able to see him or her when they appear on your political stage.

Sadly, people like katielass will never see anything other than their demented delusions. Hey, maybe Medicare will cover that for her too, but we'll all have to wait until 1st April to find out.
BlueRain · 51-55, F
Good thing you aren’t in the US.
room101 · 51-55, M
@BlueRain It certainly is 👍
Wiiiiiiiiii · 51-55, M
Feel free to stay home and not worry about it.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
[image/video deleted]
room101 · 51-55, M
@jackjjackson yes and glue perishes rubber. like I said, ineptitude
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
[image/video deleted]
room101 · 51-55, M
@jackjjackson Above are tweets posted by your moron in chief you numbskull. There's nothing fake about them.

He's an idiot. You're an idiot. All of his supporters are idiots. Face it. Deal with it. Own it.
strongbow · 46-50, M
Love what he's doin so far.. we're lucky to have him as commander in chief
room101 · 51-55, M
@Jackaloftheazuresand It's been 19hours since you posted your pathetic attempt at ridicule and 11hours since I replied. And you still haven't been able to come up with anything better. But, before you embarrass yourself further, consider this:

If Kim Jong-un gave a crap about anything that the orange moron had to say, would he still be continuing with his nuclear program and his ICBM tests.

Bloody hell, you lot get dumber by the day.
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
@room101 Oh, I'm really befuddled by your reaction. That must have stung to evoke that from you. Well there you go, nobody cares so there is no threat from playing chicken.

Secondly, I'm not on this site 24/7, sheesh you expect me to be on here for nine hours after I post just to wait for your response. Oh mighty king, I'm sorry I'm not at your beck and call.

Wipe the froth from your mouth and think about how you contradicted yourself on this very post. Kim either cares and the chicken games are a threat or he doesn't so what Trump does is of no concern, which is it?
room101 · 51-55, M
@Jackaloftheazuresand I don't expect you to be on 24/7. Why would I care. I simply found it hilarious that all you trumpettes were so quick to jump to the defence of your orange moron.

Yeah, that other idiot in North Korea is so concerned about the great orange one that he's happy to call his bluff every time your idiot in chief goes into a tweeter rage. Isn't that what playing chicken requires, to have a disregard for what the other guy is doing and saying. Clearly you play it differently in 'murica. What do you do, flap your arms about and go cluck, cluck, cluck.

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