Jarfff's optimismWithin the creaky halls and smoking parlors of Jarfff's Idealism Mansion, the power of optimism can only exist within a dynamic of fruitful play with negativism, for the poles apart have everything in existence to connect them. When one thing is... See More »
Give me one positive idea, resolution or thing for 2024I am going to try to get more projects done for 2024. What about you?
Everyday I start off positiveAnd then by the time evening comes my brain is fried Either by people draining me Or having my delusional partner say stuff that shocks me and I can’t believe he comes out with. Then it’s all sorries And I talk to my therapist about me... See More »
I’m much happier after I blocked that self-righteous judgmental twat.As beloved as she is on SW! Stalking my posts with her prissy judgements, completely lacking sense a humor. Blech!
What positive reinforcements do you like from your partner?If you're feeling a little down on yourself what helps pick you up?