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You need a balance with money and family to have optimal happiness.

The wealthiest guy I know has no kids and no family

He has multiple million dollar homes that are always empty

He always asks for an invite over on holidays

He has all the money is the world, but he is miserable

Money doesn’t make you happy.
Having a good family does 💯
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
You get what you reap. Whatever works for you, as long as kids don't get shafted. My brother tried to have both, but the money always came first so he wound up with a failed marriage and totally estranged from his kids; I have been closer to them than he ever was. Not that it isn't possible to have both the two career, financially secure life and a good family life as well. My youngest son and daughter-in-law have done it while raising two great grandkids, but you need to set boundaries and maintain balance between the two.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
My son and his wife made the choice to go with no kids and two careers and the urban lifestyle. Disappointed my wife a little, But the have several million in equity in properties they own and they are happy with the life. My daughter has supplied us with three wonderful grandkids, and thats pretty much all the family we have in this country. I dont have a problem with any of it..As the kids are growing my son is warming to them as an uncle..😷
I think it's a combination of things.

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