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If I were a caveman

I would get to work pronto on a rocket powered low earth orbiter so we could see the moon better.

What skill set do you bring to the prehistoric village?
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Longpatrol · 31-35, M Best Comment
Teach them how to preserve the natural environment better, teach them to hunt within their means. Teach them how to record their history better. Teach them how to teach.
dubkebab · 56-60, M
@Longpatrol I see many rabbit skins in your future.
Longpatrol · 31-35, M
@dubkebab Thanks for the BA
dubkebab · 56-60, M
@Longpatrol Your words of wisdom should be etched into marble and shared across the land.
But all I got is BA and a basket full of imaginary clamshells.

- Zen decor and occasional cushions.
I mean, if youre gonna live rough - gotta do it in style right?

- And stir fried food.

- Soy sauce and vodka - a girl's gotta have her friday night luxuires 🤷‍♀
dubkebab · 56-60, M
@OogieBoogie I'm bringin' antelope haunches and mushrooms over to your section of the cave soon as I get off work.
@dubkebab noice😌

I was just thinking that antelope is the perfect shade i needed to set of my ganite coffee rock and lounging sand mounds

Youre a gem
Bring a knife - those haunches wont skin themselves 🤗
I would teach them how to make glass and shaoe them into a lense, for magnification, both as a telescope and as a microscope. I would also intoduce the concept of camera obscura, gun powder, rifled bronze barrels, blast furnace, and domestication of plants and animals, latrines, irrigation, and the sailship, and magnetic compasses, and how to map the stars using a string on a roof, and laying still plotting the dots that pass through on a compass. I would also introduce the concept of latitude and longitude to making terrestrial maps, and the idea of planets and stars and galaxies, of science fiction myths of space travel, the idea of newtons laws of gravity, stoic conceots of relativity (more advanced than einstein's), and logical concepts in mechanical logic so they can build circuitry, and mechanical engineering ideas on making gears and conplex shafts (like jerome cardan's shaft), how to make mirrored surfaces, how to make springs, how to make wagons, how to hook ox up to wagons, how to keep oxes and feed them and not eat them so they can pull the wagons, how to collect food for ox, how to clean up ox shit so they don't poop everywhere, how to make a grainery, why you shoukd breed cats to hunt mice abd keep the wife company, introduce the concept of monogomy and marriage, how husband and wife run and improve estates, basics of a law code, idea of constitutional law, the alphabet, how to make paper and ink, how to bind books, how to make thread for book binding and repairing clothes, construction of looms, how to program looms for pattern making, conceots of pure geometry, basics of algerbra, basics of calculus, a counter weight trebuchet for teaching them about trajectories, wood working tools for making a trebuchet, how to make complex houses, how to make bricks, how to make toilets and clay sewer pipes, make a taboo on using lead in pipes, make a rudimentry rocket using gun powder and pipes, make a prophecy someday a man will ride a massive rocket to the moon, but will need to carry air there with him, the idea of space-time, of Delta V, how to plot a pork chop plot, why all the pretty caveman girls need to suck my weewee, and many, many more ideas.
dubkebab · 56-60, M
@Dignaga Ok,you might be on to something.
I might need you to build me an electric guitar so I can be top dog again,bro.
@dubkebab I have only half studied the history of electrical engineering, still in the 19th century (not in a rush). Best I can do is some hand made vacuum tubes, maybe a primitive a telegraph. I can't do microphones yet conceptually.
dubkebab · 56-60, M
@Dignaga We'll just focus on the drums for a while,thanks.
Plus, you'll also be busy with the buxom cavewomen who need the attentions of my trusted field marshal.
Zeusdelight · 61-69, M
I would think that we would bring illnesses and diseases that they would have no antibodies or defences against and so they would die, and then we would die because we would have no relevant survival skills for that time.
Sidewinder · 36-40, M
Reading and writing.
dubkebab · 56-60, M
@Sidewinder oooh,that's good ! Read me something about wasps,please.
The rocket equation...
dubkebab · 56-60, M
@SomeMichGuy We just gotta be patient and keep making smart trades with the coast dwellers for more sealskins.
Elisbch · M
I would develop condoms that aren't made out of stone!..LOL 🤣😂
dubkebab · 56-60, M
@Elisbch Excellent. We have a massive research budget set aside for you!
It's mostly in shells and acorns,but...from humble beginnings...
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