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I feel like I'd be better off not alive

I know my life is worthless and unwanted. I want to have everything end already.
Time totally reinvent yourself.

You need to examine your life with some sort of mental health counselor and slowly revise the parts that hurt or displease you!

You can easily have 50 to 70 years ahead of a Satisfying Life that IS WORTWHILE AND WANTED!

These "poor pitiful me!" Thoughts aren't good for anything except as the rock bottom base on which to Rebuild and make your life better.

And you can do it!
You've managed to be strong enough to make it this far somehow putting up with what you've got. Examine and permanently change one small aspect at a time.

Comb your hair different, wear a bright colored shirt, tell unknown people hello, bark back at dogs, wake up 1/2 hour earlier and do yoga, learn a new language,

You're limitless! Quit limiting yourself.
Poppies · 61-69, F
So many of us think KiwiDan is a credit to SW, a genuine nice guy. I believe you must have something to offer Real Life, too. Don't give up on yourself!
Ruth82 · 41-45, F
Those things are not true! It sounds like You are just depressed.
bookerdana · M
You are not useless,just feeling down
Kiwi Dan The Man. If he can't do it no one can.

Mate i get it. As a man our world is extremely competitive which is something the equality police don't get. Not all men are equal. The male experience is a fight, a never ending battle to be seen and heard. A battle to matter in the world. We don't get to just show up and be liked. We don't arrive on the scene and be lauded simply because we happen to exist. We have to earn our right to continue to exist. For us the question has always and will always be what have you done to deserve attention love and affection.

For us the solution will always be to get up off our asses and make something for ourselves. To carve a way. To go forth and claim what we desire in life. Getting there is messy but get there you must. Just remember ,the battle never stops Dan.
Scribbles · 36-40, F
Don't give up. 🤗
REMsleep · 41-45, F
You don't really believe that or you wouldn't post here. Perhaps you are hurting and are wishing for someway to change your life.
It is up to you. You don't have to stay in a dark place. It is hard to get out of but it can be done.
God Bless

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