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A random thought.

The reason why we have a lot of the problems we do now is because we have a lot of systems that used to work but are not working in the same way because of shifts in work culture and technology. When we had jobs before, we have jobs that are very labor independent and always have to have a poor working class in order to do them. I mean, let's be real, no high level professional is going to work physically hard labor. And you might ask, "what about younger adults" but with the rise of technology, people find new ways of getting paid like designing things and selling them. I mean why work physical labor when you can do uber, doordash and other services? Why work physical labor when you can learn to trade, design apps, ecommerce, designing avatars etc.

At the same time, a lot of our society is solely dependent upon the working class. If you really take into account that most of the things us working class people do are really keeping businesses alive by doing their dirty work AND now you have the rise of technology, advancements etc. where people aren't going to want to do the dirty work any longer and for good reason.

Well that's kind of a recipe for disaster.

I think I'm starting to get why capitalism may not make sense going into the future where its contradictions aren't going to benefit any of us in the long run. I'm not claiming that I know of a better system, I don't believe I have Dunning Kruger but I have been thinking of all the ways that we literally can't move forward unless we make big changes because I do realize that on some level, what we're doing isn't working anymore.
DonaldTrumpet · 70-79, M Best Comment
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP

DonaldTrumpet · 70-79, M
@SatanBurger pOeTIcZ BeUtYz
DonaldTrumpet · 70-79, M
@SatanBurger TAnKz for BA
ID eatZ ur BurgeRz anytiMeZ

ViciDraco · 36-40, M
Another factor is that technology itself is a product with an entire labor chain behind it. In order to do your physical labor, you need tools that are the result of the physical labor of others which were made from resources harvested by the physical labor of yet more people.

And each step along the way there is a capitalist and investor class that demands ever larger returns on the product.

And then you have mass produced vs skilled physical labor. You used to have craftsmen that developed skills over years that are now replaced by machines that someone can spend a couple weeks learning how to use.

Labor is NOT paid based on the value they provide. They are paid inversely to how replaceable they are. Those old skilled craftsmen of the past cost a lot to replace because of the years of investment that went into their craft. The same just isn't true in the modern factory.

And then you have globalism and national chains. Once upon a time, the owners of businesses that employed labor were local and would know people and had their reputations impacted by how they treated people. Now, you are lucky if your bosses live within a thousand miles of you, let alone know your name or care what you think of them.

There's just so many factors at play.
You voted as a population not to regulate the capitalists and to continue letting them run you.
Lilnonames · F
I still work hard👍
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@Lilnonames me too

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