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It annoys me when people act like some people out there would never lie about creeps, assault etc ;/


Yeah, I have actually heard people make that claim :I

and it annoys me more that people DO actually lie about this.
You're screwing so many people over by doing this, Including actual assault victims. just stop
deadgerbil · 22-25, F
And unless there's video, it becomes one person's word against the other's, such a headache bc guilt will be assumed
Ducky · 31-35, F
Reminds me of a similar clip I saw of this bimbo on TikTok accusing a man staring at her at the gym while she was working out when he appears to actually just be waiting for her to finish so he can use the station she was on and was most definitely not staring at all. At least she apologized for it, but it just goes to show falsely accusing people of sexual harassment and assault is very much a thing and should be taken seriously. Especially when they're just doing it for views. Reprehensible.
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