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Not condoning this but

People who are singled out in real life and social media because they dont look like they 'fit in' is what drives many (mostly men) to the dark side of the internet ( far right, incel etc) or religous extremism going on to harm (mostly fatal) others.

People really need to start treating humans as just that, human. As a collective and not just because they look attractive or worthy in a 'superficial way'

I have been treated like shit on and offline for many years since 2010 but i wont let society drive me into these fringe groups online. Where i go onto to ruin my life and others. Innocent people.

If you bully, ignore and ridicule people just because they dont look likr they fit your superficial standards, youre an arsehole. Treat everyone equal and dont be the cause of driving people into insanity.

Yeah, the truth hurts doesnt it?

Needs to be said and im not afraid to say it.
Carissimi · F
Although I agree with you, it’s impossible to treat everyone the same, or equally. It’s human nature to be attracted to those we find interesting, for whatever reason. People can’t find everyone interesting. It’s a like attracts like kind of thing. That leaves some on the margins, unfortunately. I’d also argue that some on the margins are carrying an attitude, probably because they don’t fit in, but that also detracts from their appeal. The thing is to be with people more like yourself, if you can find them.
Insightful1981 · 41-45, M
@Carissimi perhaps i dont have things to offer people here. They want memes and humour etc perhaps i need to realize tgat me and people onkine arevery diffetent creatures. Not thats a bad thing, rather more of a fact.
Carissimi · F
Are you more of a serious kind of person, more introvert? If so, don’t change. You are who you are, so embrace your uniqueness. Don’t try to fit in. That just makes things worse. Don’t measure yourself by this site. You’ll find people respond to females more because of the obvious, and I’d guess there are many people here who feel like you, so you are not an anomaly. @Insightful1981
Insightful1981 · 41-45, M
@Carissimi no i wont change.i never will. Thank you 🙂
Graylight · 51-55, F
It begins with a shift in perception. Those who value themselves, conduct themselves, believe certain things about themselves, feel victimized and helpless and are dependent on the outside world working on them for these things, they will always feel as though they can't get the upper hand. When all those things are generated from within, who you are and how you feel will never vary much regardless of the world around you. You live in a gimbal, so to speak.

Life happens, Hard lessons come to everyone. Everyone acts well, acts badly, is acted upon. These are not adverse experiences; they are life.

Everyone could be nicer to everyone else, no question about that. But retreating into isolation is a choice, not a result.
CestManan · 46-50, F
here specifically there are certain subjects that get entertained more than others, like this one that you started. Of course on this site there is a lot of superficial people which is why they post pretty pictures but are unable to offer much in the way of conversation.
TexChik · F
Far right? Check again, most mass shooters, nearly all in fact, are lefties.
Jinxie · 51-55, F
Well said. We may not all agree but we all have feelings. When in doubt, don’t be a dick.
I totally agree that all people should be treated with basic human respect. The difficult part is that some men misinterpret politeness or friendliness as romantic interest when it’s not there.

Don’t get me wrong, women certainly misread signals and face rejection, too. Nobody should bully or treat others cruelly, under any circumstances. But occasionally the accusation is lodged simply because someone said “no, thank you”. 🙁
Insightful1981 · 41-45, M
@bijouxbroussard i do agree with that sebtiment. Some men ive seen online are just all out creepy and too far in faces 😑
ShimaDust · 51-55, F
Very well said <3
Insightful1981 · 41-45, M
@ShimaDust thank you, bless you ❤
ShimaDust · 51-55, F
@Insightful1981 And you, sir.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
Remember that "fitting in" usually requires you to lower yourself to the lowest common denominator in the group. I have always found it pays to make the b@$t@rds keep up..😷
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
I am really sorry to hear this. I have been picked on here in the last day by having a series of posts made about me.

Bullying is wrong on every level and I am sorry you have gone through it.
Carissimi · F
Okay. That’s all you have to do. @iamonfire696
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@Carissimi she’s obsessed with me it seems. Guess she will have to check me from her alt account.
Carissimi · F
Forget her. Block and forget. That’s what I do. @iamonfire696
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