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I Am Going to Say Something Controversial

Truly, God is nothing but a myth. The church is even corrupt by its ways. Religion is like this: love me or go to hell and suffer. Honestly, it's fine to really have faith but in the end of the day, it's nothing but a myth. Propaganda and scapegoats are used nowadays for religion to gain more brain washed people. Quote from Marilyn Manson's song "The Fight Song" in Holywood (In The Shadows of The Valley of Death): "I'm not a slave to a God that doesn't exists."
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I think we need to stop asking or debating if god exists cause the truth won't get its answer till the end of time and there are always going to be people who believe and people who will not and no one is going to change any minds maybe it is a topic that maybe could or maybe not be proven but we do got things that we can look at that you think we question that could prove one way or the other maybe we can't prove if god exists but these things do prove something like I said we do have things at this point that can't be explained but it's proof they exist but the question would be how like I said planets they exist and yet we have no answer how on that does anyone have an answer for that they existed long before us even before the first human being can anyone explain that one let's say for the argument that it's true that God does not exist we got planets that exist in my thought someone or something created the planets it sure wasn't us and what about us we did not create us you go back to the first humans which is Adam and Eve what about them I may not have proof that god exist but I am proving that something existed to do this and it's beyond human and science it's not proof that it's God but it proves something is unexplainable but the planets and we exist which in turn we shouldn't so we got something here to question and a lot of people want to believe that aliens created the planets and humans and I don't think so they could be more advanced than us but again there stuff would follow under science and again like I said the planets and humans were created beyond human and science aliens would fit under science for that topic which means I don't believe aliens created the planets or humans I think something beyond even them
That's not normal
Thank goodness everyone does not think like that. attributing everything to a God means there is no need for curiosity. what kind of God creates us with curiosity, then says we ought not use it? the same can be said of other human qualities. we're either the product of a sadistic being, or we're an evolved and evolving species. we're also "created" with a logical mind, but i guess we're not supposed to use it? your approach to science is more appropriate for the superstitious. "If I can't explain it, I don't admit there might be something I don't know, instead I attribute it to God. "
I would sat the same for the Bible ,start in John.
God is real. independent of whether you believe or not.
Bahaha what an idiot!!! He can report me to the FBI or NSA for using giggle and hear them laugh at him too!!!! Pmsllllll ohhhh I hope he calls them!!! To be a fly on the wall for that convo!!!! I am dyin here lol
I think there is a higher power I don't believe in hell , but I do believe In heaven because I'd like to think after I die I'll get to just feel happiness and nothing else, just pure joy. For many years religion has been manipulated to sometimes gain money or control the society but I don't care about that , all I care is that God is watching over me and he is not vengeful in my head, I could make a thousand mistakes In my life I know he will walk me through each of those obstacles .i can hate him I can despise his decisions but at the end of the day I have no choice but to trust his ways. It's hard trusting his decision , especially right now since my brother died recently , but I'd like to think he had perfect timing and an all powerful vision of the future that I don't have . But I understand what you're saying trust me I've had pastors tell me I was going to hell because I questioned things in the bible. Psh. I know God doesn't give a shit, he isn't looking down on me saying " what the ! She isn't believing in me ?!? Screw her ! Send her to hell!" Nah if anything he it's part of his story for me, to question things, to doubt . Doubting isn't a bad thing,it allows for me to explore more things in life and it allows me to look more into the bible to question things.
@regrets472 , I'll gladly read anything, including The God Delusion, I've read the description on it and correct me if I'm wrong but it seems like the author looked how each religion views God and then he says why it's wrong to believe in god that way and he shows all the wrong things about religion and how it causes wars. Thing is I used to be an atheist, trust me if anybody knows about the prejudice of religion it's me, but now nothing not even a book can change my views on God.
That's not an accurate description of the book at all. I'd describe it as a book in which he addresses many, if not all, arguments that a good apologist might present, and answers them with sound logic that is agreeable even to Christians. I'd be very interested to know if anyone comes up with any arguments he doesn't address, actually.
Ok, that does sound interesting.
Hey HighEndofYourLow, idk what experience you’ve had or haven’t had with God, but I know Him to be true. Why do you say that it is a myth? Have you considered taking a week and praying for God to reveal himself if he is real? It is as simple as saying “God if you are real please show me.” Something to consider.

“I’m in love with cities I’ve never been to and people I’ve never met.”
I'd like to encourage you to read "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins.
If god was real, why would there be children committing suicide? Why would 70% of children in the U.K that 'sext' be under 10 years of age? Why would young children be getting raped? Why would there be evil in the world? If God DOES exist, he's an arsehole. A racist, homophobic, arsehole.
And everyone forgets maybe we can't prove that god exists but we do got one thing or a couple things we can't deny which for starters the nine planets or how many there are cause I think they have been saying there is more now I think anyway to the point the planets we did not create that science or scientists did not create that also everything on earth and humans we didn't do it science did not so we do got unanswered questions on our hands
Kid, all you did was recycle the most clichéd arguing points against religion. If you really believe this then you have to explain it in your own words. Not borrow everyone elses. And don't use song lyrics because they're personally subjective and you won't successfully argue your point to anyone who doesn't already agree with you that way.
Nearly everyone knows that.
All I'm saying is that if you want to enlighten others, and make you opinions heard, you need to stop regurgitating common facts and dig deeper. You'll appreciate the difference some day.
So how did the Big Bang come about ? A thing like that doesn't just happen unless there's a higher power that's everyone missing
Oh, I see, so then it must be true.
No it was from observation
And sarcasm isn't a foreign language
I'd like to encourage you to read "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins.
You are young know,so there are things you don't fully understand it,and till you get older. There is God when you are 30and 40 hopefully you will not denny the existence of God.
It is impossible to deny that which has not been shown to exist. But really, it's the other way around; we shed our fairy tale beliefs as we grow out of childhood. If you're adopting new ones at an advanced age, you might want to get a checkup to make sure you're not slowly falling into a state of dementia.
Wow I am past 40 and there still is no god.... I do not deny it's existence - you can not deny the existence of something that doesn't exist.... * sticks fingers in ears singing I deny unicorns I deny unicorns!!!* seriously whaaaaaaaaaaaaa???
Live by what Marylin Manson says. Let me know how that works out for you
Its worked out for me so far
Saturnalia · 22-25, M
Actually, I've believed what I said since 2013. It's a belief I believe and I used the quote for a little by stander,
I'd like to encourage you to read "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins.
So you don't understand the theological teaching of hell. God would that none should perish. But that all should come to eternal live. God doesn't send anyone to hell. But he loves you to much to force you to love him. Everyone has free will. If you choose not to be with God ,then you choose hell on your own by default.
why does he have to punish you if you don't want to be with him? "love me or suffer forever" seems little forceful. you speak as if he doesn't have a choice. if he didn't want to burn you...well, then he wouldn't. He's omnipotent isn't he?
he doesn't punish ,that we do to ourselves. You are missing the point . don't put responsibility on someone else for your decision.
Quote from Rush , if you choose not to decide you still have made a choice.
If you take the time to understand our Lord Jesus did not come to judge and condemn but rather to forgive and love. Sorry your understanding of that has been screwed up. We are all here to love, forgive, help and care for one another. If that is something you can not do Jesus will still accept you and love you. This is what Grace is called
Jesus, if he existed at all, was just a man. He's dead now and isn't listening to anybody. Not even Elvis.
I'd like to encourage you to read "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins.
I'd like to encourage you to read "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins.
It's simply amazing the amount of people that believe in that fairy tale so they don't have to think they will die!!
I am sad you feel this way.
Saturnalia · 22-25, M
Maybe you should pray for me to get better.
I might. But I think you are mocking me. lol. It's ok. I don't mind. Have a nice day though.
Awesome, love the Manson reference btw
But a goddess does
Saturnalia · 22-25, M
I am the goddess of fuck.
We r God of fuck too
May I state that not al religions are like that yes some can be. Not all religions are "love me or go to hell and suffer" yes some people try to dove religion down your throat but they shouldn't do they. And they most certainly shouldn't say do this or oh hey go visit satan. When they do that the are being hypocritical. Yes some churches may be corrupt, but name one place that isn't we are living in a broken deaf rated corrupted world. And I've honestly wondered this would you rather spend your life believing in something that doesn't exist to find out there's no afterlife or would you rather spend your life not believing in the existence of something that ends up existing so you get to didn't your life in hell? Yeah maybe there isn't a God but if there is I would rather go to heaven then the firey pits of hell. Wouldn't you?
I'm the exact same way :) or if I get mad I can get bitchy but I have slight anger issues so it isn't fully my fault I feel bad about it afterwards
I'd like to encourage you to read "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins.
I might check it out if I can
God exists independent of religion. Religion is man-made and is flawed...I personally do not believe in biblical literalism. Even if you don't believe in God, he believes in you! 😉❤️😇🙏
I'd like to encourage you to read "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins.
I'd like to encourage you to read "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins.
I'd like to encourage you to read "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins.
As. Devout. Agnostic. I. Can not. Say for certain. But. A. Lot. Of doctrines. Are. Not. Divinely. Inspired. Since. They. Either. Obvivisosly. Nonsense. Or. Blatantly. Common. . .sense. or. Not applicable. In all circumstances. . . . Some. Things. Are always. Going. To be. Nonsense. Theologians. Economist lawyers. Mental. Health. Professionals. . . .
I most certainly exist.
Sounds like you've got a head start on understanding the true nature and purpose of religion.
I believe in the message that Jesus stood for but it disturbs me that the primary representation of him in many of today's churches is as a martyr for other people's sin. It's like people use death and image on the cross to excuse themselves for being shitty humans to each other and not taking responsibility for anything. What I killed someone? It's all good because this man died a horrible death and therefore me hurting another is no big deal.

He died a horrific death in a matter of hours. But he spent a lifetime spreading love and peace wherever he went and encouraged humans to be of service to one another and love without judgement.

It's grotesque to me that some churches place life size representations of a man's body nailed to a piece of wood inside a building of worship and then wonder whey non-church goers have the hang-ups with religion that we have.
I will be damned if I walk around with a dead dude on a cross around my neck!! I don't see how people can't see how sick that is... shows the power of brainwashing that they can worship a dead body tortured and nailed to a cross... you usually only see that in extreme BDSM drawings and it is used to shock people for the most part... sheesh
'Love me or go to hell' God sounds like a needy girlfriend
I'd like to encourage you to read "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins.
Damnit this stupid site won't let me post a quote picture . Basically it's a little girl holding a bible that says "GOD LOVES YOU SO MUCH, THAT HE CREATED HELL.... JUST IN CASE YOU DON'T LOVE HIM BACK.
I love reading . Ew audiobooks ... They never go at your pace not to mention its annoying if they don't have a good voice lol.
I listen on my way to and from work and in the gym. I don't have right downtime to sit and read a whole book!
Oh sucks :/ but I can't stand to listen ... I doubt much of it would sink in
Why argue about it. It's pointless and results in idiotic battles of elementary logic.

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