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GenZ and the downfall of Conservatism

Life is beautiful. Let the future generations cleanse it of all evil, oppression and violence, and enjoy it to the full.

- Leon Trotsky

Youth culture has always been tied to Rebellion and Social Activism. From the Civil Rights movement, the protests against the Vietnam War, the student protests of 68, the Arab Spring, and so many more.

Gen Z falls in line with the generations that came before but are confronted with the destruction caused by climate change, an ever growing capitalist system, inequalities and violence in the name of preserving the status quo and many more problems.

Due to Social Media young people of today are faced with the grim realities of today which causes mental health issues to rise but at the same time a rise in social activism.

For example in the US data shows that Generation Z are less likely than older Americans to be a member of a religious group (4 in 10 don’t affiliate) and appear to care more about systemic issues and an equitable future than upholding traditional nuclear family structures that are way out of touch with their realities.
Studies show that more than 50% of the younger generations take anti-capitalist stances and that Socialist sentiments are on the rise. This sparks hope for a brighter future.

With social media throwing the window wide on all forms of activism Gen Z has the capacity to raise awareness about the issues disturbing them, even if the path to concrete change is still long. Still rooted in local struggles and realities, contemporary social movements are increasingly “glocal” operating both globally and locally, with offline and online networks overlapping. Many of the recent youth-led street protests have been organised online, with Twitter, TikTok and Instagram serving as hubs for information and networking.

With that said, I am hopeful that new generations will lead the way to a better future and will bring upon the downfall of conservatism, capitalism and all fascist tendencies.
Conservative parents need to be put in their place, it is not their future. Let's free the world from their grip.

The road will be long, the future uncertain and filled with pain but I hope that new generations will burn this old system to the ground to establish a new one.
There is plenty of economic theory besides the mainstream capitalist ones, that prove a different system does not have to be an utopy.

The future belongs to the working people, the queers, the feminists and to put it simply to all the people who are ready for change.
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gol979 · 41-45, M
Whats "nuc!ear family structures"? I have seen this phrase quite a lot in commie/marxy circles.
@gol979 really? So you ain't familiar with the structure where Dad orders you around, he's got you in captivity, he's your dictator and he's got guns? Maybe lots of ammo, too,- and he's angry as fuch?
It's rare to find such cheek - I've never heard of it either. Ever.
gol979 · 41-45, M
@Roundandroundwego so its a negative term for family?
@gol979 nope. It's the centerpiece of the US social structure. A sick medieval institution that's on life support. A housing failure added to failure upon failure.
gol979 · 41-45, M
@Roundandroundwego im not understanding this. Its not a negative term for family but the family is a "sick medieval institution"?
@gol979 the nuclear family is promoted and tauted. It's the standard, the only normal family structure. Dad owns the wife and kids and they might be allowed to eat and sleep well - if he chooses to pay money, lots of money. In the absence of any welfare state or public anything, you die unless your Dad prefers to pay. It's a dictatorship. It's precarious and deadly for misfits.

The nuclear family is a married heterosexual couple and its offspring under 18 years.
gol979 · 41-45, M
@Roundandroundwego thats your definition of normal family? So dad pretty much starves his children? And on this definition you denigrate the family structure? Wow
@gol979 nope. They're required to do as he says and please him with good behavior and hard work and he'll feed them until they're 18. It's not like he has to do it - except technically, under the law. My Dad had a lotta guns and a job dissecting murder victims. His daily banter was about those topics surrounding mass murderers, suicide murders of entire families - and whether he was pleased enough with his family to not blow us away for another day.
Inequality in the power structure means most families are like that, where I grew up - in the USA.
gol979 · 41-45, M
@Roundandroundwego bizarre. So now we have clarified the meaning of the phrase the nuclear family, why does this phrase appear a lot in certain circles? Presumably you think this is the normal make-up of a family (its clearly not but it could be your experience), whats the answer to removing family? Presumably thats the end goal if the family structure is so abhorrent to you
Gloomy · F
@gol979 It describes mother, father and children as being portrayed as the only acceptable form of family while in reality families are way diverse either on purpose or through divorce/death.

It doesn’t have to be seen negatively although of course a partriarchal family is bad.
@gol979" focus on the family" is a conservative group that's hugely funded and promotes the nuclear family as God's chosen family structure. They're a typical influencer in US society, adding negative stigma to other family types and fighting the social welfare programs that might support all people.
Oligarchy isn't pretty.
gol979 · 41-45, M
@Roundandroundwego so you take this conservative group (who you will clearly oppose) definition of family at face value, use that as the basis for the meaning of "family" and then take this definition (from a group you disagree with) as the norm for "family"?
@gol979 we didn't establish any other norms. We don't have a real society. This is war.
My own "family" has always had no choice but to serve its political enemies in institutions they designed to harm us.
gol979 · 41-45, M
@Roundandroundwego your concept and more than likely experience of family seems very sad and abnormal. Sorry youve been through that. Your definition of family is warped though and through this warped lens it sounds like you want to remove/destroy/replace family. Something thats never going to happen btw, there always be a childs love for parents, a mothering nurturing and love and a fathers guidance, protection and love
@gol979 I was never unique in western hatesylvania. Just another gal growing up under nuclear family rules.

My Dad is a wealthy pillar of the community in a huge city. Not some rare exception. Your favorite boss kinda popular guy.
I'm still a pro family person. The history of our past needs review, our institutions need to be reformed or trashed regularly, the medieval marriage and nuclear family are broken and harmful, therefore it's time for change.