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GenZ and the downfall of Conservatism

Life is beautiful. Let the future generations cleanse it of all evil, oppression and violence, and enjoy it to the full.

- Leon Trotsky

Youth culture has always been tied to Rebellion and Social Activism. From the Civil Rights movement, the protests against the Vietnam War, the student protests of 68, the Arab Spring, and so many more.

Gen Z falls in line with the generations that came before but are confronted with the destruction caused by climate change, an ever growing capitalist system, inequalities and violence in the name of preserving the status quo and many more problems.

Due to Social Media young people of today are faced with the grim realities of today which causes mental health issues to rise but at the same time a rise in social activism.

For example in the US data shows that Generation Z are less likely than older Americans to be a member of a religious group (4 in 10 don’t affiliate) and appear to care more about systemic issues and an equitable future than upholding traditional nuclear family structures that are way out of touch with their realities.
Studies show that more than 50% of the younger generations take anti-capitalist stances and that Socialist sentiments are on the rise. This sparks hope for a brighter future.

With social media throwing the window wide on all forms of activism Gen Z has the capacity to raise awareness about the issues disturbing them, even if the path to concrete change is still long. Still rooted in local struggles and realities, contemporary social movements are increasingly “glocal” operating both globally and locally, with offline and online networks overlapping. Many of the recent youth-led street protests have been organised online, with Twitter, TikTok and Instagram serving as hubs for information and networking.

With that said, I am hopeful that new generations will lead the way to a better future and will bring upon the downfall of conservatism, capitalism and all fascist tendencies.
Conservative parents need to be put in their place, it is not their future. Let's free the world from their grip.

The road will be long, the future uncertain and filled with pain but I hope that new generations will burn this old system to the ground to establish a new one.
There is plenty of economic theory besides the mainstream capitalist ones, that prove a different system does not have to be an utopy.

The future belongs to the working people, the queers, the feminists and to put it simply to all the people who are ready for change.
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The sign of madness, it is said, is doing the same things over and over again without questioning it. I feel depressed when I see and hear people of my age and younger just parroting all the conservative mantras of keeping things the same as they've always been. We have a duty as a species to progress to something better and fairer for more people. We need to keep fighting for better.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
In the UK, young people are more left-wing than ever before. Sadly, half of them don't vote and few are activists.
room101 · 51-55, M
@Burnley123 If the "Anarcho" bit of your suggested label refers to the Anarchist movement, then I would have to disagree. All of the Anarchist types that I've met have been far from materialistic and most of them have been, what I would call, activists.

There's a little area not far from my flat here in Barcelona where a number of twenty-something (young by my reckoning lol) Anarchists regularly congregate. Materialism is way off their radar.

I don't know what label I would use to describe the young people that I know. All I can say is that I agree with you in that they are generally left leaning, have strong convictions on equality, climate change and all of the other ideas that are common amongst those one would traditionally classify as Socialist. But, they don't vote in the numbers that one would expect. And, they do like their designer labels etc. When I was their age, we wore our lack of money as a badge of honour. We actually boasted about getting our clothes from second hand shops. And yeah, we all voted and were very vociferous about our politically beliefs.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@room101 I'm not equating anarcho with consumerism. I should have explained that I meant rebellious but perhaps in a more individualist way than say unionised workers in the 70s.

I live in Manchester and charity shops here do well. The young people I know are educated but not affluent, even those who are doing professional jobs.

Yes, Barcelona has a strong anarchist tradition, going back to the CNT in the Spanish Civil War.
room101 · 51-55, M
@Burnley123 Sorry that I misunderstood. You're right about the Anarchist traditions of Barcelona. It oozes out of the pages of Orwell's Homage to Catalonia.
deadgerbil · 26-30, M
All objectively positive changes. The less conservatism, the better, whether it be religious or otherwise. So many people hide behind their religion as a reason for believing regressive stuff, and so often basic common sense things are viewed as dreaded communism by these slack jawed idiots

gol979 · 41-45, M
Whats "nuc!ear family structures"? I have seen this phrase quite a lot in commie/marxy circles.
@gol979 we didn't establish any other norms. We don't have a real society. This is war.
My own "family" has always had no choice but to serve its political enemies in institutions they designed to harm us.
gol979 · 41-45, M
@Roundandroundwego your concept and more than likely experience of family seems very sad and abnormal. Sorry youve been through that. Your definition of family is warped though and through this warped lens it sounds like you want to remove/destroy/replace family. Something thats never going to happen btw, there always be a childs love for parents, a mothering nurturing and love and a fathers guidance, protection and love
@gol979 I was never unique in western hatesylvania. Just another gal growing up under nuclear family rules.

My Dad is a wealthy pillar of the community in a huge city. Not some rare exception. Your favorite boss kinda popular guy.
I'm still a pro family person. The history of our past needs review, our institutions need to be reformed or trashed regularly, the medieval marriage and nuclear family are broken and harmful, therefore it's time for change.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
The record of the past shows that true progress is made by the tolerant. Those open to new ideas and able to adapt.. There is no other qualification..😷
Conservative parents need to be put in their place, it is not their future.

I have civil debates with my parents and have called my dad out when I thought he was being prejudice but I am in my early 30s and living in my own place.

I would however never advocate for kids to speak to parents the way some kids do today- it is apalling, no respect (obviously not speaking about children who are genuinely abused and need social services)
Gloomy · F
@BritishFailedAesthetic Parents do not deserve respect it has to be earned.
Parents do not deserve respect it has to be earned.

Thank God you don't have Zambian parents 😂😂😂
Sure. But have you heard a Gen z solution to American oligarchy that's not the same old critique we boomers always advance?
Where's the political movement hiding?
Oh right. No changes. No taking over is the same thing as saying Zippo and knowing squat.
redredred · M
Damn but you’re in for an awful fall. Yeah, every generation thought it had the answer and the old people were just fools.

You’ll be old one day, I hope the socialist nightmare you lust over is in power and there to explain the social justice joy of old-age euthanasia.
room101 · 51-55, M
@redredred Please name one country where "the libertarian ideal" has been adopted. Just one.

redredred · M
@room101 Adopted in total? None. But the various principles of libertarianism have fueled most strong economies. JFK reduced marginal tax rates from as high as 91% to a maximum of 40% and the economy soared. Reagan followed suit with similar results. Singapore has done much the same economically but fallen tragically short on other aspects of personal freedom.

It’s a bit sad I have to point out where freedom as policy has led to improvement in people’s lives. It’s almost as if you doubt (or are afraid of) personal freedom as a benefit. Seriously, do you want more government in your life? Have you ever left the DMV thinking those people should have more control of your life?
room101 · 51-55, M
@redredred It's a bit sad that you don't know the difference between free market economics ie monetarism, as espoused by Friedman and adopted by Reagan and what Libertarianism actually is.

Like I said, a housecat that is utterly dependent on a system that he doesn't understand or appreciate 🤦‍♂️
graphite · 61-69, M
Want to see the downfall of "liberalism?" Just visit any formerly great US city, run into the ground by Democrats, such as San Francisco. Collapsing under the weight of failed Democrat policies that have businesses, events and residents leaving while the streets pile up with drug paraphernalia and feces.
Gloomy · F
@graphite true Capitalism destroys urban spaces

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