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When Did You Start To Use A Gun?

I was about 8. My grandaddy wanted me to shoot before I could walk and he taught me everything I know. I started with single shot rifle, then moved up to Ak-47 at about 15. But I only own a few rifles. I never became a big gun guy. You?
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Adrift · 61-69, F
I was raised around them.
Shot my first bottle with a 22 rifle when I was five.
My dad made sure we were all educated on gun safety.
Lets say that I have a few.
DrWatson · 70-79, M
I fired 22-caliber rifles at an outdoor rifle range during the summers, when I was 12-16 years old.

That was it.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
@DrWatson Ooh, Mr. Fancy. Our outdoor range was a bunch of tin cans in the backyard. 😆
DrWatson · 70-79, M
@LordShadowfire No, I was taking NRA marksmanship courses. Shooting at targets. Nothing fancy. I earned a few certificates.
fanuc2013 · 51-55, F
Age 10. My Dad gave me a single shot .22, and was only allowed to handle it under supervision.
Adstar · 56-60, M
I started when i was about 9.. I was living on a farm in Australia and so having a gun was pretty normal.. I have owned a few hunting rifles and after about 10 years i became an excellent shot.. Not being big headed either i am just stating a fact i was a very good shot... I had a good quality Rugar 223 stainless steel rifle with a top quality scope and it was well zeroed in...

Not many pigs of foxes got away if they where close enough for me to take a shot at them.. And i spent some holidays shooting for farmers out west when they had Roo culling quotas from the government.. i knocked down more then a few Roos while they where on the move jumping.. I used to time it to hit them while they where mid jump in the air..

I don't shoot anymore because after you achieve the challenges then there is no challenge left and it can become very boring, even mechanical, like you are a robot..
Nitedoc · 51-55, M
@Adstar That's why I like pistols so much. Much more of a challenge.
Nitedoc · 51-55, M
I started with .22 rifle when I was 6. Began shooting pistols at 8. It's still my favorite thing to do.
AngelJade · 22-25, F
I started shooting a .22 rifle at 8 but I grew up rural on a farm too. Where its legal to shoot on our own property. Naturally taught gun safety measures, how to clean and other common sense (to most people) safety measures.
I was 8. My uncle in Texas let me shoot his .22.
FloorGenAdm · 51-55, M
A real gun in the 7th grade. My friend bought one from another kid in school . We walked down by the train tracks and shot it there.
Sidewinder · 36-40, M
When I was about 9 or 10, I fired a rifle at a cardboard target while spending time at a hunting lodge, one winter.
HatBroski · M
@ChadJNSD you can say that if you believe that 😂
Sidewinder · 36-40, M
@ChadJNSD Actually, it was the first, last and only time I ever fired a real gun. Personally, I'm more of a guy who favors ancient melée weapons. (particularily nunchaku, sai, tonfa and the katana)
Nitedoc · 51-55, M
@Sidewinder I have been in Karate for over 40 yrs. and have trained with all the weapons you mentioned. A gun simply has more "reach" than most all traditional martial arts weapons. And that's just for starters.
HatBroski · M
When I was 12 in vacation visiting my cousin in Mexico
HumanEarth · F
I was raised with them and would go hunting as young as five going on deer drives.

I was raised with all kinds of weapons, Knifes of all sizes, swords, bows, hand guns, rifles shot guns.

Not a weapon nut, but I respect weapons
calicuz · 56-60, M
"All the other kids with the pumped up kicks, better run, better run..........................."
ChadJNSD · 18-21, M
@calicuz Foster The People.
Byron8by7 · M
My dad taught me to shoot a single shot bolt action.22 rifle when I was eight years old. We started hunting small game together when I was ten. He bought me a high quality .22 target rifle when I was fourteen, and I began to shoot competitively.
I shot a bb gun when I was a kid. But that belonged to a family friend. They're not my thing.
Not American. Never handled one.
originnone · 61-69, M
@SW-User American. Never handled one.
i was able to walk at around 2-1/2....when i was eight i shot squirt guns at my friends. when i was 12 i shot a bb gun...when i was 14 i shot a "smurf" with a shot gun but missed... now in my age i hope i don't start shooting blanks....cheers
ChadJNSD · 18-21, M
@beermeplease Umm, Okay.
@ChadJNSD um...ok back at ya...
Atlotto · M
My Dad gave me an H&R 20 gauge shotgun when I was 10 years old. I still have it.
@Atlotto A Handi? I had one in .308Win
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
My mom insisted that I not be allowed to handle a gun until I was 12. At least, not a real one that shot real bullets. My dad got me a BB gun earlier than that, and I was allowed to plunk tin cans.

Once I was older, I was allowed to learn on his .22 rifle, But we didn't have any other guns. The only other experience I have with guns of any kind was when I was over at a friend's apartment, stoned off my ass, and we went over to his grandpa's house. Old man was crazy. Not 100% in a good way. Racist as fuck. But he liked me, And he asked me if I wanted to shoot off his 12 gauge. Being stoned as I was, I didn't brace it properly. Shoulder still hurts, 20 years later.
ChadJNSD · 18-21, M
@LordShadowfire Interesting.
MethDozer · M
Around 9 or ten.

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