You are scream gun control
In light of everything that happened in New York and more importantly Texas I will propose a 4 way approach to this that will prevent and actually reduce casualties in these events that doesn’t involve the restriction of liberty.
1 make schools hard target! Utilizing combat veterans law enforcement and civilians each school has at least a 3-7 individual team armed with rifles and handguns on school grounds when students are present these individuals will be in high visibility uniform and heavily trained in tactics of threat termination.
2 is an over haul of the mental health system with better communication between providers and government prohibiting individuals who pose a threat to themselves or others. While providing better care and resources for research. Also a focus on affordable care for the individuals that need it.
3 changes in law enforcement 1. any chase should be diverted away from school zones. 2. The reversal of the Castle Rock decision and those that have followed stating that law enforcement has no duty to act or protect the public.
4. Giving all school staff the option to carry a firearm. Giving the same training as the the individuals in suggestion 1 all school staff has the opportunity to carry a hand gun on school grounds. If this option is taken a stipend for training additional training and ammunition must be provided as well as for risk assessment.
These are not feel good actions like gun these are hard proven actions that will reduce the numbers of repeating this again as well as having a better response saving lives.
1 make schools hard target! Utilizing combat veterans law enforcement and civilians each school has at least a 3-7 individual team armed with rifles and handguns on school grounds when students are present these individuals will be in high visibility uniform and heavily trained in tactics of threat termination.
2 is an over haul of the mental health system with better communication between providers and government prohibiting individuals who pose a threat to themselves or others. While providing better care and resources for research. Also a focus on affordable care for the individuals that need it.
3 changes in law enforcement 1. any chase should be diverted away from school zones. 2. The reversal of the Castle Rock decision and those that have followed stating that law enforcement has no duty to act or protect the public.
4. Giving all school staff the option to carry a firearm. Giving the same training as the the individuals in suggestion 1 all school staff has the opportunity to carry a hand gun on school grounds. If this option is taken a stipend for training additional training and ammunition must be provided as well as for risk assessment.
These are not feel good actions like gun these are hard proven actions that will reduce the numbers of repeating this again as well as having a better response saving lives.