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I’m quite proud of the U.K. government today for a change. A bill is to be discussed to vote in a miscarriage bereavement leave bill.

When I went through this I was lucky enough to have an employer who valued me and understood the trauma, and gave me the time I needed to adjust and recover without any fuss.

Not everyone is as lucky as me so a bill would be helpful to others.

The only thing I feel needs saying is this shouldn’t just be for women. Remembering how Dan struggled with our situation too, I feel for it to really be of benefit both should be supported by the bill.

Well done Westminster, get it passed through and I’ll go a week without moaning about you. I promise. 👏🏻🇬🇧
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OldBrit · 61-69, M
My wife and I suffered a late stage miscarriage between our two.

Completely support this Bill. Back then I was given a warning because I didn't go into work the day I rushed her to hospital. I worked for a nationalised institution at the time so essentially the government. Glad things have changed in 30+ years.
I agree... Men suffer just as much as women when it comes to the loss of a baby - and dads should be covered in the same way as mums are.
WintaTheAngle · 41-45, M
They get something right every once in a while.

The bill is a good idea.

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