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UK who will you be voting?

I may consider NON Tory for one main reason... The arguements and rifts they had in their own team! Although Labour's was worst in comparison.

On the other hand Tories are deep into it. New party comes along and may add more mess. And labour are unforgivable for "Bedroom tax." Like, why!? And they wanted TWO driving practical tests to be taken instead of ONE! (One in day one in evening) as if life isn't already hard enough!
vote nigel.

hel be hamstrung by the rest. but at least he wont sign you up to any more wars or globalist orgs...
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout Doesn't work like that, fella. This isn't a presidential election. Farage probably won't even be elected in his own constituency.
@SW-User I know how it works I’m Australian..
Sorry.. Nigel’s little party will be hamstrung by the other parties..
person or party.. he still won’t sign up for more wars and WEF agendas
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
I vote for best candidate to represent my local constituency, irrespective of what party they represent.

Of the manifestos I have read, the Green Party has by some distance the most honest and coherent plan for funding its pledges, which counts for a lot in my book.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Nobody's going to come in and wave a magic wand to dig us out of the mess we're in.

What you're seeing is the culmination of the last fifty years of sell-off for short term government gain at the expense of two generations of the poorest which has now grown to 2/3 of the population.

So expect the next 20 years to consist of short-term governance before losing votes of no confidence on a regular basis.

Because rehashing the past as some sort of 'return to the glory days' ain't gonna cut it.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
There are massive further council cuts coming in whoever is selected and local authorities are already struggling. So the mainstream of politics has a pro austerity consensus, whatever the public thinks.

There are some small policy differences, like the ones you mentioned, but it's splitting hairs.
I’d like to vote Green but they have No chance in my bluest of blue constituency, so it’s going to be Lib Dem I think
Doesn't matter either way... They're still going to be killing the sick and disabled by forcing them to work.
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