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China can produce EVs that are as good as US EVs or better, for half the cost

The US has implemented tariffs on China, but this hasn't deterred China from continuing to produce EVs, which will still be sold in the US at higher prices for American consumers. This contradicts capitalist principles that competition should lower prices. Instead, this situation reflects protectionism, not capitalism, as it raises consumer costs. In reality, the US economy, often described as capitalist, exhibits more socialist tendencies compared to many global economies.

Despite the US government continuous interference in the economy, the wealth gap persists, favoring the rich while impoverishing the poor. The government's readiness to protect mega-corporations, while refusing to safeguard workers and consumers constitutes something far more sinister than capitalism.

Now, when an American company is threatened, whether it be Microsoft, Tesla or Facebook, the government can step in and issue tariffs, even ban the competition, e.g., the ban on TikTok. Now, when millions of Americans' livelihoods are threatened by the so-called capitalist, the government says, "that's just business."

Do you really think we are stupid?
Northwest · M
OK Comrade.

Newsflash: China does not sell EVs in the US.
Northwest · M
@Jokersswild Once more comrade, not so.

Volvo does have a plant in China where cars destined for Asian markets are assembled.

Its main plant in Sweden is where Europe and America destined cars are made. By end of 2024, Volvo’s third plant, will go operational in South Carolina.

Whole Volvo was acquired by a Chinese trading company, a few years back, headquarters, design and management is still run from Sweden, including all three plants, China, Sweden and soon, Sourh Carolina.

Read something other than the script they give you.
Briggett · T
@Jokersswild you think Elon for giving china the expertise on battery and ev technology
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FreestyleArt · 31-35, M need to see behind the scenes about risky Consequences like Kill switches while cars goes digital control.... Oh yes these services can fuck with these command controls whatever they want especially from China..... Better have those huge social credit score before you drive one.

Or else...there is a Kill switch.

Also they can explode with these Lithium Batteries thinking they can cross inspection test, Hell no. It's a huge waste of resources and Money. it's like you don't even own one if you to pay more for repairs and replacements.
Jokersswild · 18-21
@sunsporter1649 😂Maybe he forgot

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