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America's Foreign and Domestic Real Crash

H.L. Mencken had it right when he warned; The most dangerous Person to any Government is the Person who can readon and figure things out for themselves ...to paraphrase.

The United States’ Monetary Deceit comes at the expense of other Foreign Economies’ performance. Abandoning the Dollar as the Reserve Currency will prove beneficial for their own Self-interests in the long-term, Russia and China have certainly figured this out. OPEC+ Countries are now getting that memo, and very soon the BRICS Countries will certainly take full advantage of this fact too.

“The World Community has to live beneath its means to enable American Taxpayers and Consumers to live beyond their means. The rest of the World Community has to under-consume, save, and make that available to the US and finance huge US Trade Deficits. This is now causing problems of all sorts — not only the drain on the Resources of these Economies, keeping Interest Rates artificially low to help sustain the Dollar, ending up with Asset Bubbles, misallocating Resources, and diminishing their own Economy.

We’re exporting our Fiat Monetary Policy around the World Community, now the sooner the World rejects the Dollar as a Reserve Currency and moves on to Sound Honest Money, the better off they’re going to be.

Trillions of Debt, Deficits, and Dependency are the worst habits a country could have, and it inevitably undermines its Currency:

It’s like someone who smokes cigarettes, and the Doctor tells them, ‘You know you’ve got to quit those cigarettes. You’re going to get cancer!’ But they keep smoking, and they don’t have cancer. They don’t quit until they go to the Doctor and he says, ‘Oh you know what? You’ve got cancer!’ And then it’s like, ‘Oh shoot, I better quit smoking!’ Well, it’s a little late for that, right? You should have quit a long time ago, but you think, Well, I haven’t developed cancer yet, so I guess I can keep smoking.

By the time we get the Economic Collapse, it’s too little too late to fix it.
Broache73 · 46-50, F
As we used to say in the Military, “Hope is not a course of Action”

The bottom line is that the United States is no longer the Leader of the Free World, in the World Community and no longer capable of keeping adversarial Nations in check. It’s clear other Countries are already adapting to this reality.

Earlier for example, China successfully launched a Rocket to the Moon as part of a multi-decade mission to establish an International Lunar Research Station.

China hopes to construct a large, City-like base along with several international partners including Russia, Pakistan, Thailand, South Africa, Venezuela, Azerbaijan, Belarus, and Egypt. Turkey and Nicaragua are also interested in joining.

This is pretty remarkable given how many Nations are participating, even if just nominally. The United States isn’t part of the consortium.

This would have been unthinkable a few decades ago, today the rest of the World Community realizes that they don’t need American Funding, Leadership, or Expertise.

We clearly see examples everywhere, most notably in Israel and Ukraine. The next shoe to drop will surely be the US Dollar.

After all, if the rest of the World Community doesn’t need the US for Space Exploration, and they can ignore the US when it comes down to World War 3, then why on earth would they need the US Dollar anymore?! They don't, No one does...

The US Dollar was the clear and obvious choice as the Global Reserve Currency back when America was the undisputed Superpower and Economic Powerhouse. IT'S A DIFFERENT WORLD, this isn’t 1944 or 1991 anymore!

Foreign Countries continuing to rely on the US Dollar ultimately means Governments and Central Banks buying US Government Bonds. Why should they take such a risk when the National Debt is already 120% of GDP?!

In addition, Congress passed a new Law several weeks ago authorizing the Treasury Department to confiscate US Dollar Assets of any country it deems an “Aggressor State.” While Others might think this mendacity is a morally righteous idea, the reality is that it'll only turn off Foreign Investors. Why should and why would China, Saudi Arabia, or anyone else for that matter buy US Government bonds when they know they can be confiscated in a heartbeat?! I sure wouldn't, No Thanks.

All of this ultimately leads to a World in which the US Dollar is no longer the dominant Reserve Currency. We’re already seeing signs of that shift, and it'll be in full swing by the end of the decade.
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Ynotisay · M
@Broache73 (Commerce.gov) The United States has been ranked as the top destination for foreign direct investment for the 12th consecutive year according to Kearney’s Global Business Policy Council’s 2024 Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Confidence Index.

Just to toss that out there.
Broache73 · 46-50, F
The Federal Reserve is constrained by the absurd Debt incurred by both Consumers and Government:

“The Federal Reserve wants to reduce Interest Rates despite the fact that Rates are still too low. The problem is, American Taxpayers and Consumers are swimming in Debt, that these artificially low Interest Rates are too high! The main reason the Federal stopped hiking Interest Rates —because we started to see another Financial Crisis as Banks are already insolvent and started to fail.

The US Government is in a Fiscal and Economic bind. Everytime the Federal Reserve raises Rates, the Budget Deficit widens.

The American Public, Taxpayers, and Consumers are in dire Economic desperation; They’ve got record amounts of Credit Card Debt, Household Debt, Mortgage Debt, Auto Debt, and Personal Debt.

Savings are totally depleted, the Cost of Living has skyrocketed, and Consumers are now holding down multiple jobs just to make ends meet.…You need 2 or 3 jobs to pay for what 1 job provided just a few years ago.

The American Public, Taxpayers, and Consumers are in an Economic and Financial State of Emergency. They're also 'Sitting Ducks' from the Second Order consequences of the US Government's weaponizing the US Dollar and the SWIFT System.
Elessar · 26-30, M
"BRICS" countries have no cohesion whatsoever; none of them, either taken singularly or combined, have enough influence to push their own currency as an alternative to the dollar. It's a set of countries that have only in common the desire to become the next US, and nothing more than that - while at the same time they hate each other just as much (if not even more) than they hate the US itself (see China-India attritions).

Russia tried that in 2022 and now it look more like North Korea on steroids than a competitor of the US in the international scene. China's economic outlook looked much better before their mismanagement of the pandemic and their ambiguous "neutrality" in the Ukr-Rus war is costing them significantly, with more and more countries divesting and decoupling from there. India doesn't want China, a country they have active disputes with, become any more powerful than it already is, and viceversa.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@Elessar While all your facts are correct, the picture is more conplex. Remember that china is still a centralized economy and as such they can bent a lot of rules and not have to account to the people, or any international standard. So a downturn or economic failure can disappear overnight with no explanation or compensation..😷
Elessar · 26-30, M
@whowasthatmaskedman Not when 1.4bln start to starve. Propaganda works only so long as people are well fed.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@Elessar I suggest you look into the history of Famine as a control of the population within China. China is a massive diverse land mass and these issues are not universal. The New Orleans floods had no effect on Seattle..The problem of a Pro democracy push in Beijing with students protesting in the streets was "solved" by bringing in tank units from outlying regions and crushing people under the treads. You cant compare this behaviour to standards we accept..😷
It's why the BRICS nations formed an alliance to oust the USD as the standard
Oster1 · M
I'm so impressed with your mentality and delivery.

As you stated, our largest export is national debt! 🙂🌺
@Oster1 Hi :). Can i ask you to help me with something that i dont want to ask publicly coz some people might make fun of me?. Would appreciate it if youll send me a message so i can replay you with my question (coz for some reason i can't message first). Thanx :)
(its not nude or something like that).
It’s not a zero-sum game where the US can only be rich if other countries are poor. Your theory is proven wrong by the fact that the standard of living is rising all over the world.

In the past, resource extraction did shift wealth from the global south to the north. Today, the biggest driver of poverty is lack of access to birth control and abortion.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@LeopoldBloom Sadly the US policies are widely perceived as being greed based and rent seeking from its less powerful partners. And this perception has opened the door to other offers from different players. The Chinese infrastructure development fund has been cleverly used to build influence as well. Again, a lesson learned from America, and improved on..😷
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
Yes. The wheels will fall off the economy as a result of trade being done in other currencies and its happening now..😷
Spotpot · 41-45, M
@whowasthatmaskedmanThere currently is no alternative to the dollar.
Oster1 · M
@Spotpot That's not true. There is. Our currency, has been destroyed.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@Spotpot Actually there is.. The EU uses the Euro of course for inter nation trade within the EU..But the chinese are making a comprehensive bid with the Yuan and its gaining ground by fair means and foul. Part one is they put up a quota or blockade on a trade item. Then when the exporting nation cries foul, they agree to reinstate the item for import, but the new agreement is in Yuan.. Also they have a back door deal with Russia to take some pressure off the Ruble by way of Russia dealing in Yuan with them.. And dont think for a moment that China is not steering this to a timed end of their choosing to screw with Americas economy and prevent them acting in some event like retaking Taiwan..A centralized economy can control those things..😷
Hard money isn't the answer, but the Republican assault on income (by continually lowering taxes on the rich) followed by their whining about a deficit which they have just made worse is truly insane.
gol979 · 41-45, M
We are well away from that destination. They are putting up the alternative system in place to destroy the current one (see larry fink banging on about a rival stock market but digital assets). Still a long way off the removal of the usd as the reserve, too many of the parasites have all their chips in the current system.

Saying that, a world war can very, very quickly speed this process up. That card is still very much in the hand.
Hi :). Can i ask you to help me with something that i dont want to ask publicly coz some people might make fun of me?. Would appreciate it if youll send me a message so i can replay you with my question (coz for some reason i can't message first). Thanx :)
(its not nude or something like that).
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Spotpot · 41-45, M
@jshm2 You wish.

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