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Mental Health and the economic system

Mental health has become a major issue in our society today, and capitalism plays a large role in people’s mental health.

Capitalism is an economic system that prioritizes the accumulation of wealth, and it encourages an individualistic culture of competition. This intense focus on money and the pursuit of profit can be detrimental to mental well-being. Capitalism produces an increasingly unequal power structure, and this environment can be hostile to those at the bottom of the economic ladder. The system can create stress, anxiety and depression by putting individuals in difficult positions. For example, low-income earners often have to work long hours for not enough pay, making it difficult for them to focus on their mental health. Capitalism also encourages putting more emphasis on material success than personal relationships, which can lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation. Additionally, capitalism can pit workers against each other and create feelings of insecurity and mistrust. Moreover, in a society that heavily values money, those without significant amounts of wealth can feel inadequate and invisible. In addition it also creates a stigma surrounding mental illness and invalidates suffering (lack of sick leave, ...)

Consequently, there are serious mental health issues associated with capitalism, and these are further exacerbated by its emphasis on competition, material success and inequality.

Mental health is of paramount importance and requires integration into society in order to ensure that all citizens have the necessary resources to grow and thrive. Under Socialism, access to mental health services is and would be a right that everyone should have.

In order to do this, the government provides "free" mental healthcare services through national socialized health systems, as well as other community-based resources such as psychologists, counselors, and support groups. This access to mental health services also encompasses medicine, therapies, and technological advances to treat and manage mental illness, ensuring everyone in society can receive the highest quality of care in the most timely and equitable way possible. It is also important to ensure that individuals do not experience any kind of discrimination while accessing these services. This includes access to mental health literacy, job security, and a safe environment where mental health issues can be discussed openly and without any fear. In addition, training for mental health professionals needs to be increased in order to ensure their skills are up-to-date with the latest breakthroughs and to ensure that any individual, regardless of their economic or social status, can receive appropriate and immediate care.
In this way, Socialism makes sure that all citizens receive the care and attention they need to lead productive lives.
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Alyosha · 31-35, M
While I don't like capitalism, it's what works right now. Good luck with that socialism thing; it's been so successful so far.
@Alyosha ?
Social justice stack?
Alyosha · 31-35, M
@Roundandroundwego Oh dear god are you ill-informed. The last time they tried assembly democracy without leaders was OWS and that was a joke.
@Alyosha the ignorant believe in human rights and America. It's one or the other, really. Thanx for the update! Murka doesn't want yer dumb rights and booooom! You can werkkk fer it or be dead. We can't talk to it and you know we don't negotiate with killers in the killing process that never ends.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
You are completely wrong.

This website has ample evidence of how capitalism promotes good mental health.

Detrimentalpineapple · 26-30, F
Capitalism is supposed to be something that gives everyone a fair chance at success. Which if either by genetic luck, social support, and or by force etc ur able to climb the ladder with scholarships then it works.

But for those that fall through the cracks without the social and economic backing ur just stuck into bottom end of the working class system like a caste system.

Poor kids that have to work part time while studying are automatically at a disadavntage having to multi task. Being tired from work just to have money to afford going to school.

I find money also definitely isnt everything, even with money if u dont have the right support system and environment to study u can very easily fall into addictions to distract urself from certain obstacles in life.
HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M
The US used to institutionalize people with severe mental illness. Then the state and federal governments decided to stop doing that and reintroduce those with severe mental illness into society, i.e., "Mainstreaming."

What you are characterizing as an economic issue is in reality government policy.
HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M

Fifty years have passed since President John F. Kennedy signed legislation to reform mental healthcare in the United States.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
Taking this one step further, we can see that a system thatallows people to fall through the cracks financially and therefore become more isolated socially because of the importance of capitalist values to their lives can also lead to feelings of frustration and anxiety that can take one down the path of depression and a sense of injustice. Add easy access to firearms and you have a powderkeg with the tiniest spark setting it off and someone decides "This aint right and someone has to pay"..😷
Gloomy · F
@whowasthatmaskedman That is the sad reality of capitalism in the US for example.

Lack of social cohesion and the alienation under this system has cost many lives already. 😔
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@Gloomy Plus Americans are contantly sold this idea that they are "free" which is BS. And they can defend this freedom with guns, which is a great way to end up dead. America became great by working together to achieve great things. Now they are not only divided. They are predating on each other and will be consigned to the midden of history..😷
specman · 51-55, MVIP
America is set up a certain way. Some may disagree with it, but that does not mean that America will change their system . Pick on countries that have the problem of little to no coverage. People everywhere have mental issues in most countries it is not documented or not accurately documented. as in the case of some countries that are in poverty . they would love to be in America.

America is running their country as they see fit. IF you like your government better then more power to you and don't try to shove your beliefs down our throats. There must be a site that discusses your country's problems.
specman · 51-55, MVIP
@Gloomy No comment necessary. My stance still stands with my original comment. I will add this though by the number of immigrants that are trying to come in makes it a desirable place to be. Regardless of their situation they still had the choice of another country.
Gloomy · F
@specman Just your random talking points but you do know that the US has to deal with push migration and not pull migration meaning people come because other places are worse (partially due to US interventions so you caused the migration waves yourself) and not because it's so great and perfect also the lie of the American Dream is still spread.
specman · 51-55, MVIP
@Gloomy what interventions and some immigrants pass through several countries and across the oceans just to try to make it to the US.
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
My mental health is dependent on socialism dying off for good
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
@Gloomy Oh no a little coercion. I've overcome so much so-called coercion and so can everyone else.

It's funny how feeble you portray people but you think that you can help them survive. You can't help that kind of person.

This is all mumbojumbo that pretends the proletariat is a bunch of babies that could never willingly give up their labor.
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Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
@Gloomy Listen listen listen... who hit you in the head with a hammer?
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
If I'm being honest I'd rather have material success than any other success just because we all die and everything is meaningless so making wealth just counts for making yourself happy. I believe people just don't think about how to get money in more creative ways which is why people don't succeed and they're afraid to fail/most don't even try. Not sure saying that everyone should be socialist and pretending it doesn't come with issues is really a surefire solution though.
ViciDraco · 41-45, M
Even being on the higher income scale, our economic system in the US has really been weighing on me. I really don't understand how everyone else does it.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@ViciDraco An astute observation. The thing I have difficulty with in the US system is that considering the amount people do pay in taxes and how little they get back in services from the various government agencies, where exactly does all that money go??😷
originnone · 61-69, M
It's true in a social psychological way too (ie the way the individual relates to their society)... For me, I feel alone. I don't have community. I have me and no one to count on. I know a lot of that is internal to me, but I think having a society that puts so much emphasis on individual success is soul destroying. I get that capitalism has done an incredible service to getting people out of poverty, but it's time to do better.
The "free market" crashes every four to eight years and thereby creates the conditions for complex trauma disorders and mass psychosis.
Also, it creates the underclass because certain minorities are always last hired and first fired as the economy goes through its cycles.
Max41 · 26-30, M
It is weird actually because most americans were supporting Capitalism and even europeans were supporting it ,
now that their banks and companies are being sold to China , now Capitalism has become bad .
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
It's a shame you don't seem concerned with people who have mental health issues from genetic causes. I recognize that it's at a crisis level in this country, but seriously, weird way to make a political point.
Gloomy · F
@uncalled4 Why do you think I am not concerned with those people? I myself am clinically depressed but just because you focus on one particular issue doesn't mean you can't care and ignore all others. Also the current system does affect the way people with clinical depression are percieved and their access to mental healthcare.

It's not weird at all to adress the flaws of a system.
Philth · 46-50, M
Absolutely right on this one.

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