Anarcho communist
No government but more government!
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@Guitarman123 Not with original sin, it ain't.
Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
@BritishFailedAesthetic darwin said we are social creatures who thrive of interaction with each other. Lockdowns proved that to be correct. Vast majority of people simply want to live as stress free lives as possible and establishing a dog eat dog attitude achieves the opposite which is paranoia and distrust. Its in the best interests of all people to help out our fellow beings as that maintains sociability and decreases any stress. Even tribes worked in common with each other back in the olden days. They had leaders yes, but no one was better or worse than anyone else and everyone shared the necessary resources equally
Entwistle · 56-60, M
@BritishFailedAesthetic Why would we need to enforce equal distribution?
Why would everything need to be equal anyway? People could create and take what they need. Greed would be pointless. Why take 10 loaves of bread when you only need 8?
Why would everything need to be equal anyway? People could create and take what they need. Greed would be pointless. Why take 10 loaves of bread when you only need 8?
Entwistle · 56-60, M
Ideas of 'This is mine' and 'This isn't mine' would be gone,selfishness re produce and items for living wouldn't be instilled in people from day one as they are in a capitalist society.
Thodsis · 51-55, M
Looks pretty good from a brief internet search.
How easy a read is it?
I.e. Are there any stunts or scenes of gratuitous nudity?
How easy a read is it?
I.e. Are there any stunts or scenes of gratuitous nudity?