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Shouldn't the British government allowed the parents of baby Charlie Gard to take him to the states?

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therighttothink50 · 56-60, M Best Comment
Global government at its very worse stacked with judges who want to control people's lives. The tyranny of the EU and its bureaucracy on display for all to see. This is what Obama and his fellow liberal utopian globalists have planted the seeds for here. Total government control through the judiciary system. The EU ended British sovereignty and handed it to a bunch of scumbag technocrats who think they know better than all of us.

What is one of the main components of global liberal utopianism: the destruction of the family unit and to make people think the state can replace your father and mother. The myth that the state can take care of your needs from cradle to grave by redistributing wealth. This ruse has been going on for centuries. It defies freedom, common sense and logic.

Liberalism is a failed ideology, it can never win based on facts or logic. Therefore it needs to rule through the courts. Courts stacked with warp minded leftist judges who want to normalize the killing of any human being. Tyrannical governments who give liberal activist courts the power to decide whether you live or die. This case is a good example of a government bureaucracy and how it has destroyed individualism. All matters are now to be decided by the world government which is a technocracy.

People have become so morally corrupt and bound by their surveillance devices they cling to 24/7 that they see nothing wrong with this police state having more say than the parents.

It is a sad world we live in today, a world gone mad, governments using the courts to promote tyranny. People who embrace tyranny and make excuses for it. This is a sick world and getting sicker. When parents can't make the decision for their own child, to try a last gasp effort to save their child, there is something severely wrong. I guarantee you if that child was one of the elite, he would be given any and every opportunity to get well, no matter how hopeless it seemed.

Liberalism a twisted ideology. It caters to the elite while operating under the facade that everybody is equal. It destroys the middle class, the fact is there is only one ruling elite class which benefits. This class rules today with a velvet glove over the drones they have indoctrinated over the last 60 years or so. The willfully ignorant drones who think equality and freedom can be given to them by morally corrupt technocrats. What did PT Barnum allegedly say? There is sucker born everyday. Indeed those suckers grow up and give their freedoms away way too easily in today's sick and perverse world. Two sets of rules and laws, one for the technocrats and one for the rest of us. A sick world!!!!
Abrienda · 26-30, F
@therighttothink50 AMEN! The war is between those who believe they are our "betters" and want to rule us far more completely than any European king even ever WANTED to and their servants and those who still retain their belief in human dignity. There have been victories in Britain and USA and Central Europe but the fight is on and is worldwide.
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
@Abrienda The war is on, facts and truth verse propaganda. Logic verse political ideology. Individualism verse collectivism. Common sense verse indoctrination. Accountability verse unaccountability. Freedom and liberty verse tyranny. American sovereignty verse the world government. The US Constitution verse globalism. Life verse death. The common man verse the technocrats. Choose wisely the side you are on. Your soul and way of life is on the line.
Abrienda · 26-30, F
@therighttothink50 No question about it. And I think you know which side I am on.

Gumba1000 · M
The government isn't stopping them, the medical professionals are with the help of the courts. Charlie can't move his arms or his legs, can't open his eyes, can't breathe unaided, his liver and kidneys are effected, he is both blind and deaf, he's brain damaged and thought to be in pain. This poor boy if even by some miracle gains consciousness and lives to grow up; will be a prisoner of his own body and unable to see, hear or learn about the world around him. He will be in a living torment.

I would say his parents are in denial and being selfish in this case.
@GunSmoke9 Good to hear someone say that!
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
@questionWeaver Yes the doofuses on the left will never side with the parents. They live in a dream world where they think the state knows best, the technocrats are gods to these mindless drones. Never do they dare question the state. They then use an argument based on illogic, parroting each other's ridiculous talking point that the government and courts are not connected. The use of semantics to destroy common sense and reality.

The parents know best for their child when it comes to that child's survival. Not a bunch of soulless paid socialist bureaucrats looking to normalize euthanasia and promote a leftist political agenda. Time to stop being nice to irrational scumbags who hate human life and don't value any individual rights.

How dare the scumbags on the left judge the quality of somebody's life. These are the same scumbags on the left who send their parents to nursing homes when they are inconvenienced a little bit by their parents' old age. Every case is different and every parent loves their children regardless. It is not the business of anybody but the parents' regarding the personal health and well being of their child.

Screw these leftist scumbags who would fight for the life of an amoeba over a human being. They are so detached from reality it is frightening to know they exist in such numbers. Such clueless souls, such selfish mindless freaks with no consciences.

Well expressed!

Luv the amoeba example!
Apparently ... this is a British Court issue ... and not a government thing.

Seems, for reasons and purpose unknown, the British High Court feels they have more right to speak for Charlie ... than the parents.

Essentially, holding him prisoner.

The British Courts have reminded us of why Thomas Jefferson wrote to the British in 1776 "When, in the course of human events ..."
wetncthru · F
@questionWeaver Precise, coherent and informative reply. Thanks.
Nyloncapes · 61-69, M
Agree with gumba, but can also see the parents side as well, if they think there is a chance even how small a parent will take it, it is a hard decision for a parent to take
Abrienda · 26-30, F
You let "government" decide who shall receive medical treatment and who shall not especially when it has NOTHING TO DO WITH THEM AND WILL COST THEM NOTHING then you have no more right to life than a stray dog - lees cause at least there are people dedicated to animal "rights"! Want to REALLY worry about something in the news? Worry about this case.
Abrienda · 26-30, F
@questionWeaver On the other hand I find Americans are touched and cant believe it when people say nice things about them. But then those who deserve the most usually get the least, no?
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@Burnley123 Eh in my opinion only it seems like politics and medicine are not so far apart. There's a lot of factors that have me thinking "medical professionals" are no different than politicians. Too much to go into here.

Just look at advertising and the mass control they have over people. They want you sick but only sick "just enough." If that's not politics then I don't know.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@Abrienda I should say at this point that I actually disagree with the court's decision on grounds of parental choice. They have managed to raise their own money anyway.

What I am disagreeing with is the argument that this is a 'Government' decision and the implied political motovation, which has not been evidenced by anyone posting on here.

@SatanBurger @Abrienda
Just look at advertising and the mass control they have over people. They want you sick but only sick "just enough." If that's not politics then I don't know.

Advertising is largely something done by the private sector and I know the American system tries to push a lot of drugs on here. I won't argue with you there. One of the advantages of the UK model is that, with the profit motive taken out, you can have more faith that decisions are made for medical reasons only.

There's a lot of factors that have me thinking "medical professionals" are no different than politicians. Too much to go into here.

It still doesn't explain a cynical motive in this particular case. The current UK Government is Conservative and moderately anti-NHS and has just gone into coalition with an anti-abortion Christian party called the DUP. Doctors make decisions based on medical ethics and the courts make decisions based on laws of medical ethics (which we can debate).
katielass · F
What can it hurt to try an experimental treatment. doc on TV right now saying this treatment has been used in one child and the child is better.
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
What it will hurt is the control of the technocracy who desires to control humanity from cradle to grave. That is why the psychopaths on the left don't like it. It actually puts the power back into the individual person and family unit, something the left loathes. They want the government to control you through liberal activist judges who are basically unelected technocrats who want to change your thought process and destroy your way of life. @katielass
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
Yes. I don't know the facts of why the doctors won't allow him to be moved but from what I read they want to take him off life support anyways. Which is why it's strange they wouldn't approve of the child going to the states or getting medical care elsewhere.

This leaves me with no other option than to assume that the doctors are afraid he'll get care and get better. This would make them look bad so seems like they just want to kill a baby before that happens.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@Pherick It was posted just four hours ago so it's probably fairly new.
Pherick · 41-45, M
@Gumba1000 This is what I had heard last, that even if by some literal miracle, this treatment "cured" the baby, he was still brain dead, nothing will fix that.
Gumba1000 · M
@Pherick Yep. I have been explaining that to these people. They don't seem to understand that.
MartinII · 70-79, M
It's nothing to do with the government. The people who are preventing him going to the States are his doctors. His parents are appealing to the High Court.
MartinII · 70-79, M
@katielass Sorry, the Court is nothing to do with the government, except to the extent that the government has a say in senior judicial appointments. The Court's job is to interpret the law, just as with the Supreme Court in the US, except that you have a written constitution which we don't.

On the substance of the matter, I agree with you.
katielass · F
@MartinII Who appoints the court? The government. It's an extension of the government, even more so when there is no constitution.
MartinII · 70-79, M
@katielass Strictly speaking I think The Queen does on the advice of the Lord Chancellor. The High Court frequently frustrates the wishes of the elected government, especially at the moment, partly because of laws passed under the Blair/Brown government, partly because judges at present are more left-wing than the government.

Anyway, as I say we are of the same opinion on the sad Charlie Gard case.
From what Little I know about it I am going to say yes.
wetncthru · F
Yes. Definitely. Absolutely.
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Vatican gave him a Vatican passport ... permitting him to travel almost anywhere in the world for treatment.

Congress has created Charlie an honorary citizenship ... to help leverage his survival.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
As other people have said, the Government have no role in the decision. Its courts and medical professionals.
bowman81 · M
@Burnley123 Sorry, the courts are one of the basic functions of Government. Trying to say otherwise is pure sophistry. The Courts ARE Government.
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
@bowman81 This is the new liberal talking point, it would be quite funny if it wasn't so sick. The boldness and audacity of their illogic in order to promote ideological propaganda is now beyond insane, it is gotten to the point of pure evil.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@bowman81 I didn't say otherwise, just pointed out that there are legal seperations and that the conspiracy theory here has no evidence at all.
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