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Can Nancy Pelosi get any more dramatic over the Senate healthcare bill?

Democrats, the party of fear.
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katielass · F Best Comment
is she still claiming that "hundreds of thousands of lives will be lost if this bill passes, literally"? As her hands are flailing about and her eyes are big like she's been doing some crank. Of course that only works on the "easily manipulated and too stupid to know it" dem constituency, per hitlery shrillery.
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katielass · F
@katielass: Thanks for BA. :)
katielass · F
@GunSmoke9: Fear is all they have to sell. No ideas.

MsMontgomery · 51-55, F
I can't stand her... they aren't taking away anything... she's an alarmist. If crooked H proposed the same, exact thing, she'd be singing it's praises.
MsMontgomery · 51-55, F
@Ynotisay: over $3,000 a month. So, basically I'm just working to have insurance. Oh! AND there's a yearly deductible & then insurance only pays 80%.... ok, enough said for me on this topic... #pointless.
Ynotisay · M
@MsMontgomery: The average contribution of an employer for an employee's insurance is about 80%. Average family of four is about 1,500 a month. So if you're not making serious money, like high six figures, I'm not sure what to say. Other than you should have gone through the ACA and picked up your insurance there on your own. You'd be paying way less.
As long as you know you're going to pay more and get less, per the CBO (headed by a guy who tried to destroy Obamacare) that's the only point I can make. Good luck.
JP1119 · 36-40, M
@underyourskin: The article doesn't come up.
TheProphet · M
She won't be their leader much longer.
GunSmoke9 · 56-60, M
@bijouxbroussard: Also forced to get it or pay a fine.
@lastbabyboomer: No, 22 million. Acceptable if it's your family ? Didn't think so.
TheProphet · M
@bijouxbroussard: I provided for myself and my family. If people want care they should pay for it like the rest of us.
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@GunSmoke9: He's not killing anyone today.
GunSmoke9 · 56-60, M
@bijouxbroussard: Neither are the republicans. Sanders what a phony.
@GunSmoke9: The result with this healthcare plan will be deaths, unless it's modified.
Ramon67 · 61-69, M
The party of HATE .
Ramon67 · 61-69, M
[image/video deleted]
TheProphet · M
@bijouxbroussard: I don't believe he is and until I hear him say something that would change mind I won't believe it.
@Nomar67: Trump uses people ("There's my African American !") Posing with civil rights icons doesn't prove a damned thing, it just fools conservatives who don't pay attention to the other things he said and done.

@lastbabyboomer: Sorry I have no faith that anyone who flies the Confederate flag would ever understand. Bye, Boomer.
mrmoose · 70-79, M
here's a truth, if the gop bill passes, i will loose the health insurance i have, and i will die
@lastbabyboomer: These aren't lies---this is what you folks are getting rid of. The GOP's lying to you.
TheProphet · M
@bijouxbroussard: No they aren't.
@lastbabyboomer: You'll find out.
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MsMontgomery · 51-55, F
@waleskinder: mad cow disease
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We don't need them
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
Yes, they fear for the country with those nut Republicans trying to ruin the place.
Well, yes, we know you GOP couldn't care less about people dying, but do you have to be so obviously callous about it ?

Republicans. Party of Death.
GunSmoke9 · 56-60, M
@lastbabyboomer: When someone tells me not to write to them just because we disagree, that's being a coward.
TheProphet · M
@GunSmoke9: She and I don't agree on much politically but I respect her opinion.
GunSmoke9 · 56-60, M
@lastbabyboomer: ok
katielass · F
She frightens small children and doesn't make any sense. But that's why she's a dumbocrat leader.
Ynotisay · M
You've got to be fucking kidding me.
Anti-Renewable energy
Anti fucking everything EXCEPT Pro-Gun. And that's because they need to "protect" themselves.
I've never met a Conservative who isn't driven by fear that they masquerade as strength. Just like the religion they love to tout. Fear DRIVES conservative thought. That's not just me saying that. Scientific studies back that up all day every day.
swirlie · F
If I may shed some light on what it will cost Americans in green-backs should there be no healthcare plan set up for each of you, please read this ditty:

Two years ago, my parent's neighbors who are Canadian, went to Florida for another winter. Yes, the dreaded Snowbirds headed south again in the big Crown Vic with deep-lug snow tires on all around... Interior noise level apparently, was the standard 95 decibels all the way down Interstate 75 like it always is.

85 year old wife not feeling too well one night, so 90 year old husband takes her to Orlando and gets her admitted to hospital for overnight observation. He feels confident about the impending 'bill', because she has Emergency Medical Insurance to cover it.

Attending Physician finds nothing wrong with her, but she still feels like shit. Doctor keeps her in hospital for 6 more nights. After 7 nights, Physician realizes that the couple are NOT American and therefore do not have an American Health Plan. Kicks wife out of hospital, suggesting to husband that he get her ass back north in his `99 Crown Vic as quickly as possible and into a Canadian hospital where her Canadian Medical Insurance will cover her, because they still don't know what's wrong with her.

During discharge from hospital, Administrator will not release her until they pay the hospital bill. Turns out, Emergency Medical Insurance ONLY covers an emergency admittance to hospital; it does not cover a drive-in or walk-in that was not preceded by a 911 call. They now have to pay cash for 7 nights of stay, or she cannot be released.

Turns out, Canadians are as rich as hell because of NAFTA and the 85 year old simply cut the hospital Administrator a cheque for the full amount. The total hospital bill for 7 nights stay, 7 days of meals, 2 baths, no pills, no TV rental and plenty of perplexing observation, was $53,000 (in U.S. Dollars).

Husband loads wife into Crown Vic, points the beast northbound just like it was April and heads for Toronto during a winter blizzard in February. Upon arrival at the hospital in Toronto, wife lays her Canadian Hospitalization Card on the table, she is admitted for another 7 days and they discover a blocked artery. Artery gets unblocked by a Doctor, she is now free to leave. Total Canadian Hospital bill for 7 nights stay plus remedial work to her body, was zero dollars ($0.00). Most expensive part of her Canadian hospital visit was the parking fee of $3 per hour, which her husband still bitches about.

Because this is a story that involves an element of dementia in both parties concerned, I'll be damned, but the exact same thing happened again in the winter of last year. Same exact routine. Except this time, wife had to cut a cheque to the Orlando Hospital Administrator for $61,000. Again, load her into the car and hightail it back to Canada, check-in to Canadian hospital, zero cost to her upon discharge ($0.00). This true story is now getting repetitive.

Of particular interest here, is that her annual premiums for her Canadian Hospitalization, was $600 (Canadian). That amount is based on one's annual income. The highest income bracket in Canada for those earning over $250k annually, requires a whopping medical premium of $900 annually. For those who earn under $20k per year, the medical premiums are just under $200 annually. The standard medical plan covers everything from a misplaced condom extraction to a frontal lobotomy.

The reason she had to pay cash in Orlando, was not because she was 'not' American. It was because she had no American Medical Insurance Plan. If Americans end up with no Medical Insurance Plan from Trump's initiatives, bring a cheque book to the hospital when you check-in, kids! Because you will be in the same boat as a rich bitch from Canada who has no American Medical Insurance either.

But above all, if you have Emergency Medical Travel Insurance, ALWAYS call 911 for an ambulance ride. Never take your car or walk in to the hospital under your own steam, or you will not be covered by the travel insurance and you will have to pay cash.

Emergency Medical Travel Insurance is NOT a medical insurance plan and this rule applies anywhere in the world. The only time EM is valid and is usable as insurance, is if one gets taken to a hospital in an ambulance, not their own car. Emergency means, incapacitation has occurred or will occur. God bless America and God bless NAFTA!
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Goralski · 56-60, M
D bill sucks donkey balls let's face it
katielass · F
@Goralski: Explain. What's in the bill that sucks? Cause I don't know what's in it. I;m only interested in facts. I will verify.
Goralski · 56-60, M
@katielass: one biggie is it still subsidise the insurance companies what's wrong with if you want insurance you go in get an exam and your rates are based upon that the Obama taxes remain to give to the insurance companies with the promise that they'll get repealed later....yeah right

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