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For those of you who call yourselves feminist... Why?

I am not speaking about the radical feminist but the one's with a genuine heart. Who truly want equal rights for men and women. Just seem to go at it in a way where they tend to ignore the negative lights of what feminism has brought. I am not speaking for first wave. Just second and third and I am only speaking for the country we currently reside in. Not those we have no control over. What's the point? Many of the serious issues we talk about for women have equal equivalent issues for men. What's the point of labeling yourself and supporting the very thing that's making things worse? Even if you have the right heart. The ones who shout and influence this country generally don't. The only way to solve that to me is by finding a word that is an example of what we are striving for. And well in my opinion what we already have. Differences will always arise unless we force those differences away or pretend they don't exist. Sexism will always be a thing until we are exactly the same. But the reason feminism was apparent was not to worry about every small difference. What's the point of calling yourself a feminist? I hope you can understand me.
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I see absolutely no issues identifying myself with this:



the advocacy of women's rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes.
PiceousPanda · 26-30, F
@JimboSaturn: Of course I do! There are multiple sources for these. Many times it has been researched. You have to look at both sides equally Jimbo. Or else you'll be fighting for a side when you don't even bother to challenge yourself. I have. I have learned that yes there are women who do get paid less in certain careers but I also learned there are even men who got unpaid unequally. Its illegal in America. Not sure about canada. I don't think it's a female issue at that and treating it like one will again make it one sided and ignore a standard amount of people with the same issue.
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
I just don't see these handouts. I think that is a myth. And please don't patronize me with that "you need to challenge yourself" lol. Of course I look at both sides!

The women I see who have succeeded at my workplace have done so through merit! How dare you say that they go it through some kind of reverse discrimination!

PiceousPanda · 26-30, F
@JimboSaturn: Personal experience does not speak for all. And if you do then well so be it. :) I guess we can stop here then
How can anyone be equal only after pulling someone else down? Women have come so far in such a short while. They have accomplished great feats often while shouldering great burdens. Women are shining in ways never before allowed. They have truly become more. In the process however men have allowed themselves to become less. Our society needs true men in a way that It never has. If our society is to become truly great both sexes must encourage each other to become the best possible version of themselves.
PiceousPanda · 26-30, F
@Quizzical: People try to find things the quick and cheap way. :/ It is a sad habit honestly.
@Quizzical: in that case, start stepping I guess. It's the shortest distance between two points.
Quizzical · 46-50, M
@RandomUniverse: Oh I am far too polite to do that sort of thing :)
Pfuzylogic · M
It might not be obvious but empowerment in society is normally accomplished by what you earn. Even with a positive PR on where women are they still earn 70% of an equivalent wage for an equivalent position for a man.
It is strange how things like that get by in an infrastructure of a society. I hope you understand this gap can be so debilitating for women trying "to play by society's rules".
Pfuzylogic · M
@PiceousPanda: I would say it is a bit presumptuous to say that I am exaggerating. Honestly it comes across as a bit disrespectful.
PiceousPanda · 26-30, F
I'm sorry. I wouldn't call it exaggeration. But we tend to fix ourselves into things that have been apart of our lives. Even I have that habit.
Pfuzylogic · M
@PiceousPanda: Agreed❣️
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
People forget how bad it was back in the good old days of love, honor, and obey.
PiceousPanda · 26-30, F
@Tastyfrzz: Don't understand. Do you mind explaining that?
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
Basically you had no say in anything.
PiceousPanda · 26-30, F
@Tastyfrzz: People seem to forget that there are bad moments in everytime. Just because we improved doesn't mean we don't need more improving. Freedom will always be limited by society and social pressures. Real freedom is not a real thing.
until women no longer need to have this desperation to prove how they are not feminist in order to impress men I will be a feminist. Until socially perceived feminine traits are no longer seen as weaknesses I will be a feminist. Until murder rape violence and war are seen as cowardly pathetic weaknesses I will be a feminist.
PiceousPanda · 26-30, F
@pandora: Well that is the thing. I am not a feminist. I am not trying to impress men because plenty disagree with me, others agree. I have my own mind. I am very feminine and the only people who make me feel weak are generally feminist themselves. It's a very backwards concept to say feminism is for strengthening feminine qualities. I wish! It has probably made more women feel more ashamed about their needs beyond the bedroom.
And murder rape and violence have nothing to do with sexism. It has to do with horrible people and it is already seen as a horrible thing.
why are you not a feminist? and what do you mean by 'i am feminine"
PiceousPanda · 26-30, F
@pandora: I'm not a feminist because idc for the womens point of view in life. I care for the equal struggles both men and women carry. :) I probably would have conisdered myself a feminist during the first wave movement though.
CaptainCanadia · 41-45, M
I'm a (male) feminist because women are disadvantaged in society as compared to men. That needs to change. I believe our society is worse because of it, and should be better.

There are a lot of details about how you go about that, what disadvantaged means, and how you measure it, but at the core it's really, really simple.
I'm a feminist because I was raised to believe that I was valuable, capable and intelligent and I deserved to not be shut out of opportunities in the outside world because of my gender. That was over 50 years ago and I've been watching my country catch up to that way of thinking. Now because of this administration and brainwashing of subsequent generations we've been going backwards. Feminism is also not just for western white women, there are women in other countries with dreams they would also like to be able to fulfill.
@Pfuzylogic: Yes, I can believe that.
Pfuzylogic · M
@bijouxbroussard: It was like he was an artifact brought back from the McCarthy era and drug the whole country back with him dividing the old and the young.
He was the one who got the deficit really rolling.
PiceousPanda · 26-30, F
@bijouxbroussard: Supporting feminism only helps you to support the radicals. I go by what effects people and me supporting feminism does nothing. And that is mainly the cause by second wave feminism. When its soley started to focus on women rather than the unfair equality between men and women. That's when it went to shit. And eh as I said. I'm not going to hold onto a word because of the meaning it held in the past. Women outside of our own country have there own fight. It's not my country and feminism doesn't have to exist to fix that. Which people don't seem to understand.
MrsPeterEvans · 31-35, F
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