HobNoblin · 36-40, M
People aren't waiting for any of that. Patriots are too busy getting involved and lending a hand. Degenerate communists are waiting and huffing hopium. That's actually a good thing, while their doing that they're not committing acts of terrorism.
IM5688 · 61-69, M
You sure are expecting a lot from a guy whose only been in office 3 months. Things like stopping wars and making drastic changes take time. In the beginning, things are always off to a rough start. And I wouldn't call what he has accomplished so far, failures. He has quickly made some bold changes and decisions and we must now wait for the dust to settle to truly see the results. It is not reasonable to expect positive results this quick. Give it some time.
BTW, were you this quick to point out all of Biden's failures?
BTW, were you this quick to point out all of Biden's failures?
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IM5688 · 61-69, M
@KunsanVeteran A disaster why? Because he got illegal migrants to stop flooding our southern border? Because he is stopping gov't wasteful spending? Because he is at least trying to bring Russia and Ukraine to the peace table?
That's more than Biden/Harris ever did.
If you can't see that Trump is trying to help our country and the American people, then you are suffering from true TDS. You are so filled with Trump hatred that even if he cured cancer or walked on water, you'd find fault with him. You are blinded to the truth by your liberalism.
That's more than Biden/Harris ever did.
If you can't see that Trump is trying to help our country and the American people, then you are suffering from true TDS. You are so filled with Trump hatred that even if he cured cancer or walked on water, you'd find fault with him. You are blinded to the truth by your liberalism.
MarthannBann888 · 70-79, F
Give the man time and he'll accomplish all he set out to do.
I love how so many are quick to pounce on Trump for every little thing he does, when the man's only been in office a few months. They are so quick to point a finger, yet not one of them said a word as they watched Biden and Obama cripple this country. They are so quick to forget how the DIMS left Trump with a catastrophic mess to clean up. It's going to look like chaos and nothing but hardship, in the beginning. What we're really seeing, at least I hope people are beginning to take their blindfolds off and finally see, all the damage the Biden/Obama administration dumped on this country.
I wouldn't want to be in President Trump's shoes for anything, as the poor man takes on his shoulders, massive reconstructing of our economy, national debt, revitalizing global manufacturing, and so much more. He has already done more for this country in 3 months, than Biden did in 4 years!
I love how so many are quick to pounce on Trump for every little thing he does, when the man's only been in office a few months. They are so quick to point a finger, yet not one of them said a word as they watched Biden and Obama cripple this country. They are so quick to forget how the DIMS left Trump with a catastrophic mess to clean up. It's going to look like chaos and nothing but hardship, in the beginning. What we're really seeing, at least I hope people are beginning to take their blindfolds off and finally see, all the damage the Biden/Obama administration dumped on this country.
I wouldn't want to be in President Trump's shoes for anything, as the poor man takes on his shoulders, massive reconstructing of our economy, national debt, revitalizing global manufacturing, and so much more. He has already done more for this country in 3 months, than Biden did in 4 years!
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SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
Were you this critical and impatient when Biden was managing these things? Trump has got 2 cease fire agreements already, Biden's only effective move was to escalate the issues, sell more weapons and increase the death toll.
Can you acknowledge those failures along with the set backs that Trump has experienced?
Can you acknowledge those failures along with the set backs that Trump has experienced?
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
@Anniedlr One with Israel that they just ended, and now one between Russia and Ukraine.
Anniedlr · 26-30, F
@SumKindaMunster I think you will find that no definite cease fire has been agreed between Ukraine and Russia
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
@Anniedlr My comment was that a cease fire agreement was reached, I'm not sure what you mean by "definite". I assume that's your opinion of the agreement. That is not factual, it is your opinion.
MarthannBann888 · 70-79, F
I can appreciate your hurry given the utter failure of progress over the last four years.
I'm just waiting for 2028
MasterLee · 56-60, M
For you to have a coherent argument
Nanoose · 61-69, M
I think we can expect some structural failures – his Girdel and Depends will burst. Cheers!
Anniedlr · 26-30, F
I’d be more surprised if he were to actually to achieve anything successfully😂😂😂😂😂
TinyViolins · 31-35, M
At his age, cognitive failure is a very real concern
KunsanVeteran · M
@TinyViolins It’s a reality and has been for years.
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LeopoldBloom · M
Well, we may be heading into a recession, so there’s that.
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sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
KunsanVeteran · M
All you can expect in the Apricot Antichrist’s future is more grifting of his cult, more tax cuts for the wealthy, more crimes (against humanity, our country, our senior citizens, our democracy, our economy, our veterans, his perceived “enemies”, decency, etc.) and his dementia continuing to progress.
How will it end for him & his cult? Jonestown should give you a clue, or Hitler’s reign in Germany…
How will it end for him & his cult? Jonestown should give you a clue, or Hitler’s reign in Germany…
Roundandroundwego · 61-69
Failure? Sure. Y'all didn't mean to genocide Palestine! Y'all is innocent!
Y'all didn't mean to kill kids, you didn't mean to not build public transportation! But y'all is! Lolz! Mistakes keep on happening! Lolz. Happy fail!
Y'all didn't mean to kill kids, you didn't mean to not build public transportation! But y'all is! Lolz! Mistakes keep on happening! Lolz. Happy fail!
MarthannBann888 · 70-79, F
The United States did not genocide Palestine. The Jews did not genocide Palestine. The question was and is, do Jews have a right to defend their nation? Are you saying that the people who came across the border 10/6 have a right to go there are kill a thousand people? If they do, then you are correct, if they don't then let's find a different solution.
You seem to know about this, following the 10/6 I noticed on the news day after day that the IDF didn't invade Gaza. Everyday the IDF dropped fliers warning civilians to leave. The news said that Hamas would not allow the residents of Gaza to leave. In this case, why did Hamas kill their own? It makes no sense.
Since the border has been open 100,000 mostly young people, have died of overdoses every year. That is more than in all of the Vietnam War. Do you morally superior person condone the deaths of those children. Countless thousands of children have been taken into the sex traffic. They are now tied to beds and raped countless times a day. Are their lives not worthy of note?
In Afghanistan, thousands have been killed. No one women can even be heard in public without punishment.
I know that you know all about these people. You know, too, that it was not the current president who actions invited the bad players in these events to act as they did.
As far as Trump is concerned, expecting the results you do in the time frame you do is both infantile and churlish. You are so intent on destroying America that you don't care how stupid you look. How much do they pay you after all.
The United States did not genocide Palestine. The Jews did not genocide Palestine. The question was and is, do Jews have a right to defend their nation? Are you saying that the people who came across the border 10/6 have a right to go there are kill a thousand people? If they do, then you are correct, if they don't then let's find a different solution.
You seem to know about this, following the 10/6 I noticed on the news day after day that the IDF didn't invade Gaza. Everyday the IDF dropped fliers warning civilians to leave. The news said that Hamas would not allow the residents of Gaza to leave. In this case, why did Hamas kill their own? It makes no sense.
Since the border has been open 100,000 mostly young people, have died of overdoses every year. That is more than in all of the Vietnam War. Do you morally superior person condone the deaths of those children. Countless thousands of children have been taken into the sex traffic. They are now tied to beds and raped countless times a day. Are their lives not worthy of note?
In Afghanistan, thousands have been killed. No one women can even be heard in public without punishment.
I know that you know all about these people. You know, too, that it was not the current president who actions invited the bad players in these events to act as they did.
As far as Trump is concerned, expecting the results you do in the time frame you do is both infantile and churlish. You are so intent on destroying America that you don't care how stupid you look. How much do they pay you after all.
Roundandroundwego · 61-69
@MarthannBann888 denial will definitely be adequate! I'm for it! Gahead - Cliff's right up ahead!
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
ShenaniganFoodie · 36-40, M
Refusal to accept the Chinese Government's offer of free language lessons for all Americans
YoMomma ·
Carla · 61-69, F
The cult is waiting for arrests and executions.
The rest is just noise.
The rest is just noise.
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
@Carla Which cult is setting fire to people's EV vehicles because they don't like the CEO's politics?
I'm sure the people losing their vehicles and livelihood totally understand.
I'm sure the people losing their vehicles and livelihood totally understand.
MarthannBann888 · 70-79, F
you are completely and totally wrong. The "cult" wants its money back from you wild spenders.
you are completely and totally wrong. The "cult" wants its money back from you wild spenders.