This is page 1 in the "How To Be A Dictator: for Dummies" book. Disable the mainstream media to control the narrative. A free and independent mainstream media are the only bodies which can hold governments to account in front of the people. We all know that certain outlets have political leanings but there are others with the opposite political leanings, so there is choice. The mainstream media are the only news media with the resources and the reach to access the important stories. Without them we would be left with the fringe lunatics who barely leave their garden shed yet claim to know what is really going on in the world.
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Charity · 56-60
There have been an occasional incident where the media got something wrong.
When this was brought to their attention they corrected it.
Now if you believe that the media lies to the degree that you were speaking of, the Constitution says you have the right to voice that opinion.
What lies did the media produce concerning covid? None! They released information as information was given to them and because not much was known about covid the information was always changing.
To each their own. And since I know the truth of the media, and the mainstream media does not lie, if my husband lied as little as the mainstream I would continually gift him.
There have been an occasional incident where the media got something wrong.
When this was brought to their attention they corrected it.
Now if you believe that the media lies to the degree that you were speaking of, the Constitution says you have the right to voice that opinion.
What lies did the media produce concerning covid? None! They released information as information was given to them and because not much was known about covid the information was always changing.
To each their own. And since I know the truth of the media, and the mainstream media does not lie, if my husband lied as little as the mainstream I would continually gift him.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M