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Reagan on Tariffs, April 25, 1987, Radio Address

You see, at first, when someone says, ``Let's impose tariffs on foreign imports,'' it looks like they're doing the patriotic thing by protecting American products and jobs. And sometimes for a short while it works -- but only for a short time. What eventually occurs is: First, homegrown industries start relying on government protection in the form of high tariffs. They stop competing and stop making the innovative management and technological changes they need to succeed in world markets. And then, while all this is going on, something even worse occurs. High tariffs inevitably lead to retaliation by foreign countries and the triggering of fierce trade wars. The result is more and more tariffs, higher and higher trade barriers, and less and less competition. So, soon, because of the prices made artificially high by tariffs that subsidize inefficiency and poor management, people stop buying. Then the worst happens: Markets shrink and collapse; businesses and industries shut down; and millions of people lose their jobs.
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AndysAttic · 56-60, M
There is the other less discussed fall out from tariffs. Despite all our countries companies being faithful and as pure as the driven snow it has been known for them to raise their own prices to be just below that of the foreign goods...So, slightly cheaper but not much. Of course Western companies would never do that, oh no...not at all.

Except when they do of course.
Shrinking markets - except in weapons! Americans show no awareness and no willingness to make sense of their war and punishment future! Connecting the two kinds of economic activity with their fascist punishment of one and their funding of the other? Never! No going there - nobody but me would object! Three hundred million Americans need war and austerity and silence on the issue! You have a country. I don't.
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
Even a stopped watch is right twice a day.
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
It took Japanese car companies to wake up the American auto-industry.
JSul3 · 70-79
@JimboSaturn Now they are built in factories here in the US.
trollslayer · 46-50, M
Trump is basically the anti-reagan in all regards.

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