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Charity · 56-60
@zonavar68 reports I've read said an estimated half responded. That's no guarantee that they're going to keep their jobs, it seems Elon's committee will decide who stays and who goes if they don't feel that the person's accomplishments are up to par.

GerOttman · 61-69, M
Thank you Mr. President! If we can't shut the whole thing down, this will have to do. I don't need to have my great grandchildren paying for the debts of a bloated, ineffective federal government.

Remember when the "non-essential" gov workers were told to stay home? Did anyone stop to ask "WHY!" we have 'non-essential" gov. workers in the first place.

Whole departments need to be dismantled, maybe they can learn to code...

Reducing spending and debt absolutely will result in a healthier more resilient economy!
GerOttman · 61-69, M
@zonavar68 well there a solid argument for staying in the USA if ever there was one. Do they know how to tell boys and girls apart there?
Reason10 · 70-79, M
@GerOttman @GerOttman The Defense budget is a FRACTION of the entitlements boondoggle.

But don't get your panties in a twist. DOGE is going after the Pentagon. Musk will likely find plenty of billions of dollars of military waste that will give you erections for weeks.
GerOttman · 61-69, M
@Reason10 I don't have the first clue what you're talking about, I doubt you do either... What panties and what's wrong with your erections??
Adrift · 61-69, F
Nobody wants anyone to loose their jobs but this is done all the time in the private sector.
If a company is not making enough money to sustain, cuts are usually made.
People loose jobs when companies shut down or change ownership.
You want to protest a company that supports something you dont like, it hurts the company, they make cuts, and someone on the bottom level looses their job.
No guarantees except for your skills and performance that can land you a better job.
Why should the government be responsible for guaranteeing you a job when it doesn't for anyone else?
@Charity You didnt understand your sources correctly. There are not 2.3 million being let go. There are only 2.3 million total federal workers, not including postal workers who are in a separate classification as the USPS is independently operated.

Your sources actually say 75,000 accepted voluntary buyouts. Another 220,000 probationary workers (on the job <1yr) are targeted to have their jobs eliminated.


Per the above USA Today article ...

There are another ~500,000 being looked at for possible cuts.

Keep in mind .. There are federal court law suits filed challenging ALL of the federal job eliminations.

Virtually nothing you stated about the articles you posted links to is correct. Maybe you need a new hobby? I don't think this is your thing.
There’s more than 2.3 million federal workers ?

Can’t help but feel a lot of things the gubberment run should be civilian things anyway

And you don’t see that as a bloated problem big brother?
Charity · 56-60

I'm assuming it's a question because there is a question mark behind it.



And if they succeed in laying off / firing 2.3 million that would only leave a few hundred thousand. And to think there is over 340 million legal civilian people in the US and 258.3 of them are adults. I hope what is left of the federal government employees can handle whatever people problems come their way.

Then there's always the states, government still but not federal.

Civilians running a lot of things ok, now how would that work out? At least civilians would know you can't sweep a forest fire out.
2.3 million represents the total federal workforce. The amount cut will be far less. However, you could cut 80% of the federal jobs, and nobody would notice. Luckily, the private sector is hiring. And won't that be nice when people are being paid from the private sector dollars instead of tax dollars.
Reason10 · 70-79, M
Nobody is working those jobs. There are empty offices and paychecks are sent out to people who are NOT working.

That's a pretty good start to balancing the budget.

No USEFUL member of government has been laid off.
Charity · 56-60
@Reason10 not really true Elon couldn't provide the proof, can you?

More money for Elon and Trump's pockets. And trump spending 18 million and 3 months on golf trips. That's where the cuts should have started
Reason10 · 70-79, M
@Charity Elon provided all the proof needed. Intelligent people get that.
fanuc2013 · 51-55, F
Unfortunate but necessary. The U.S. can't go on increasing the debt indefinitely or there will eventually be a total economic collapse, and none of our money will be worth the paper its' printed on, then this country will resemble a "Road Warrior" movie!
Charity · 56-60
@fanuc2013 point understood, and those who agree with the should complain about the millions a month trumps himself spends of taxpayer money on his trips and the trips of administration. But they are willing to accept that.
Charity · 56-60
@BrandNewMan there are 2.4 million federal workers.
That is a million more than the 2.3 that is subject to lose their jobs

2.3 million emails were sent off to 2.3 million federal employees. 1 million of those federal employees responded back.

Why do you think Elon sent those emails, for them to send him a list of their accomplishments, a bunch of hogwash. He is after their jobs, just like he did Twitter, he's going to the government

Did you read the post I said expected, expected and I did read the articles and that's what the article say.




You know what, I don't care what you think think, think as you choose. I post what I post to let people who may not know learn of what's going on.
@Charity You really need to stop. There is again more wrong in your statements than right. You should seek some help.
Charity · 56-60
@BrandNewMan I disagree with you on both points and so do a lot of others and guess what I'm going to keep on posting the news.
eli1601 · 70-79, M
70% of the federal workforce gone. We can only hope.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@eli1601 here comes the fruit pickers the liberals are complaining about
Your headline is not correct. There are only about 2.3 M civilian federal jobs .. how TAF can that many be cut??

There is not currently a recession

Geez the liberal challenge w facts
Charity · 56-60

The news report says different, not only those I listed but others too. Oh it's fake news to you though.
Charity · 56-60

Oh but I am. Call it fake news if you like, and continue to be blind.
Charity · 56-60


I didn't say we were IN a recession I said with recession.

Civilian or not if they work for the federal government they're losing a federal job that is common sense. And you try to poke at me
Reason10 · 70-79, M
Half of those workers don't exist.

Hell yeah, it helps the economy (although the Adolf Biden Recession will be another matter). Saving trillions of dollars. Balancing the budget. People getting to keep more of their hard earned money. That has ALWAYS helped the economy.

Thing is, the Adolf Biden economy is the worst in history. His way has failed.
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
2.3 million new entrants to Trump's 'human designed' lower class who will be lining up for jobs at minimum-wage paying fast food restaurants.

Losing their homes, their families, their peace of mind, their self-worth. All while Trump spends more time golfing than Presidenting
MasterLee · 56-60, M
Big boom for the civilian sector
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Once the greed hoards are equitably distributed, all will be wel, honorable method overrides oppressive tacticsl
BigGuy2 · 31-35, M
The good thing about the way it's been done, it's BOTH sides, but then the nutjobs role out comments like:

"MAGA supporters, are you happy now, this is what you voted for"

If the roles were reversed, they'd try and make sure it's only MAGA voters that get fired
carpediem · 61-69, M
@BigGuy2 as someone who voted for Trump, yes! THIS is what I voted for.
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