Some of the biggest American lies of all time:
1. 9/11 was done by Muslims.
2. Airplanes brought the twin towers down.
3. Israel and Mossad were not involved in creating 9/11.
4. Hitler started WW2.
5. 6 million Jews died in WW2.
6. A lone assassin killed JFK.
7. Iraq had WMDs and had to be invaded
8. Vaccines are safe and effective.
9. GMOs make healthy food.
10. Chemtrails don’t exist.
11. The weather is not controlled (HAARP).
12. Cancer can’t be cured with various herbs, vitamins and minerals.
13. Holistic doctors die accidentally.
14. Fluoride is not bad for you and keeps your teeth healthy.
15. Israel is the civilized country in the Middle East.
16. Palestinians are vicious terrorists.
17. Jewish Zionists don’t control America.
18. Children were killed at Sandy Hook.
19. People died at the ‘Boston Marathon Bombing’.
20. People died at the ‘Orlando Pulse Nightclub Shooting’.
21. AIDS came from monkeys.
22. Diversity is our Strength.
23. Syria gassed children.
24. Eisenhower’s WW2 Death Camps did not exist.
25. The WW2 Dresden bombing massacres were not genocidal war crimes.
26. Navy Seals killed Osama bin Laden.
27. U.S. elections are not fixed.
28. U.S. Constitution is still in force.
29. America has a free press not controlled by Jews.
30. Jews were killed in gas chambers during WW2.
31. The Jews (those in the satanic religion of Judaism who deny Christ) are God's chosen people.
31. The Talmud is a harmless Jewish religious text that is not full of hate for the ‘Goyim’.
32. Trump is going to save America and is not a Zionist puppet
2. Airplanes brought the twin towers down.
3. Israel and Mossad were not involved in creating 9/11.
4. Hitler started WW2.
5. 6 million Jews died in WW2.
6. A lone assassin killed JFK.
7. Iraq had WMDs and had to be invaded
8. Vaccines are safe and effective.
9. GMOs make healthy food.
10. Chemtrails don’t exist.
11. The weather is not controlled (HAARP).
12. Cancer can’t be cured with various herbs, vitamins and minerals.
13. Holistic doctors die accidentally.
14. Fluoride is not bad for you and keeps your teeth healthy.
15. Israel is the civilized country in the Middle East.
16. Palestinians are vicious terrorists.
17. Jewish Zionists don’t control America.
18. Children were killed at Sandy Hook.
19. People died at the ‘Boston Marathon Bombing’.
20. People died at the ‘Orlando Pulse Nightclub Shooting’.
21. AIDS came from monkeys.
22. Diversity is our Strength.
23. Syria gassed children.
24. Eisenhower’s WW2 Death Camps did not exist.
25. The WW2 Dresden bombing massacres were not genocidal war crimes.
26. Navy Seals killed Osama bin Laden.
27. U.S. elections are not fixed.
28. U.S. Constitution is still in force.
29. America has a free press not controlled by Jews.
30. Jews were killed in gas chambers during WW2.
31. The Jews (those in the satanic religion of Judaism who deny Christ) are God's chosen people.
31. The Talmud is a harmless Jewish religious text that is not full of hate for the ‘Goyim’.
32. Trump is going to save America and is not a Zionist puppet