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A CRJ 900 crashes at Toronto

Quick someone figure out how we can blame Trump!!!!
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swirlie · F
Just got the tech update which is my research specialty in the marine world.

They were landing on runway 23, the wind was 270/25G53kts.

Passengers on the left side of the airplane reported that they were looking straight down the runway while on close approach as they looked out their side windows.

Right wing broke off as they touched down, followed by the vertical fin and horizontal stabilizer breaking off, followed by the left wing breaking off.

It appears as if the right wing dug into the runway as the pilot attempted a crosswind landing, then the aircraft cartwheeled, taking the tail off, then taking the left wing off, ending up with the fuselage fully intact but upside down in the infield and adjacent to the airport crash house at Pearson Airport, only 500 feet away.

Fire started but fire crews arrived within 20 seconds of aircraft sliding to a stop and fire extinguished fire with foam.

80 passengers on board, 15 hurt, 3 critical including child which was airlifted to Sick Kids Hospital in downtown Toronto by an EMS helicopter which was coincidentally landing at Pearson where it is based just as this was happening.

The EMS helicopter was literally the first responder on scene and had landed beside the CRJ 900 before the first fire truck arrived on scene. Miracle!

Runway conditions were 100% bare and dry, outside air temp -10*C/ 12*F in blowing, drifting snow from very strong north-west wind, though it was not snowing at the time of the accident.
swirlie · F
I suspect that because the flight originated from the southern USA where the airline is based, that the flight crew were essentially not up to speed with winter weather ops in Canada. I know that's armchair quarterbacking, but even an experienced Canadian pilot would have had their hands full knowing in advance what Canadian winters are all about.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@swirlie It is hard to say. I suspect (without any proof) a bit of pilot error mixed in with a bit of unfortunate circumstance. Maybe as he pivoted the wind he was expecting dropped or increased suddenly. Sadly we humans can't see air and it can suddenly change direction without letting us know. My old flying instructor was telling me about him flying through a thunderstorm in a fighter jet. He said he was humming along when all of sudden the bottom dropped out and he began to descend very quickly. He had lots of altitude so he made some slow corrections. He then went on to say that it felt like someone had kicked him in the butt as hard as they could. He was watching the Vertical Speed indicator as it went from 1000 feet per minute down to over 2000 feet per minute up. He finally landed the airplane and the airplane was inspected. Too much structural damage had been done and the airplane was turned into scrap metal.
swirlie · F
I think that Delta CRJ will be made into soup cans before the month is over!
Upside down is kind of impressive..
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout Yeah as a pilot I wonder how that came about. rolling over puts a wing in the way. Going end over end????? Why so little damage to the fuselage. Mysterious. I hope there is a video of the actual crash.
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ron122 · 41-45, M
@jshm2 You reply makes no sense at all Mr. TDS.

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