Burnley123 · 41-45, M
I can't understand why more isn't being made of the Musk/Trump corporate coup of the US government.
What they ar doing is widely illegal and unconstitutional. Where is the outrage?
What they ar doing is widely illegal and unconstitutional. Where is the outrage?
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beckyromero · 36-40, F
Weak leadership in Congress.
Weak leadership in Democratic state houses that cede control of redistricting to so-called "Citizens Commissions."
The GOP doesn't do that in "Red States." They play to win. Not to give participation awards.
Weak leadership in Congress.
Weak leadership in Democratic state houses that cede control of redistricting to so-called "Citizens Commissions."
The GOP doesn't do that in "Red States." They play to win. Not to give participation awards.
Bumbles · 51-55, M
@beckyromero If Biden had run for only one term and Schumer had stepped down the Dems would have been in a much better position. Instead they pretended everything was a-okay. Schumer is definitely the wrong Minority Leader for the moment.
beckyromero · 36-40, F
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
Well, it is bleak, but it's not quite as severe as you suggest. Lawsuits are being filed which is the functional way to keep democracy alive. The problem for impatient spectators is that the Democrats in particular aren't very vocal and don't seem to know how to deliver a message. While the idea of "when they go low, we go high" seems noble, that was appropriate for a different time that the Democrats in particular are struggling with letting go. And, so you have Chuck Schumer chanting, Bernie Sanders quizzing the nominee for Secretary of Education if she agrees with him that teachers should be paid more, and Hakeem Jeffries comparing himself to a baseball player who isn't going to tire himself by swinging at every thrown ball.
Democracy isn't dying and won't die, but it is taking a beating. The opposition needs to get more productively organized and better at communicating. With all the Hollywood talent behind them, they need help in message delivery on the order of magnitude of Ronald Regan (a former actor), in platforming their message to counter the tattered remains of Twitter, and the massive amount of money to fight back the imperial, awkward, and low self-esteem of Elon Musk. Until that happens and in the meantime, the real work is all being done behind the scenes which takes times and gives off the illusion and stench of death.
Democracy isn't dying and won't die, but it is taking a beating. The opposition needs to get more productively organized and better at communicating. With all the Hollywood talent behind them, they need help in message delivery on the order of magnitude of Ronald Regan (a former actor), in platforming their message to counter the tattered remains of Twitter, and the massive amount of money to fight back the imperial, awkward, and low self-esteem of Elon Musk. Until that happens and in the meantime, the real work is all being done behind the scenes which takes times and gives off the illusion and stench of death.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
Were these AP members American journalists? If US reporters cannot ask their own President questions, what of overseas ones?
With the radio on in the background, by sheer chance just as I typed that, BBC Radio Four's Inside Science programme started. This reports on science news from around the world, and normally covers research results. Its lead story this evening instead was the news of dozens of US research bodies now wondering if or how their work, even medical research, will continue in the wake of some of the President's actions or intentions. Many are going to Court to try to protect their work - and of course their livelihoods.
I think another knock-on effect could be international research collaborations becoming very insecure, and even harm to US science's reputation generally.
With the radio on in the background, by sheer chance just as I typed that, BBC Radio Four's Inside Science programme started. This reports on science news from around the world, and normally covers research results. Its lead story this evening instead was the news of dozens of US research bodies now wondering if or how their work, even medical research, will continue in the wake of some of the President's actions or intentions. Many are going to Court to try to protect their work - and of course their livelihoods.
I think another knock-on effect could be international research collaborations becoming very insecure, and even harm to US science's reputation generally.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@JimboSaturn I'm not sure it's quite that political. More likely just blunt budget-cutting by a President who does not understand science and does not know value from cost.
One might imagine Elon Musk would object but perhaps it's in his interest not to. He employees his own R&D staff, and relies heavily on NASA. I don't think Musk is a chartered scientist or engineer, either, though. He's the entrepeneur who pays others to be those.
One might imagine Elon Musk would object but perhaps it's in his interest not to. He employees his own R&D staff, and relies heavily on NASA. I don't think Musk is a chartered scientist or engineer, either, though. He's the entrepeneur who pays others to be those.
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
@ArishMell Yes you are right, they just don't see the value in research if it is not apparent it will yield profits in the near future. Of course NASA won't be cut with the same vigour as other departments.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@JimboSaturn We have had years of cost-saving cuts and sell-offs to public services in the UK, under both Conservative and Labour governments, but nothing as rapid, brutal and destructive as Messrs. T & M's policies.
The main effect was slashing the Scientific Civil Service under the belief that it would be cheaper and more efficient to have the work done commercially and in universities. It isn't of course, in the UK at least, because qualified people's salaries, hence their pension contributions and employment taxes, tend to be higher in private industry, which also adds its profit element to the running-costs.
The main effect was slashing the Scientific Civil Service under the belief that it would be cheaper and more efficient to have the work done commercially and in universities. It isn't of course, in the UK at least, because qualified people's salaries, hence their pension contributions and employment taxes, tend to be higher in private industry, which also adds its profit element to the running-costs.
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
Donald Trump's press secretary warned that "nobody has the right to ask the president questions" after the White House blocked an Associated Press (AP) journalist from an event over the news agency's continued use of the "Gulf of Mexico" in its coverage.
The organisation said it was given an ultimatum over its editorial decision to refer to the oceanic basin by its original name “while acknowledging the new name Trump has chosen" — the Gulf of America.
I guess you guys can't even ask a question anymore.
The organisation said it was given an ultimatum over its editorial decision to refer to the oceanic basin by its original name “while acknowledging the new name Trump has chosen" — the Gulf of America.
I guess you guys can't even ask a question anymore.
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
@KunsanVeteran Oh ya, the White House issued a statement to the press that: anyone who calls the Gulf of Mexico, its proper name is "lying"
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JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
@KunsanVeteran Indeed they are. And why does Trump always choose some bimbo as press secretary. It's like going back to the 1950's
SinlessOnslaught · M
What happened now?
Elessar · 26-30, M
Well, George Lucas had called it right already 20-25 years ago

JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
@Elessar I have thought of that movie too
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
Amid thunderous applause.
FreddieUK · 70-79, M
Therefore, unfortunately the passive and the complicit suffer together and wonder why the promised heaven on earth is looking more like the other place. The Government of Trumpistan meanwhile laughs all the way to the bank and looks down with contempt on the adoring masses with their mouths expectantly open like sparrow chicks in the nest of vipers.
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M