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Can’t take it anymore.

I know it’s only been two weeks, but I have had to delete all of my news sources from my phone, for my own sanity. I don’t want to hear any news anymore. None of it is good. Every day is so much worse than the day before it! Just let me collect my pension, and you guys can keep the country. Turn it into whatever Christian Nationalist, autocratic , Xenophobic amusement park you want. Just deport me to any functioning democracy with sane leaders you want, and I’m good. I’ll even give you an Elon Musk “Roman salute” on the way out.
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trollslayer · 46-50, M
If I was single and childless I would have bailed already. But now I have little kids at the age where they are learning about the USA and the states, and I am having to answer some very difficult questions for them.
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
Sometimes you have to step away from the news. That's ok especially to preserve your sanity.

There are ways to stay current on the weather and sports.
RockerDad · M
@Crazywaterspring don’t give a shit about sports, so I’m halfway there.
FreddieUK · 70-79, M
Every sympathy with you. The front page of the BBC News UK news page has had a picture of DJT as lead every day so far this week. 😠
When things are causing you anxiety it's better to focus on the things that you can control rather than the things that you can't. Draw your focus in a bit, ignore the news for a while. Dramatic headlines keep fish on the hook. It doesn't mean that dramatic outcomes always follow. If the news was all positive it wouldn't get half the views. People are captivated by disaster and often because it allows them to subconsciously relinquish control of their own lives. I mean, if the world is screwed then what's the point, right? The game is rigged, it's all doom and gloom, there is a ready built reason for giving up. The truth is, though, that life for the privileged barely changes that much. Some prices go up, a few new laws, on we go.
RockerDad · M
@UBotMate I don’t see any particular reason to stay in there, other than the convenience of not leaving the country. I care about individual people here still, but as a country…I don’t know anymore.
Frostcloud · F
i had for a couple days and i came back to it today and regret it immensely. it's important to stay informed and take action but you have to protect yourself too
Frostcloud · F
@RockerDad this is called "shock and awe"

throw so much awfulness at once people feel paralyzed
RockerDad · M
@Frostcloud there’s certainly no lack of that.
RockerDad · M
@Frostcloud I’m just saying that there are plenty of other industrialized nations that don’t have any of this insanity, and they even have better healthcare to boot!
My fear is thats what they want, for people to just give up, hide. I get it, it's making me anxious and sick. But I care because I have a child and I care about our future and our planet. I won't surrender.
Dave1955 · 61-69, M
Maybe concentrate on your escape where ever you choose to go. Lean about what its really like to live there. Do the whole culture trip, wrap yourself in it. Swap your news feeds to your new country. If you wrap your self up enough time will pass quicker
Softandsweet2 · 31-35, F
I disconnected some time ago. I was still looking at NPR, but it’s gone south as well. Sad times
KunsanVeteran · 61-69, M
@Softandsweet2 And it’s funding is under attack
helenS · 36-40, F
When I was a little girl, there was a monster under my bed. I only had to close my eyes, and the monster was gone.
RockerDad · M
@trollslayer he’s not like any other human I’ve ever met. Men like him usually fall to their deaths at Nakatomi Plaza, or feed James Bond to sharks.
helenS · 36-40, F
@trollslayer That man doesn't even exist; he is just the noise he makes.
KunsanVeteran · 61-69, M
@trollslayer Well, that begs the question: Can a single human being be as awful, criminal, and thoroughly EVIL?

He has convinced me that he is the embodiment of the BEAST described in Revelations.
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
I know it's horrible.
But we gotta fight, we gotta resist.
We've faced this before. We won last time.
RockerDad · M
@basilfawlty89 that was when we had at least some kind of leverage. Marching around with signs doesn’t help. At some point, the country is no longer worth saving.
AuRevoir · 36-40, M
You yourself already expressed xenophobia of your own in this post… Maybe you’ll realize how much of a two way street that word is, and stop using it as if it’s some virtue signal that exemplifies a moral high ground, when you’re just as guilty in participating in it.,.
RockerDad · M
@AuRevoir my father is a MAGA person, but we do not discuss politics , for the sake our relationship. We still get into some nasty arguments about it now then, but we do our best to stay clear of anything political. He’s actually an author of a few political books that I refuse to read (which drives him bananas). I recently cut off contact permanently with a more distant relative over politics (it was ugly).
AuRevoir · 36-40, M
@RockerDad Yes, we get it. You’d rather submit your loyalty to a party that would instantaneously throw you under the bus if it meant earning some woke points street cred. And your bigotry for others different than you is so strong that attempt to wear it like a badge of honor when it even included people you’re related to by blood. Are we supposed to slow clap for you having daddy issues?
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KunsanVeteran · 61-69, M
tRUMP has attempted to bypass all the Constitutional safeguards against what amounts to a coup. He has placed federal judges who answer to him alone and disregard their oaths. And don’t get me started on the lawless MAGA Congressmen & Senators…

The only course that I see going forward is that mental health professionals must declare him criminally insane and insist on involuntary confinement for extensive psychiatric evaluation.

tRUMP has reduced our country to the status of a banana republic and it will only get worse.

It is heartening that the FBI is fighting back. There must be equal push back by other agencies and powerful organizations.
RockerDad · M
@KunsanVeteran I have been saddened seeing how companies and business owners I previously respected have cowed so easily to Trump
beckyromero · 36-40, F
Just let me collect my pension, and you guys can keep the country... Just deport me to any functioning democracy...

You really think they'll let you collect your pension once you leave? 🤣
beckyromero · 36-40, F

That's probably in the pipeline: a Social Security buyout.
Bill1372 · 51-55, M
@beckyromero yes. I have a friend that moved to Brazil and is collecting a six figure pension and loving life. You can take your pension out of the country
beckyromero · 36-40, F
You can take your pension out of the country

Until the government says you cannot.

You conveniently have forgotten that Il Duce has already proposed taxing remittances of legally earned and already taxed income of American citizens and legal residents who wish to give a legal gift of tender to relatives living outside of the United States.

In fact, J.D. Vance had a bill in the previous session of Congress to do just that!
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TexChik · F
Do you mean you actually want lib politicians to funnel our tax dollars into a secret slush fund to finance actions not approved by the American people? You hate good news? 🤷🏻‍♀
Bill1372 · 51-55, M
@TexChik Some people are nuts and there’s many out there and on here suffering from TDS. Sad part is Trump was the president for 4 years and they all survived the same way we survived the corrupt senile guy that will be irrelevant very soon, if not already. They can survive 4 more years of Trump no matter how dehydrated they become due to the many tears.
KunsanVeteran · 61-69, M
Apparently some people learned nothing from the January 6th insurrection.

Even more abhorrent—lots of low information voters were convinced to vote for psychopath tRUMP on January 6th…
markinkansas · 61-69, M
ya give up and we all lose.. its not over by a long shot
Gibbon · 70-79, M
@markinkansas The instant I saw Bernie it's a failed message. Effing phony. He doesn't even live by what he preaches.
KunsanVeteran · 61-69, M
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KunsanVeteran · 61-69, M
@PalteseMalconFunch It has been one since he first took office. He has already broken so many laws and has not been held accountable.

We are overdue for JUSTICE.

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