calicuz Because our journey in life opened things up to us, I’ve known things since I was a teenager, things that didn’t really affect me but made me be aware, 23 years ago I started to wake up, health industry, medicine, 9:11 etc etc.
It was Covid that made me question it all and how they handled the unvaccinated, made us out as the bad ones.
I’ve been gas lighted most of my adult life, the government abuse us, yet we just allow it.
I think people are too distracted by meaningless things, football, online crap, life issues to even think 🤔 we’ve been programmed since school, the higher up the educational system you go the more indoctrination there is, it’s like a fake intelligence!! Yet they don’t have a clue.
Most of what they teach us is lies, if people actually knew how deep it goes they’ll be outrage, we really do live in the Truman show world and that line…
We accept the reality in which we are presented, is a fact. 📺 🗞