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Socialism/communism is the Right's word for any government programs that help all the people

Such as Social Security, Medicare, education, public transit. The ignorant Trump-loving dolts throwing around accusations of communism wouldn't know a real communist from a dead flounder.

The billionaire-corporate class want to strip America of all beneficial public programs. They want American working people to be reduced to poverty so they will be forced to take any job, no matter how low paying or how bad the working conditions.

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beckyromero · 36-40, F
One of the difficulties as I see it is that we worship money instead of honor. A billionaire in our estimation is much greater in the eyes of the people than the public servant who works for the public interest. It makes no difference if the billionaire rode to wealth on the sweat of little children and the blood of underpaid labor. No one ever considers the Carnegie libraries steeped in the blood of the Homestead Steel workers, but they are. We do not remember that the Rockefeller Foundation is founded on the dead miners of the Colorado Fuel Company and a dozen other performances. We worship Mammon.

Until we get back to the fundamentals and return to the Giver of the Tables of the Law and His teachings, these conditions are going to remain with us. It is a pity that Wall Street with its ability to control all the wealth of the nation and to hire the best brains of the country has not produced some statesmen, some men who could see the dangers of bigness and of the concentration of the control of wealth. Instead of working to meet the situation, they are still employing the best law brains to serve greed and selfish interest.

People can only stand so much, and one of these days there will be a settlement. We shall have one receivership too many, one unnecessary depression out of which we will not come with the power still in the same old hands. I believe this country would be better off if we did not have sixty percent of the assets of all insurance companies concentrated in four companies. I believe that a thousand insurance companies with $4,000,000 each in assets would be just a thousand times better for the country than the Metropolitan Life with $4,000,000,000 in assets.

The average brain is not built to deal with such astronomical figures. A thousand county seats of 7,000 each are a thousand times more important to this Republic than one city of 7,000,000. Our unemployment and our unrest are the result of the concentration of wealth, the concentration of population in industrial centers, mass production, and a lot of other so-called modern improvements.We are building a tower of Babel.

- Sen. Harry Truman
U.S. Senate floor
December 1937
Dave1955 · 61-69, M
Socialism/communism words Americans really don't understand! Words banded around by
the ignorant to frighten people back into the "American way of thinking" Loyal to their flag, compliant to the government, pathetically grateful for being told how good they are as nation.
Both Socialism and communism are practised in many contries around the world to a greater and lesser degree. Many of those countries look after their better health care better holidays and employment benefits for example. Its not always the big scary monster the US Government would have you believe.

Americans are scared of Socialism and communism Reds under the beds strikes fear into the American hearts. Yet America is about to have the Govenment unleash something far worse than Socialism or communism Project 25 which some have actually said threatens bloodshed if you do not comply.


And the left says that, too.
And the Americans voted for war and against socialism. They're the ones that die younger and work harder and commit atrocities to be the death of socialism.
Votes matter! Americans choose
War, not housing, War , not medical care!
Vote Red and Blue no matter who!- and defeat socialism, forever!
I find it odd that the party calling any helping of the people socialism is also the party that thinks Christianity requires no helping of the less fortunate.
JPWhoo · 36-40, M
@SW-User I think that’s a misconception. I’ve read about major televangelists like Jerry Falwell, guys that I couldn’t imagine agreeing with on anything, preaching about Jesus calling on Christians to help the needy; furthermore, I was raised in a fairly conservative Baptist church in the middle of Missouri, and we all believed in lending a hand to the less fortunate. From what I’ve seen Christian Republicans believe in helping the poor, the distinction is, and I disagree with them on this, they generally don’t believe the government should do it.
@JPWhoo Those you mentioned aren't government officials. Once we get into the party itself we see phonies bent on lining the pockets of the rich by stripping the poor even further.
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
Ain't THAT the truth -- and the epithet-hurlers probably can't even define what "socialism" actually is, particularly democratic socialism.
CorvusBlackthorne · 100+, M
@ChipmunkErnie That is what I mean. You have had him blocked for well over a year, as far as I can tell. I do not know why.
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
@CorvusBlackthorne I don't either, after a year.
CorvusBlackthorne · 100+, M
@ChipmunkErnie Then perhaps you might consider giving him another go?
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
There are no government policies that help all the people. There are a lot of government that hurts all the people though. Sadly socialists are really good at hurting all the people and have a perfect record of helping none of the people.
Same old conservative values!
War, not housing, War , not medical care!
Vote Red and Blue no matter who!- and defeat socialism, forever!
The further irony to this is the first social programs were introduced in Europe by conservatives. They were scared shitless of a socialist revolution.

So the idea of the social safety net was to make the suffering of the lower classes just a little better so they would not revolt and nothing more.
Pretty much. No American right winger in particular can even define their buzzwords "woke, socialism, cultural marxism...etc".
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow and the Dems don't help - is socialism a government responsibility? I'd say yes. Americans sneer and refuse to make sense! But unanimously they voted against socialism and for wars!
My parents, actual fascists, had a very precise definition of cultural Marxism.
@Roundandroundwego Most democrats are centre right so party affiliation really doesn't matter.
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow no of course not - there's absolute uniformity - two neo liberal, anti socialism parties with no political difference. Exactly like the war loving society crushing public that elected them.
trollslayer · 46-50, M
Well, they can’t seem to spot Putin as a dictator…
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CorvusBlackthorne · 100+, M
@trollslayer And yet they claim Zelinskyy to be such, all because Ukrainian elections were canceled in accordance with the Constitution.
CorvusBlackthorne · 100+, M
Indeed, anything to the left of hunting the homeless for sport is called socialism.
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