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Religious Group Faithful America Has A Word of Warning On Trump's Deportation Plan

Now after they had left, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, 'Get up, take the child and his mother, and flee to Egypt, and remain there until I tell you, for Herod is about to search for the child, to destroy him.'- Matthew 2:13

Franklin Graham defends Trump with the shocking lie that immigration is "not a Bible issue"

Not just cruel and harmful, but sacrilegious too.

NBC News is reporting that the forthcoming Trump administration will repeal longstanding policies that prevent ICE agents from arresting immigrants at "sensitive locations" -- specifically churches, schools, and hospitals.

In other words, Trump wants to stop churches from offering sanctuary to immigrants like the Holy Family.

And what did the religious right say about their man Trump after this horrific attack on immigrants and religious liberty was reported?

Evangelist Franklin Graham made a series of social-media posts… not about the Bible's mandate to welcome and love immigrants, but instead hailing Trump for being named TIME's "Person of the Year." (It's a newsmaker distinction that has also gone to Hitler, Stalin, and Putin, by the way.) Meanwhile, the US Conference of Catholic Bishops outright dismissed this affront to the sanctity of immigrants and the church alike.

The Christian-nationalist hijacking and abuse of our faith to support every hateful thing Trump does is both heartbreaking and infuriating, especially in this Christmas season of joy. It is not what Jesus wants from us. But the good news is that Faithful America's nearly 200,000 members stand ready to resist the cruelty of Trump and his court pastors.

We shouldn't be surprised by the religious right's continued praise of Trump. After all, back in 2016, Franklin Graham dismissed Trump's demands of a border wall and refugee ban by shockingly saying about immigration, "That's not a Bible issue."

That might just be the biggest lie about Scripture we've ever heard -- but Graham has never recanted his words or backed away from Trump. It just goes to show that Christian-nationalist leaders will stop at nothing to seize and keep total dictatorial power through MAGA politicians like Trump.

Thankfully, there are plenty of other Christian leaders who haven't abandoned the Gospel and are speaking against Trump's evil deportation and anti-sanctuary plans. "For us, this is not a political thing," the Rev. Gabriel Salguero, president of the National Latino Evangelical Coalition, told Word & Way. "This is not a partisan thing. We have to do what Christ has called us to do."

At Faithful America, we're also having none of it. That's why we spent 2024 going toe-to-toe with Graham on his border tour while also standing up to Michael Flynn, Charlie Kirk, partisan bishops, and Trump himself -- and why we're going to keep at it in 2025.

We have an aggressive plan to oppose Donald Trump, Project 2025, and white Christian nationalism for the next four years.

We're growing our staff, building regional organizing networks, delivering your petition signatures, and testing new tools to keep the coming fascism in check -- while continuing to partner with other powerful organizations in support of immigrants, democracy, LGBTQ equality, and more.

Spreading the word that being Christian doesn't have to equal being MAGA. We've made great progress this year with coverage in the Washington Post, Salon, Rolling Stone, the Guardian, local TV news, and more -- but it's vital we keep putting our message in front of more Christians, lawmakers, and reporters.

Grounding ourselves in the Gospel and pushing the church to renew its prophetic role in seeking dignity and justice for all. We're lifting up prophetic voices in every denomination, pressuring right-wing Catholic bishops to give up the culture wars and listen to Pope Francis, supporting LGBTQ equality in churches as well as in society, and preparing to stand with targeted immigrants however we can. Do whatever you can today.

Increasing security for our technical and legal systems to defend against attacks. We already receive waves of nasty hate mail every time Franklin Graham, Tony Perkins, the right-wing Catholic League, or their allies get scared of our work. Trump has promised to do even worse -- using the full powers of the White House to attack his opponents -- and we need to prepare.

Thank you for everything you do to love your neighbor, resist Trump and his court pastors, and reclaim Christianity for love and social justice!

In peace,
- Rev. Nathan (he/him), Karli (she/her), Rev. Hunter (he/him), Christina (she/her), and the Faithful America team
Jake966 · 56-60, M
Illegal immigrants are draining this country of funds that should go to take care of the elderly and not so fortunate citizens . The Bible states to obey the laws of the land as long as they don’t contradict the truths of the Word of God . If they want to be in this country then come in LEGALLY like our ancestors did once it became law
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@Jake966 Some of the biggest protesters to the invaders are foreign-born residents who did the paperwork and submitted and had a physical, a police background check etc and jumped through the hoops and then waited patiently till it was their turn to come here. I have quite a few friends that were born in other countries and they all have that opinion.
Jake966 · 56-60, M
@cherokeepatti ok , your point ?
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oldguy73 · 70-79, M
here;s what trump thinks of those illegalls
and stay away
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Mark Rutte, head of NATO is a Christian Dem from Holland.
He announced the End of Peace on Earth for this Christmas. That's the support the troops Christianity we all got beaten up by as Americans. Americans cannot have a religious left - no peace. Segregation at all borders is war.
Christians side with war.
No way out.
When you refuse to discredit that evil philosophy we all serve you don't get anything but evil. And so we are.
But the gloves are off. I hate the USA and all conservatives for this. Seven billion of us. One brutal billion.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
No doubt Laken Riley's family is enjoying a wonderful Christmas, eh?
DonaldTrumpet · 70-79, M
TooZ LonGz to ReADz HuNnz
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Sadly, people won't read this post of yours. The most intelligent response you're going to get from the MAGA crowd is a regurgitation of the lies and BS they've been fed by their bloated orange master.

Isn't that right, @Jake966?
Thatsright · 61-69, M
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Woke preachers are very unbiblical
JSul3 · 70-79
@NativePortlander1970 Kenneth Copeland is woke?
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