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ElwoodBlues · M
Depends where the shot-down object crashes. If it causes injury and/or monetary damage - they're flying over densely populated NJ - you could be liable.
I assume the drones are US security and/or military. I assume the drones are testing out some new technical capability like pinpointing locations of all the cell phones in a mile wide stripe, or computing detailed 3D maps of urban terrain, or something like that. I assume whatever capability they have is being developed for future urban conflict zones. As such, I find them interesting but not threatening.
I assume the drones are US security and/or military. I assume the drones are testing out some new technical capability like pinpointing locations of all the cell phones in a mile wide stripe, or computing detailed 3D maps of urban terrain, or something like that. I assume whatever capability they have is being developed for future urban conflict zones. As such, I find them interesting but not threatening.
Convivial · 26-30, F
Yep... Shut up or we litigate... Great future ahead for everyone
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
Law enforcement is kind of petty, they absolutely would lol. A woman might be getting fifteen years just for threatening a health care agency after her claims were denied but she had no gun. They are doing it to set an example. Point is, they are that petty enough to do that, don't underestimate the amount of petty lol
DonaldTrumpet · 70-79, M
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exchrist · 31-35
Im pretty sure its all government directed either as a distraction scare tactic or sumply to call attention to changing times.
2ndtimeguy · 61-69, M
The insurance companies fly them legally over your property
beckyromero · 36-40, F
Those drones aren't the size of SUVs.
Those are more like the kind teenage boys try to fly over my backyard when they suspect I might be sunbathing nude.
Those drones aren't the size of SUVs.
Those are more like the kind teenage boys try to fly over my backyard when they suspect I might be sunbathing nude.
Sojournersoul · M
@beckyromero they show the footage online.