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Drone Problem Solved After They Try Flying Over Texas

The recent issue of unidentified drones hovering over American skies was solved suddenly today after the drones attempted to fly over Texas.

Within seconds of the drones entering the Lone Star State, the sound of heavy gunfire split the air as Texans pumped thousands of rounds of ammunition into the sky.

"Yee-haw!" shouted local man Dean Billings, grinning as he blasted drones with his neighbor. "Been waiting for this day to come forever. Feel like I've died and gone to heaven. Oh man, here comes some more, Bill!

According to sources, the entire drone fleet was decimated within just a few minutes of the drones reaching Texas airspace. "Welp, I think we fixed the drone problem," said local man Carston Taylor, surveying the piles of wreckage. "I sure hope they send a few more our way. Oh, and maybe some of them spy balloons too, that would be awesome."

At publishing time, the source of the drones had remained a mystery as Texans declined to inspect the debris and instead continued firing shotgun shells at the rubble.
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Magenta · F
Ha! If this is true, that is awesome!
specman · 51-55, MVIP
4meAndyou · F
Babylon Bee I assume! It wouldn't be too far from the truth...🤣🤣🤣
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
Things which make you go hmmmm. Acquired two years ago.

Tesla’s Kimbal Musk acquires Intel Drone Light Shows business
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IM5688 · 61-69, M
@justanothername As opposed to the liberal style of just allowing anyone/anything into our country whether they are harmful to us or not with no questions asked..
justanothername · 51-55, M
@IM5688 I’d be interested to know which point of entry you used to get into the US if that was the experience you had because none of the times I’ve entered through customs have ever been like that.
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icedsky · 51-55, M
@NativePortlander1970 License built Cetme. HK bought the rights to build them. Odd story. Cetme developed the design After WW2 based on a german design.
That's a Cetme.
@icedsky Yes I know what a Cetme is, and yes I know its origins, the FN FAL is built on the same designs, the Stermgewher is still the original, made by H&K and other manufacturers during WW II. I come from a family, born and bred, that is synonymous with a long firearms history, doubt me? Then just ask @Lilnonames @beermeplease or @Musicman , they all know my last name.
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