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Qualities that will get you accepted into the cult of MAGA

They are ;

The desire to mimic their cult leader
the ability to criticize others
The ability to judge others
The ability to constantly make baseless claims
The ability to undermine anyone who refuses to accept their baseless claims.

Regularly display some or all of those qualities and you will be welcomed with open arms into the MAGA cult.

Let the undermining and baseless accusations begin!
@Jake966 says
and besides, they put a man on trial for supposedly ripping off his Investors

In New York State, it's against the law to falsify business records. Has been since the 1960s.

"The law under which Ms. James sued, known by its shorthand 63(12), requires the plaintiff to show a defendant’s conduct was deceptive. If that standard is met, a judge can impose severe punishment, including forfeiting the money obtained through fraud. Ms. James has also used this law against the oil company ExxonMobil, the tobacco brand Juul and the pharma executive Martin Shkreli."

Among the documents Trump falsified were SFCs (Statements of Financial Condition). He did that partly by feeding false info to and concealing liabilities from his accounting firm, Mazars. That's why Mazars dumped Trump back in Feb 2022.

The statute Trump violated is New York Executive Law EXC § 63(12). The purpose is to take away the incentive for cheating by forcing disgorgement of profits made from cheating. If a scam artist makes $350 mil from cheating and you only fine him $50 mil, that makes cheating VERY profitable - you can't deny it.

Trump falsified business records involving:
Trump Tower triplex apartment
40 Wall St
Vornado Realty Trust
Trump Park Ave
Seven Springs
Trump National Golf Club LA
Aberdeen Golf Course

Trump is thus required by law to disgorge profits made from these falsifications.

For complete details, see

@sunsporter1649 Nice attempt to deflect again from Tяump's falsifications of business documents! But it failed!!

Another swing and a miss, dude!!
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@ElwoodBlues We know, borrowing money, paying it back on time, with interest, is illegal. And paying an attorney for services rendered is also illegal, right? Any more bullschiff you wanna spew?
@sunsporter1649 Nice attempt to deflect again from Tяump's falsifications of business documents! But it failed!!

Another swing and a miss, dude!!
Jake966 · 56-60, M
Then what do you say about the Democrats that Weaponized The judicial system in order to get their own way or let’s just say try to get their own way?
Jake966 · 56-60, M
@justanothername define a cult . Jesus is my Savior and Trump is my president
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@Jake966 Thats two cults...I predict the Jesus one will outlast the Trump one..😷
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
But why would you vote for someone who had $1 billion to run a campaign and still wound up $20 million in a hole at the end of her campaign and says that she will reduce the national debt?

It's funny that you bring this up... because this only works, if you are unwilling to compare. And that is something people that support Trump do constantly. It's always "democrats this" but never "republicans this". Because if we put everything in the balance, we literally have someone that was head of the executive branch, was in the middle of a great economy that he inherrited from his predecessor. And in this economic uptick, he still managed to add more to the debt then presidents that inherrited a bad economy. If we just compare Biden and Trump when it comes to the debt, Biden did better then Trump and Joe came into office during COVID times and had to deal with world wide inflation. And that's in office.

Because what you are talking about is outside of office. Kamala's personal fund to hold her campaign, are her own funds. And if we look at Donald through the years, then we have to just admit that the man ran several casinos into the ground... which is quite the feath.

But in a vacuum, you can always complain about people, because reflection on those that are above scrutiny is heresy towards the orthodoxy. Though shall not critisize Donald, or though shall be called a RHINO and driven out by the tribe.

the Teleprompter, but yeah claims to be able to think for herself.

Oh, the Telepormpter thing that keeps poppin' up with conservatives... because that's what their media feed spoons in on daily basis. It also only works of course, if you don't look at your own candidate. Are you aware that if no one changed Donald Trumps' speech on the 6th of januari, he wouldn't even have the excuse to say that his mob would walk to the capital "peacefully and patrioticaly"? That was only added, because people though that his speech was already to strong for the angry mob to handle. If someone didn't add that FOR him, he wouldn't be able to play the victim today and all his lemmings wouldn't be able to repeat that lie ad nauseam.

And what happens when Donald Trump starts free styling and getting away from the discussed text? Well, he tells absolute nonsense. You can watch his interview with Axios during the covid crisis, if it wasn't real people would think it would have been scripted by SNL. His last big interview with "me the press", he just avoids every question and he still believes the journalists are too hard on him. He uses emotional language and superlatives everywhere. Everything is "the greatest", "the best", ... etc, because children like those kinds of things.

And when he really wants to impresse his fan base, he just makes the story more specatculair... like adding the idea that in the American revolution, the Americans took "the airfield" in the 18th century. Or his speech about Robert E. Lee:

That's the level we are talking about here. And he also laughs with you guys because he says things like:


"My people are so smart -- and you know what else they say about my people? The polls? I have the most loyal people -- did you ever see that? I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK? It's, like, incredible."

Yes... it's quite incredible. That you can unironically pamper to your base and tell them how smart they are and directly after make the claim that if you would shoot someone they would still vote for you. Because they are so loyal. I don't know when it became smart to trust politicians to the degree that they would be able to murder someone. But that's just where we are now a days. His people, they are so smart, they are so smart they would vote for him no matter what he does, that's how smart they are. And he's not hiding it, he tells it to you directly. But hey, the lemmings keep cheering and clappin'.

In his campaign... he gives simpel answers for difficult questions. Because he knows, he's so aware, that his base isn't smart enough to look anything up. No one calls him out for his bullshit, and those that do get labeled with "Derangment Syndrom", which is a similair thing that cults do. If you go against the orthodoxy, you have to be driven out and be portrayed as some weirdo. That's also why he doesn't believe in freedom of speech. Because as he said on his own little "media summit" in 2019, a little propaganda stunt that he held for alternative-media that is friendly to him: ""And we don’t want to stifle anything. We certainly don’t want to stifle free speech, but that’s no longer free speech. See, I don’t think that the mainstream media is free speech either because it’s so crooked. It’s so dishonest. So, to me, free speech is not when you see something good and then you purposely write bad. To me, that’s very dangerous speech and you become angry at it. But that’s not free speech.".

SOURCE: https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/briefings-statements/remarks-president-trump-presidential-social-media-summit/

And sometimes Donald falls through the cracks of his web of lies and has to admit that he didn't know what he was talking about. The most epic moment for this, was when he had to talk about Obama Care. Something he would remove the moment he came into office. But after a year in office, things appeared to be way more complicated then that he represented the issue to be:


"Nobody knew", ... really? Then why are so many critics telling him this BEFORE he started this little crusade. But that's also a tactic, because if "nobody knew", then you can't crtisize Donald for not knowing. Because everyone was equally ignorant. That however is not the truth, people did know, people did tell him. But he can't admit that, because for his base, he needs to be seen as untouchable. He needs the children to believe him, because Donald is comming to town and he's going to save us all, because he's all knowing and he doesn't make mistakes.

Ther is a small book by someone that does discourse analysis. If you want a good overview of what his message his, then it's a great starting point to understand his discourse. It's called: "Demagogue for president the rhetorical genius of Donald Trump" by Dr. Jennifer R. Mercieca. The word "genius" isn't ironical btw. His entire narrative always has similair outcomes. He praises "his people", then tells them how to think. He ostracize and uses violent rhetoric towards anyone that gives any criticism towards him. And he constructs his story, that he's never EVER at fault of anything... because there is always someone to scapegoat.

He wants to give this country back to the people we the people maybe you should listen to some of his other speeches about returning the government back to the people before you call him a dictator and , someone who speaks down on people?

I'll go over any of his speeches with you. We'll just read the transcript, because if you listen to him, you are apperently to infatuated to capture the message. If after 8 years, you haven't figured it out yet, then it's either his charmisma that is in play or your unwillingness to listen to his message.

And who are "his people"... It's not the Americans. No, it's a base that agrees with him and stays away from criticism or points out how simplistic his ideas are. As long as you follow him, you're his friend. The moment you tell him what's wrong, you're his enemy and you'll be removed from the group. He even goes as far as mentioning to take away their citizenship.

SOURCE: https://similarworlds.com/politics/4751618-so-are-deportations-on-the-table-now

So yeah... 🤷‍♂.
You project the democrats beautifully. No wonder 👇 that happened.

whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@Dave1955 And in doing so he comes off more like Mussolini😷
Dave1955 · 61-69, M
@whowasthatmaskedman Yes and look happened to him!
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@Dave1955 Perzactly..!!!😷
ron122 · 41-45, M
You are so much fun.🤣🍿
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@sunsporter1649 You ever find even a SINGLE ONE of the alleged "millions" of ballots printed by foreign countries?

You ever find even a SINGLE CASE of a ballot counting machine altering the count??
If the machines were altering the count like Trump claimed, how come the hand count matched the machine count so closely???
In all, there were 126 counties within 10 votes of their original vote tally, according to the audit data. Of those counties, 54 counties matched their initial results exactly. No county had an error rate higher than 0.73% compared to their original results.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@ElwoodBlues You find epsteins list yet?

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