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Entitled woke woman said she was maced, shoved to ground by bigot (Nick Fuentes)

When does a stranger have the right to stomp up your front porch, ring your front door bell, and confront you on your political beliefs and right to free speech?

It's about time progressive woke people are given a lesson in the good manners of traditional America.
justanothername · 51-55, M
I have also been bitten by a dog (Australian Blue Heeler) when I worked as a cycle postman. I was on the footpath putting some mail in the letter box when the dog saw me. It run up to me, barking. As I prepared to pedal away the dog bit my foot and drew blood. I was wearing Postie regulation trainers.
Being a postie I had local dog control on speed dial on my mobile phone. So I called them and gave them the address and told them what happened then continued on my rounds. The dog control officer was onsite inside of 10 minutes ( they drove past me enroute to the property)
They fined the owner $750 on the spot.

The following day when I went past the house on m postie round the dog was on a chain.

I’ wasn’t a “woke” postie, just a postie delivering mail. If anyone’s dog bit me I called dong control to get the dog impounded and the owner fined.
I didn’t expect to be attacked on the job by a canine that was roaming the neighborhood and not secured on a fenced section as required by law.
MommyLucy · 36-40, F
@justanothername Awwwww! 💖💖💖 Sorry you got bitten by a dog too! 😭😭😭 I was just five years old and the oain of those needles to give my stitches were the worst pain of my life even worse than child birth to be honest and as a result I am terrified of needles! 😔😔😔 I sent you some private messages about a new game I invented so please reply to that? 😘😘😘 I rather think haply thoughts as this post upset me! 😥😥😥
justanothername · 51-55, M
@MommyLucy Don’t worry I got to laugh the next day when I saw the dog chained up.
I’m very sorry to hear about your dog bite.
MommyLucy · 36-40, F
@justanothername If dogs were treated right they would not need to be tide up in my opinion! 😥😥😥 The dog that bit me was abused by a drug addict who died just two years later in prison so I never blamed the dog cause bless him he was abused and knew no better! 🤗🤗🤗 Can you please with a strawberry on top look at my new post? (I won't send a link here cause I want to keep it private for my Similar Worlds friends only) 😘😘😘
When does a stranger have the right to stomp up your front porch, ring your front door bell, and confront you on your political beliefs and right to free speech?

That's legal. If someone rings your doorbell, you can tell them to leave, but you can't attack them. That's why Fuentes is in legal trouble now.
sree251 · 41-45, M
True, not everyone is aware of systemic oppression.

Systemic oppression? Are you possessed by the Devil or what? You woke people are afflicted by a psychological condition.

However, most people who aren't woke still aren't blinded by hatred. The average person isn't woke, but the average person also isn't in the Trump Cult.

The whole of humanity unaffected by the woke complex is in the Trump cult. 1.4 billion Chinese are not woke and are in the Trump cult. So are the 1.3 billion people in India. The Japanese and Koreans, especially Kim Jong Un, are in the Trump cult. You woke people are a small group of white folks.
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It's an evolution from religious evangelists and sales people, who've been door-knocking on front porches for 70 years or more - no different to JWs, or insurance, security or tupperware.
Except, of course, the "woke" political campaigners are volunteers - not paid.
They are definitely NOT supposed to use any form of confrontational technique.
So if you see them again, get their name and the phone numbers of their candidate and their supervisor. Or look up the numbers or email addresses online & put in a formal complaint.

In the training, volunteers practice asking people what their primary concerns are for the upcoming election. Then, if you want to ask about their policy or what they've achieved on that issue, you can and they'll either tell you, or offer a leaflet. You can also ask about their constitution, how they organise, and how they are funded.
You can also say, as soon as they introduce themselves, "No, I'm not interested. Please leave." And they will do so immediately.

Personally, I've avoided door-knocking precisely because I believe it's an infringement on people's right to privacy. Anyone can look up what they want to know on any candidate's website.

However, "woke" parties have discovered that their votes have gone up significantly in areas where they've door-knocked. So it works, and that's why they do it.

I am woke and have known countless woke people across my lifetime.
Not all "woke" people are rude. I say this not just because thy're not rude to me but because I've seen how we relate with those who are not. We do believe in democracy and in people's right to live as they see fit so long as it does no harm to others.
In fact, with most woke people, you wouldn't even know their values, because they don't share unless you ask. For most, it's about living it, literally showing what's possible in daily life.

Only about 5% are activists - and a few of them, regrettably, see it as a kind of war - all about attracting media attention any way they can.
I've seen some who really are verbally abusive. I find it offensive, unnecessary, and counter-productive. There is no good reason and no excuse for it.
MommyLucy · 36-40, F
When I was just five years old I aggressively got bitten by a big dog that left me bleeding and I had to rush to the hospital because the bleeding wouldn't stop! 🤬🤬🤬 If my daddy was not there who knows if it would just be my leg? 😭😭😭 I had to have stitches and the insurance my parents had at the time did not cover anesthetic so I felt every needle go into my cut open skin and I never cried so hard in my life! 😭😭😭 It broke my mothers and daddy's heart hearing me scream and howl while getting stitches which with universal healthcare or even with todays obamacare I might of got some pain relief but this was long before obamacare! 😭😭😭 Dogs biting people is NOT a joke and because of that incident I have a huge fear of both needles and big dogs which is sad cause I LOVE animals! 😭😭😭 Being left wing (which I am quite left wing) or 'woke' as you call it is NOT a reason to send an angry dog on someone as my leg getting mauled at age five and then stitches without pain relief because our insurance wouldn't cover it makes me angry that someone on the right thinks being on the left deserves a dog attack and to be honest it is also unfair on the dog as he will be taken by authorities which is not fair on the dog either so this post makes me a little annoyed to be completely honest! 😤😤😤
You don't have to be a progressive to want to have a go at a fascist. You just need to be a decent human being.
@sree251 Unlike you I know what fascism is. Unlike you who think it means literally anything that triggers you.
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whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
😂Seriously.. Thank you for proving that Republicans DO have a sense of humour, claiming to give lessons in manners. I havent laughed so much in weeks..😷
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
I don't like people cold callimg or trying to directly sell me anything, be it tea towels or eternal salvation. But if this is an example of "the good manners of traditional America", god help you all.
DonaldTrumpet · 70-79, M
SHEz PrObabYz On whoREmoanZ
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Dave1955 · 61-69, M
@Dave1955 Actually, she was lucky not to be shot and killed, dumped in a tractor bucket and taken to a remote spot to be cremated. Which what happened to a poor man "accidentally " shot by his father in Texas.
see post by legalboxers
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