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Yes, then I guess I am MAGA

What I want for my Country and Fellow Americans:

I want the best Healthcare in the world
I want the highest standard of living in the world
I want the longest life span in the world
I want the #1 economy in the world
I want the best education system in the world
I want the most educated population in the world
I want the cleanest air in the world
I want the least polluted Country in the world
I want the most pristine national and state parks in the world

and yes

I want the greatest, most powerful military in the world
I want the lowest crime rate in the world
I want the most harmonist citizenry in the world
I want the most fair and orderly immigration system in the world

So, if you think me a "deplorable" person for wanting these things for my Country and ALL my fellow citizens, then I guess we know who the real deplorables are.

Keep voting for the aristocratic party and see where we all end up. Take your failed Marxism to another part of the world.
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Northwest · M Best Comment
Looking for clarification here. Who's your, in the following statement: Take your failed Marxism to another part of the world.

And is this in the USA? Because none of the major candidates were running as Marxists.

And one more thing: the US is already there in several areas, so what's the plan, for instance, to give us the best healthcare system in the world? Least polluted? Most harmonist?
Northwest · M
@Mesthartiya Read what I wrote. "Medical facilities" is not the same thing as Healthcare.

And don't look now, but the USA is the country that the overwhelming majority of people WANT to immigrate to.

Higher education: Have you looked at ANY list of highest rated universities in the world?

@Northwest The OP mentioned the best healthcare, not the best healthcare facilities. Not much use if Americans can’t afford them. Also, I don’t see an American university at number 1 in the rankings. But sure you can have that too
Northwest · M

Also, I don’t see an American university at number 1 in the rankings. But sure you can have that too

And where are you looking?

Try these:

Zeuro · 26-30, F
Bruh, it’s not that you want those things, those are all good things to want. It’s the fact that you think you can get those things from a Trump presidency. That’s the issue.
Zeuro · 26-30, F
@JimBeam yeah no shit. And that’s how it should be. Make them pay even more
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@Zeuro sure because it is not fair
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Teirdalin · 31-35
Voting for the destruction of the department of education and eradication of the affordable healthcare act, and putting Elon Musk in a government position when he's trying to get about 100b of tax payer money paid into his pockets lately, as well as voting for higher tariffs on all imports (which in turn causes companies to see an opportunity to artificially inflate prices even more even if they're not relying on imports) is a funny way to go about some of those issues.
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
@Teirdalin Not one of those things have happened. Not one.
JimBeam · M

There's no reason to have a department of education.
MyGirlPhotoswell · 61-69, M
@Teirdalin we not only did fine before the creation of the Federal Department of Education, we did better before its creation. Quit drinking the cool aid
@MyGirlPhotoswell says

I want the best Healthcare in the world
Glad to hear it! Let's use life expectancy as a measure of health care effectiveness and see who is doing well and how much it costs. Oh, and we'll use infant mortality rates as a check.

Hmm. Kinda looks like there might be room for improvement here in the US of A, wouldn't you say?

Note the graph goes 1970-2018.

Infant mortality in 2020

Kinda looks like we might be able to learn something from all those other developed nations who deliver longer life expectancy at FAR lower cost, wouldn't you say?
Ynotisay · M
@ElwoodBlues We pay the most and get the least. Because FREEDOM! And because AMERICA!
Along with the environment and wages, it's a perfect example of how SO many have been systematically trained to fight in direct opposition to their own best interests. It's utterly nonsensical. And totally American.
Corporalcolleague · 61-69, M
you had me in full agreement until your last two sentences....I don't think that wanting all of those things makes someone MAGA....I think a devotion to the whims, nastiness, racism, science denying, and misogyny of the incoming president-elect are what tip the scales in the MAGA direction. Just my opinion.
swirlie · F
But when you voted Republican in namesake, you were actually voting for the extreme right-wing, Trump Labor Party, who of course hijacked the Republican Party of America.

This means the Republican Party you voted for no longer exists in principle. You therefore voted for the Trump Labor Party to replace the Democrats when you thought you were voting for the Republicans to do that same job, just for the record.

The exact same thing happened in the 1930's between Hitler's extreme right-wing Nazi Labor Party and Mussolini's extreme right-wing fascist National Socialist Party.

Hitler's Nazi Party employed Racism with it's fascism, whereas Mussolini's National Socialist Party of Italy did not embrace Racism as a fundamental mandate for their fascist existence.

Mussolini's National Socialist Party, like the American Republican Party, was a well-established party of right-wing, nationalistic conservatives, whereas Hitler's not-at-all-established party of right-wing Racist nationalists like the Trump Labor Party, was largely an unknown political entity in Germany at the time.

Hitler promised to serve the needs of farmers and uneducated factory workers in Germany, whereas Trump promised to serve the needs of farmers and uneducated American white males in the USA.

Hitler then piggybacked his cause on Mussolini's back and together they formed an alliance where Mussolini's Party gave Hitler his legitimacy among common voters. In other words, Hitler hijacked Mussolini's National Socialist Party.

Trump did exactly the same thing to the Republican Party in America, as Hitler did to Mussolini's Socialist Party in Italy, which then spread like wildfire throughout Europe... and the war was on.

Hitler's mandate was to take over Europe but he couldn't do it without Mussolini, nor can the Trump Labor Party do it without the Republican Party.
MyGirlPhotoswell · 61-69, M
Anyone that resorts to using "Hitler" and Mussolini" in there talking points exemplifies what being brainwashed by the State, or in this case, academia and the Democrat Party are. There is little difference between your phycological profile and the gullible people of 1929 Germany. You personally, most likely, couldn't explain the difference between Marxism, Communism, and economic democracy without first consulting Wikipedia.
swirlie · F
Anyone who resorts to MAGA-ism in their attempt to achieve the illusion of America having the best healthcare, the best standard of living and longest lifespan of any nation in the world, is one who is so delusional in their perspective of reality, that they actually believe that America IS the greatest country in the world, even WITHOUT anything on that wish-list of your's ever coming to fruition, which is currently the case for the USA!

Were you thinking that Trump was about to make your illusive wishes come true or something?! 🤣
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
The countries with the best healthcare, best childcare, longer life spans are typically secular so good luck with that.
@SatanBurger The OP is really just a description of the Nordic countries and the German Sprachraum.
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@BohemianBabe If you really think about it, under Trump's America these are the worst type of conservatives to really get an overall good economy, I say worst types because I recognize a political spectrum.

Like in countries with abortion outlawed, it is more religious by the very nature of pro life arguments. They also have a rise in all cause mortality between women and children, that's happening here too in the states.

It's widely argued that if you work on better child care programs, better health care programs AND have abortion plus contraceptives, people feel entitled to have MORE kids, not less. But as poverty rates soar, who is going to choose to have kids in an economy that threatens doctors and women with jail time like that?

They want the old ways that don't work AND want it to get better, you can't have both. That's the irony in saying you want better health care for your country AND you're also a Trump Maga person, you can't have both.

A lot of their policies are the exact opposite.
If you really think about it, under Trump's America these are the worst type of conservatives to really get an overall good economy, I say worst types because I recognize a political spectrum.

To put into perspective just how bad the Republicans have become, remember there was a time where the election was Obama vs Romney. The signature policy of the former, the ACA, was based on the a healthcare program created by the latter. And then the ACA ended up getting saved by McCain. But now in the age of Trumpism, Republicans want to cut the ACA, replace it with nothing, and then cut medicare and medicaid.

So yeah, there is a spectrum. McCain and Romney were to the Right of people like us, but they weren't far-right Fascists who just want the entire working-class to be poor.
JackJames · M
It’s always good to want those things. However, as someone who is looking at this from the outside. I think you do not have the right people in place for this. You are going to see that the people that are supposedly going to be placed in these position will not do what’s best for the people. They will do what’s best for them. If you think that someone like Elon Musk will do nothing other than influence things in order to give himself more power. One day you will look back and not recognize the country and not on a good way.
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
What has ANY of those wonderful things to do with the MAGA program???
Kypro · 51-55, M
With critical thinking at an all time low, maybe there is a causal relationship to these failures.
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Kypro · 51-55, M
@SW-User aha
@SW-User They probably thought they were voting for Peter Griffin.
PalteseMalconFunch · 36-40, T
Not deplorable just fooled. You’re not going to get any of those things. Actually a lot of them are going to be made even worse by the MAGA platform.

So yea that makes no sense.
Fa8393 · 41-45, M
Here , here to that . Make america great again . We wanted that and we got it .
Zeuro · 26-30, F
@Fa8393 except he’ll get us even further from those goals. What about that do you not get? If you believe everyone in America should get a dog, don’t vote for the dog hating cat lady. It’s a pretty simple concept. You can’t just say “I support welfare” and then “I support how the most anti welfare candidate will get us more welfare”. Then no, you don’t support welfare, because you voted for someone that vowed to get rid of it.
Zeuro · 26-30, F
@specman we probably wouldn’t get all those things but we’d certainly be closer to having them under a president who didn’t take a vow against those things. If you think Trump is more likely to get us closer to that goal then you’re clearly deluded.
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AbbySvenz · F
Have you even read Project 2025?

Spoilers: it doesn’t do any of those things
All very laudable, and we'd all want them, especially the clean air and the pristine national parks, but literally none of those things are going to happen under Trump. The last one in particular made me laugh quite a lot.
I'd be very interested to understand the thought process that leads you to both (a) want those things and (b) vote for Trump.

Can you elaborate?
4meAndyou · F
You just joined my list of SW members with admirable bravery for stating your beliefs, without regard for the vitriol you were sure to attract!!!

GeniUs · 56-60, M
God bless Amurica. Sadly the people in a position to make this happen only want to increase their own wealth.
Heartlander · 80-89, M
The way Democrats and their media stooges demonized MAGA and mocked the red hats was right out of the Nazi playbook when they demonized the Jews. Deplorable, etc. The 2 tiered justice system?

It’s pretty obvious that Hunter was cruising the globe serving as Joe Biden’s bagman. And for pointing that out Trump was impeached by a Democrat House?
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Neoerectus · M
@Heartlander Projection...
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Vin53 · M
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
Good for you wanting all those things. but it does beg the question, what the H*ll are you doing in America if you want all that??😷
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
What happens when China attacks Australia? @whowasthatmaskedman
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[image/video deleted]
Outstanding post!!
Nothing wrong with MAGA. Even Bill wanted to MAGA.
trollslayer · 46-50, M
Me too. That’s why I voted Harris.
You believe Trump will give us all those things, or just closer to it than the opposition? Did any of the third options give you more hope of these things?

How many of these can the president realistically make happen? What needs congress?
Dino11 · M
Trump (45,47) By A MAGALandslide Mandate!
Dino11 · M
@Kypro Get Over It, The Woke Demshit and Lawfare Witch Hunt Era is Over,
Say the Majority of Americans and the SCOTUS
Trump (45,47) By A MAGA Landslide Mandate!
Kypro · 51-55, M
@Dino11 2 losses and a 49-48% win isn’t a mandate but don’t let facts interfere
Kypro · 51-55, M
It’s not improper to hunt a real witch
Ynotisay · M
You can want those things. But you're on the diametrically opposed side in regards to making those things happen. Clearly.
You've swallowed sound bites, intended to manipulate with no basis in reality, and think they're true. They're not. By a longshot.
And to toss it out there? Marxism is not a thing in the U.S,. Never has been and never will be. So why say it?
I know why but you should come to that on your own.
JohnOlinger81 · 41-45, M
Dave1955 · 61-69, M
This is a list of USA fails.
goodlil666 · 51-55, M
We had all that under Biden just ask any of his followers.
JimBeam · M

And a secure border.
goodlil666 · 51-55, M
@JimBeam That's right a safe and secure border
JimBeam · M

Biden was good at that.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
Well. To be honest, I am sure the new owners will help with the last four once they take over..😷
hunkalove · 61-69, M
You are so lost in a world of fear and hate you don't have a clue, do you?
Vin53 · M
And you think you can get ONE of those things with trump????

😝 🤣 😝 🤪
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Elessar · 26-30, M
Good luck with that, Trump's vocal about killing pretty much everything on your list
Bumbles · 51-55, M
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